There is no campaign tree, sorry
I don't wanna sound pessimistic, but you are not going to have much luck here, very unfrequented
I would advise joining our Discord server, where other people are looking for opponents :)
You can join it here: https://discord.gg/Tn63mrwJyH
A clean install will not solve this
If you face any bug in the game, it will happen over and over again because it is a code error (me), not some files randomly getting affected
So, in this case, please just send me your save file with the bug happening as this would help me immensely to fix the said bug
You can do this by sending the save file to my work email: valentinstudio@icloud.com
When it should take seconds? I mean, we're talking about hundred of times slower? It is a problem. 300 MB is ridiculously small :)
I used to drag and drop ALL of my .zip and it would be over in a matter of seconds, but it is not the case anymore, so, yeah, it's a big deal :)
I now have to do them 1 by 1 and wait an eternity for it to complete the upload
I would be less hostile if this was not going on for 2 weeks or something :)
Thank you for answering me though!
Good day all
I've been uploading to Itch.IO for about over a year now, been smooth all this time
But it's been a week or two now that uploading files take simply forever
15 minutes to upload a 300 MB zip
I am uploading the exact same files to Steam, as well as the AppStore and the PlayStore, and things are blazing fast
I am using an Ethernet connexion and I have optic fiber at home, my connexion is good (almost 1 GB in up and down speed)
Any change on your guys' end? At this point I don't even want to update my game on here anymore, I have to upload 8 files every time... (Mac, Windows, Linux + respective demo + Android + demo forAndroid).
Good evening,
Not really, the game tells you where each unit can be upgraded already. By playing the game a little you will quickly be able to tell where you can and where you cannot. Keep in mind that you can and should use the 'hide all units' button (H - shortcut) to have a better clarity of the map. You also can and should use the 'show tiles types' button to show the size of each urban tile.
You can disband units by either doing so through the Order of Battle, each unit slot has a delete button, or by selecting a unit on the map and simply pressing 'delete' on your keyboard (the DEL key)
What date was this? If it was 1945, would not be a surprise, the game ends in 1945
Except you, nobody said anything about campaigns ending early so I'll take it as you're not experienced with the game yet
The outline color (gold, black, silver) does NOT matter in any way when it comes to upgrade. The outline simply indicates if the victory point is Major, Secondary, or Regular.
Big cities = capitals. Find a factory, those will work fine too. Or Reinforcement Tile.
No, having it a captured unit will not matter.
All captured units are made core units because until recently, you could NOT upgrade captured equipment, and therefore anything you'd capture would be lost. This kinda suck if you wanna keep a T-34 or a KV-1 as a core unit! What if you don't want it? Just disband it :)
This could be changed now that I have implemented a way to upgrade captured equipment.
You did not complete anything at all after playing 2 maps. I do not know how you started the campaign, but unless you started the campaign through the CAMPAIGN MENU, it won't lead you anywhere. You need to play the campaign through the campaign menu in order to have the possibility to go from one scenario to the next etc. When completing a campaign scenario, you will find one or 2 buttons at the top left of your screen indicating which scenario you have access to next, clicking on either will load the next scenario.
Welcome to the game!
It was made to get the player familiar with the different type of units in the game without having him feeling overwhelmed :)
The carrier in this scenario has absolutely no purpose, since you have airfields nearby. But if you start playing bigger scenarios, or scenarios without any airfields nearby, you will be happy to have a carrier with you to refuel, repair, and rearm your carrier planes.
Aircraft carriers provide the same services as regular airfields, except they only work with compatible planes (carrier compatible planes). Look for planes having an anchor icon. These are carrier compatible.
Yes, factories and refineries both produce income and will boost your economy.
hello there!
funny name for the topic :))
actually, the kickstarter wasn’t professional and I didn’t get any help at all for it
Just try to imagine what a 20 y/o who just been using Unity for several months would have set up
That’s right, you got no support LOL
So, no way anyone would’ve noticed me back then
anyway, it is one unit per hex as per panzer general’s rules :) Sorry!
Hi Markus !
Appreciate that man
You can donate through the "buy me a beer" button in the main menu of the game (bottom right). Will take you to my paypal donation page :)
Don't think you'll be able to get the extra tracks unfortunately :(
To allow the tracks to appear in the game I do a check on the steam items of the player and I check if he purchased the DLC using steam's API. I can't do it here.
cheers and have fun !
Operation Citadel is a WWII TBT hex tile wargame. Available on all platforms (Soon probably on mobiles too im working on it).
The game covers all fronts of WWII, has overt 750 units, features tons of mechanics (submarine diving, winter casualties, season change etc etc).
Game has been designed with single player in mind but you can play by email with anyone.
I worked on it alone, only my brother helped by painting the tiles + making the wallpaper + making the UI. I did all the prog + units.
Game has been in early access since March 5th, and left this state 2 days ago.
Project was started in December 2019. This is my first try at making a game.
Trailer :