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A member registered Nov 14, 2019 · View creator page →

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Loved it! Especially the player model. I also faced the bug in level 2, but jumping solved it. Great work man. Good luck!

"Its a feature not a bug" hahaha

Actually the package colour is masked to be a roughness of 1 actually, and the colours are emissive. I thought that would be enough, but yeah I think I should have done the entire package

This was super fun! Def one of those games that makes me want to keep replaying to get faster and faster at it.

Pretty cool game! And polished for the direction you were heading in.

Just one suggestion, I think in games like this keyboard support is important, especially with numbered options :)

I liked the approach with the cutouts. And the voice acting was great for this hahaha

I'm sure this could be a legit retail game if given more time to polish the visuals a bit!


I agree about the packages, I was trying a lot of different combinations of lighting levels, but nothing seemed to work just right

Thank you! I'm pretty pleased with it overall! I just wish I had a BIT more time to polish out the tutorial

Oh I had so much stuff planned for the money and satisfaction. Like for eg modular rooms that you can purchase (you can actually see some of that in the randomized back of the room that spawns with each session). if only I had more time T_T

THOSE MEATY BLOBS are what I live for! How did you do that? I was trying to look for something similar for my entry but ran out of time

Loved the game btw! Really really strong art direction!

Wow! Loved the game, but the most impressive is that package size! How did you even get it down that low?

I cant believe someone else found the exact same font to use for their game title! Hahaha love it!

Thank you!