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Yeah, decent, nice work!
A couple tiny things:
1) Not sure of the cause, but on one run I had killed everything in the level but there was still one on the counter. I'm guessing with the counter had become desynced from the actual enemy count, or an enemy had wound up outside of the level.
2) If you lose your last hit right after beating the last enemy, you wind up with both the Win and Lose popups on screen at the same time, over each other.
3) On the Win screen, "again" has a typo ("agian").
But yeah, runs well, feels nice, I appreciate the different weapons having legitimate differences, I wasn't glitching through the floor or seeing through walls; I enjoyed it, solid!
Hi there!
OK, I tried again (both in the browser and downloading), and it's no-go, it still fails at the same point. (It did eventually progress pass "reach the stretcher"... But that was long after I'd dropped it off, and while I was wandering round the incinerator room?!?)
I recorded a video so you can see the issue for yourself, hope it helps.
Update: yeah, so I just double-checked and, sure enough, walking around in that specific area of the incinerator room is what progresses the tutorial past the first tooltip (even before you've gotten the stretcher). I guess the very first time I played, I happened to explore and wander there before I'd gone for the stretcher. So it looks like there's a mis-aligned trigger here.
Ahh, right, OK, so; what's happened here is I saw that little note and went over to it... but with the limited head pitch, if I'm standing right up to the table and look down, it's not quite far enough to bring up the interact prompt with the note, so I dismissed it and moved on. I need to stand slightly further away, or look at the note from an angle further along the table.
(Also, on this second attempt, it's stuck on the "First reach the stretcher..." tip even after I've moved the stretcher, loaded the body, checked the PC etc, and now won't let me interact with the body at all, so... Gahh! Third time's the charm, I hope :D )
Update: yeah, no, now I can never get it to progress past asking me to grab the stretcher. I think I'm going to put this down for now, sorry! Happy to take another look later one
Not sure what I'm missing, but I couldn't progress past the first few minutes.
After checking the PC and looking at the body, I got a hint saying "Some victims may have personal effects. These can be analyzed to gather valuable intel.", and I couldn't find a way to continue.
I tried looking at every nearby surface, seeing if I could open the nearby locker or anything else around, and going back to the body and clicking to Start Analysis - none had any effect.
I can't figure out how to actually get resources to use the second chest, but that may be because I can't figure out the controls...
The controls give movement as ZSQD (which is... odd, but manageable), but actions as gamepad controls? It looks like these actually map to 1, 2 and 3 on the keyboard, but then those buttons don't seem to do what the on-screen prompts say. (Like, the third action button maps to 3, and says it's for "Bush", but seems to actually be to dig plants up?)I got to the ending, jumped into a corner and got completely stuck; couldn't progress, couldn't die, completely softlocked. If I'd waited another hour or so to start, there was a patch to give a restart option. Nooooo!
(Also; in that section, it says S is supposed to bring up settings, but it didn't do anything?
Thank you, cool experience!
I have a bug report though; at least with my setup (2 monitors, 4k on left and 1080p on right), the game was unplayable by default; the window opened mostly off the bottom of the screen, split across both screens, and the standard windows options to move it wouldn't come up. I had to turn off my second screen to get it to come up as intended and be playable. Worth the little effort, but a lot of people might not know how to deal with this...
I like this, but stuck on the level with 1 box and four Xs. It seems like I need to duplicate the box somehow, but I'm not sure how; I'd thought that maybe I had to call the "Run Code" block twice for the box or something, but I've tried a few variants and that didn't seem to do anything. I also thought maybe using that for the walls would let me push those but, nope!
145 points. Is that good for a first try?
I like the idea, but because the game always tries to spawn as close to the spawn points on the right as possible, it means you can, very early in the game, get stuck in a cycle of having a stack of two blocks one the spawn, needing the bottom one, picking up the one above to place elsewhere, ands by the time you've done that, it's respawned.
I think it might feel fairer if it explicitly looped which of the 3 points it was trying to spawn to each time. That way, if you clear a block near one, it won't get covered again until blocks have been placed for the other two. (Well, at least until they're *all* so surrounded that everything's in one big mass anyway, but that's the inevitable outcome regardless :) )
Oh no, I'm stuck!
I hit the ...switch? ... in the fourth room (bottom-right room), went back to the bottom-left room where the door was now open. I went as fast as I could, and collided with the red enemy in the left area as it moved down... And then it stopped moving. It's just sat there, blocking my route. I've tried moving back to the room on the right and back, I've tried running into it, running into other enemies, changing my checkpoint... Nothing, it's just sitting there.
I had a look at the vid at the Gamedev Cityffest demo blog post, and it looks like it's meant to just keep going round and round?
I guess I'll restart and try again, only 4 rooms to go back through :)
Edit: Sure enough, on my next play through, no such issue. Fun demo, thanks :)
I hope this is an OK place to report a bug!
I'm on level 27 (playing in browser), and got into a situation where I'd pushed the top guy so their body was right next to the first door, with their hand in the doorframe. Once I pushed away the crate holding the door open, the level reset completely, except now the controls don't work.
I can still hit Esc to bring up the menu, the music is playing, and the scrolling background is still, y'know, scrolling, but WASD/Arrows do nothing. Refreshing the page to reload the game fixes it, and retains my progress (thankfully!)
Good game so far, really enjoying it :)
This was fun! I kept having a bug where, after being hit, my weapon bar stopped filling up, meaning I couldn't attack and was doomed :o The random weapon swaps are interesting! It'd be cool if it kept the % progress towards the reload across weapons (especially when it "switches" to the same weapon again). Keep going, this is good!