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Ric Haines Makes Games

A member registered Nov 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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Haha! Oh no, poor Santa (and reindeer!). I used the jam as an excuse to reboot my VR development as I've been away from it for a while and have only just got a Quest 3 so hadn't done much MR stuff. Things have changed a lot with the plugin(s)/API! It was especially challenging as my Quest doesn't seem to want to identify my office as a room (too messy :D), so I had to run around my flat each time I needed to test my code (hence not really getting things finished)! Thanks so much for trying it out!

Yes, indeed it is! I should have pooled the steering data (bell shakes) and smoothed it to get less severe turning. I think that would help. Thanks for trying my game!

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you had fun. The controls are definitely crammed for four people on one keyboard, but the rules of the jam required it to be an option. My keyboard doesn't have a numpad, so I couldn't add those keys. Maybe I'll add the 'insert/home etc' block, though.

You can use any number of controllers, too, but only on the Windows build for some reason. 

Thanks for pointing out the audio duplicating problem. Restarting the game was a hurried last-minute addition, so I'll look into that.


Thank you! Yes, I always neglect 'onboarding' as I'm lazy :D Do you mean that the button to bring up instructions is too subtle, or that it should be better explained? Thanks for trying my game!

Sorry for the slow reply! Thanks for playing and the suggestion for the tutorial. I think it's a good idea to have players to mimic and I wouldn't have though of it. I'm always a bit lazy when it comes to tutorials/onboarding, which is probably why this project has been gathering dust for so long!

The characters and their animations are absolutely top notch! I'm not sure the gameplay works so well against a timer, though, and one thing I'd change would be the choice of keys - a straight line of keys would make more sense (QWER or ASDF). Also, I wasn't always sure which goobers to choose from the limited clues. This was great fun, though. Well done!

I like this! Bonkers in a good way. I kind of expected the balloon to burst if I held the button too long, but that didn't happen. A really nice entry!

Thanks very much! I've added some more of my games as requested. I was only being tentative as this will be my first bundle and I don't know the etiquette, especially with most of my games being free at this point. Thanks for organising it, btw!

(1 edit)

I'm trying to work out what exactly you mean by 'making precise choices', but I'm very glad you're having fun with my game! What sort of score can you get? A timed mode makes a lot of sense - I may do that. The circle thing could grow by itself and you'd lose if it reaches the number you're on..?!

28 is a crazy-good score! My best is, I think, 59. The wallbumping just fell like that, tbh, as I included it in the turning code to save characters, but I thought it was good to be penalised 2, so it worked out well. Thanks for playing!

Ooh, another Pico jam? ! I'm in! Actually, what might be achievable in 500 chars is a 'run' counter that resets when you miss a putt. Would be fun trying to get the best consecutive run of putts. 

This is a brilliant simulation of Karou Mitoma's amazing goal for Brighton against Wolves this season (YouTube) and I thank you for making it :D

This is great. It feels like a complete game that clearly achieves what it set out to do. I guess it'd be good to have a number of holes (18) and a final score, but that ain't going to happen with three characters spare! Well done!

Thanks very much! I really enjoyed working within the limits of this jam and Pico-8. I think I'll add some audio to this at some point, but I'm eager to try some more ideas out, too!

Thanks very much! My best is in two digits, but the dev is always the best player ever :D

Haha! I can't disagree :D I think my reasoning was "What would Jeff Minter do?". You can either keep the same colours throughout or tie them all to the 'time' variable... it felt right to go psychedelic this time :)

(1 edit)

It sounds like you need to install git on your computer:

Git - Downloads (

Otherwise, grab a .unitypackage file from here Release Lootlocker_UnitySDKv2.1.5 · lootlocker/unity-sdk · GitHub

Then just drop that into your project.

Notice those files are named for which version of Unity you're using

Thanks very much! I do tend to focus more on polish than content, though, and would like to address that a bit in the future!

Cheers! Also, thanks for the suggestion, that's something I'll add when I update - I noticed some of the sounds aren't right when engines are frozen, so I'll upload some fixes after the jam.

Great visuals and environment, and also a nice idea! I would have liked the bomb 'recharge' to happen bit quicker. When I found a laptop (near a church) it was, presumably, broken. I don't know if I could have done much to avoid that and it meant my game was over.

I really like the idea of this! I wonder if it just needs for there to be an element of skill in actually hitting the shot to avoid badly aimed shots that aren't your own fault. I do understand that it's meant as more of a card game than a skill game, though.
The interface could use a tiny bit of polish: I accidentally took a shot a couple of times when I was just scrolling around.
I've only played against myself, unfortunately, but can see the potential this has. Great entry!

Thank you very much! I probably spent too much time making the presentation smooth instead of working on making an AI opponent! I used to play the paper/box game as well! I never thought of the similarity. In fact, my game is heavily influenced by the great board game, Carcasonne. If you've not tried that, I recommend it highly. Thanks again for taking time to try my game! :D

Just a note to say that I don't think this aligns to all the rules of the jam very well. In particular, the rule "Single player only" which I didn't really take in. I had meant to add AI opponents which would have effectively made the game single player, but I ran out of time to implement it. Good luck everyone!

Thank you. That's really nice to hear! :D

I've spent so many hours of my life failing to win at this game! Now I can spend some more... Thank you! :D Is this the world's first 'Foddian' game?!

Good stuff here. I like how you can bowl over a whole row of baddies if you throw from the right angle! I sometimes found throwing wasn't working so well for me, but that might be because I was sitting down. The background is obviously a bit flat, but that's not important. Well done!

This is such a great idea, and has been executed really well. I would like to be able to 'bat' the balls back, perhaps, as well as the catch/throw mechanic. The balls do move rather slowly, but obviously they need to, really, so that's fine imo. Sometimes balls are caught a little away from the middle of your hand, so setting them in the same place on the hand might work better. The characters look great and I saw a young child following her mother, which was a nice touch! I also love how they celebrate when you're dunked :D

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the game. 20 is a good score that I can barely get myself (though I do have difficulty throwing due to an injury). I went for the 'moody' atmosphere partly for the aesthetic but also as it hides the simplicity of the environment. My partner said the same as you, though, so I might think about using a lighter sky if I update the game.

Great! It was a while before I realised you'd uploaded a Windows build and I could get to play this. I really like the way you can press buttons with the gun, which it was my instinct to do. I played once with a single hand and again with two hands on the gun. I did better with one hand, strangely. I like the under-the-counter score reset button! Good work!

The environment is nice and clearly has lots of work put in to it. Unfortunately this made the framerate drop a tiny bit on my Quest 2 (through the in-built browser) . I wonder if the bullets should move faster, but that doesn't stop the shooting from being fun.

This is nicely made and looks good, albeit not making the best use of the carnival theme. I don't understand the challenge as there doesn't seem to be a timer or anything to cause a 'game over'..? Smaller things to add might be:

* Something to show you need to wait before pressing the buttons (in game mode #2).

* Different leaderboards for different game modes/difficulties.

* Some form of background for non-passthrough mode?

It's a great start, though, and I like that it works in passthrough.

I'm really glad you like my game. It's definitely too difficult at the moment, even though I was aiming for 'challenging'. I showed it to my partner a few days after the jam and even I couldn't get back from screen two after around 3 tries, so that's pretty telling!

I'm going to do some more work on it, I think. I'll add some 'intermediate' floors that appear before the harder, current ones come along. That should help with the time limit a bit.

I like another commenter's ideas about ability pickups (double jump, dash, turn in the air) and I'm considering how to add those and whether they'd be permanent additions (a la roguelite) or just for the current run.

Thanks for hosting the jam!

As mentioned on another comment, I've updated the WINDOWS build to v0.2 with, I think, a subtle improvement to the jump responsiveness.

Thanks again for your feedback

I'm not sure exactly what you're suggesting but I've had a fiddle with the jump today and I think it feels a little better now.

I really want to keep the jump on key-up as that produces a need for timing when you want to do a big jump. I also prefer the hold/release mechanic of wall jumping.

What I've added are:

* A micro-jump on key-down that blends with the main jump if you tap/release the key quickly. You can just see it when you hold the button and the character goes into a crouch (which just looks like 'animation' in that case) but does mean that the character's jump technically begins on key-down now.

* a subtle sound effect on key-down, adding a modicum of feedback.

* a fraction of leeway with checking whether you are on a platform, meaning slightly late jumps are registered.

I've uploaded the WINDOWS build to v0.2, alongside the jam entry version, if you fancy giving it a try (absolutely no worries if you don't, ofc :D


Thanks for playing and I'm glad you like the game.

I'm thinking the game leans about one degree into being roguelike by choosing a random set of rooms each time. I'm hoping people will get used to the room layouts as they play multiple runs. There're only four different rooms so far (after the first room that doesn't change, apart from flipping horizontally) and I reckon someone could master all of those after a couple of tries each.

The level designs were definitely rushed, though, and should be more evenly difficult.

Thanks again for your kind words!

Thanks very much indeed!

I'm glad you like the contrast in atmosphere. It really shouldn't work but does! I think it reflects my own slightly morbid sense of humour, too :D

I'll look into the change direction/jump issue, but I don't think there's a delay of any kind, beyond perhaps the actual exact same-frame, if you see what I mean. As I've said elsewhere, I wonder if it's more about the jump happening on the key-up rather than key-down (or mouse-up/down) that makes it feel delayed?

Thanks for playing and for your great feedback!

Thanks very much for your kind words. I will add alternative keyboard controls at some point. I've not come across that problem before. What exactly is making popups appear for you? Is it a laptop feature of some kind?

The jump responsiveness issue is probably due to the jump happening on key-up rather than key-down, I would guess (I did have a little bit of 'bounce' on the main character which looked nice but made quick jumps a bit hit-and-miss, so I dropped that).

I like the idea of picking up abilities. Double jump and dash would work well and could be used to speed up your run. I think turn is always going to be needed to complete a room, though.

Thanks again!

This is a nice, original take on the invisible platforms theme. Like the other commenters, I had some difficulty understanding exactly what was expected of me, so some explanation or visual clue that I was progressing by shooting the enemies would help a lot. I didn't understand the dark red spots that kept spawning new baddies no matter how many times I shot them. However, the sound is really nice and the concept original. A great entry to the jam. Keep them coming!

This is a really nice entry! The pixel art is really nice (I particularly like the moon when it becomes visible!) and the atmosphere is wonderful. It's a great idea to have the platforms there but invisible without the light, meaning you can reserve coldness if you dare to push ahead without visibility. I can't really fault this one at all. One miniscule thing: if you press escape the game freezes. But, tbh, I shouldn't have done that :D

The jumping 'squishiness' is nice :D and I like the wall jump, where you can jump in the same direction again. The main mechanic is a great interpretation of the theme and I could definitely see this being taken further. I had no sound, so I presume that didn't get done in the time, but just a few blips and beeps would have benefitted the game, given the minimalistic design. Very nice work!