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Adam Freeman

A member registered Sep 07, 2015 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Absolutely awesome Beyond review by @pacmanufactured

Hi, I'm sorry that I am late seeing this notification.
Are you adding content/creators after release because I would like to join.
If not please consider me for future charity bundles.
I hope you reach your goal!

I'm glad to say that I have just uploaded an update to Diver (v2.0) which fixes stability issues, most notably: shooting electric eels will no longer cause a crash to desktop. Thanks so much for encouraging me to finally finding a fix for this. :)


omg I missed you buddy, you know I couldn't of done this without you!

I am sorry to hear that, could it be your antivirus software? Please provide more detail and I might be able to help.




Please consider my above game to be included in The Racial Justice and Equality bundle.

Best regards,


Wow, I am so sorry, I don't know how I missed your comment for so long...

The game is for Windows only at the moment as I don't own a linux machine to test it on, plus I don't know much about linux to be confident as to its stability.

Sorry for my ignorance and again for not noticing your comment.

best regards,


That was the plan! Originally I made three games with the idea of expanding on one of them.

RunOver was my first, Hazard was my second and Diver was my third.

Then I started a fourth one...   And I have tried out a few concepts but nothing has really stuck.

I am starting to think that remaking Hazard or even just moving onto Hazard 2 would be the way to go...

Thank you for playing my game and taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it.



(Also, apologies for the late reply, I went away for a month - which is totally no excuse)

I go away for a month and what happens? 

Not one but two comments! Awesome!

Unfortunately I would love to say that it was something on my side (I have a guilty conscience, like to take the blame)

but I have had other payments through. Not exactly at the same time as you though, so could be Ich.io was having an issue with my account.

Anyway, I have had payments since, so if you wouldn't mind trying again that would be great!

Alternatively, you can make direct payments through paypal using bec.lloyd.freeman@gmail.com

Either way,  thank you so much for playing my game and taking the time to comment.



(20 edits)

Update notes :

16.06.15 - Diver_v1_1.zip - Fixed a minor bug.

17.09.15 - Diver_v1_2.zip - Fixed minor air supply bug.

18.09.15 - Diver_v1_3.zip - Fixed a major crash on startup bug.

18.09,15 - Diver_v1_3b.zip - Fixed the only desktop resolution allowed bug.

18.09.15 - Diver_v1_3c.zip - Fixed grey screen bug on med & low settings.

19.09.15 - Diver_v1_4.zip - Fixed some control issues.

21.09.15 - Diver_v1_5.zip - Fixed a rare treasure bug.

21.09.15 - Diver_v1_5b.zip - Temp fix for mouse sensitivity settings not saving.

Will now save settings permanently after you exit introduction (2nd) map. Working on it.

21.09.15 - Diver_v1_5c.zip - Fixed mouse sensitivity settings saving bug. \o/

22.09.15 - Diver_v1_6.zip - Fixed some minor in-game text errors.

22.09.15 - Diver_v1_6b.zip - Fixed traceline texture id & floating fishbone issues.

24.09.15 - Diver_v1_7.zip - Fixed a reward not showing up.

27.09.15 - Diver_v1_8.zip - Added scoreboard/objectives info & more help text.

30.09.15 - Diver_v1_9.zip - Added (currently owned) air supply indicator onto

(TAB) scoreboard and also increased stamina on dry land, so you can run longer.

29.07.21 - Diver_v2.7z/exe/zip - Fixed stability issues, most notably: shooting an electric eel with your spear or harpoon gun won't cause a crash to desktop.