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A member registered Feb 12, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hey Daniel! 'Physical Game' is just how tabletop games are tagged on itch. Since it's a video game website, there still isn't an actual tag for tabletop games and we make do with the physical tag. 

As for feedback on the ashcan, I'm not looking for anything specific but am open to hearing about anything! I mostly have some ideas for future updates, so didn't want to call it complete just yet.

You can expand as far as you want. Most games you'll end up in the neighborhood of 5x5 so that's why the setup instructions ask you to leave at least that much space, but it's by no means a mandate.

Basically, each suspect has up to four clues that they can be connected to--specifically connected in a way that will lead to the murder being solved. When that connection is made, you put an answer token between the suspect & clue. You're not connecting suspect and suspect, so any number of other characters can show up and interact in these scenes. 

Keep in mind that you get to choose how these answers are generated, so can set a scene with anyone in it as long as it leads to a convincing connection between the chosen suspect and clue. The suspect in question doesn't even need to be in the new scene! You touched on that with the last part of your comment; it can be a lot of fun to pull relevance out of what looks like obscurity.

Hi, thanks for checking the game out!

If you're using notecards (as opposed to the worksheet), you'll only add notecards to the journal once you create the suspects, so you shouldn't have any blank ones in there for the killer to be bouncing around in.

If you're playing in worksheet mode (which is much less developed at this stage), I've done it both ways. Usually I will just pretend like the blank squares aren't real and keep the killer in the populated section of the journal. But there was one moment in a solo playtest where I used that situation as an opportunity to add new suspects and spice up my story.

Hi, check out "Online Play.pdf" in the demos section - it will walk you through playing on Miro!

Glad you like it!!

of course! I hope you enjoy the game!

Rules-wise it's pretty easy! since it's a turn based game, with one player it's just always your turn.

Feeling-wise, though, it's definitely a different experience, but the difficulty would depend on the person playing. Since you're not bouncing ideas off of other players throughout play, in my solo playtests the game became much more of an introspective experience where you're trying to come up with ideas that really speak to you in particular.

i'm taking a good long look at my game shelf and itch library to pick the perfect pieces, and figured i'd start this thread to see what people's first thoughts were.

Personally i'm thinking about mashing a board game with an rpg. codenames and the quiet year? deep sea adventure and the wretched? ganz schon clever and monster of the week? somebody stop me!

Stuck outside on a night of the hunt?

I was immediately drawn to this game, as it checks off a lot of my boxes: bloodborne, forged in the dark, tri-fold games, one-shot focused games.

The game offers a few nice twists to FITD to simplify it for one-shot play, but each of these changes pushes the game towards the theme of hunters in a city gone mad for one night. Can't wait to play it!

I'm a big fan of how different all three quick nettles are - hang out at a bar on the moon, play year long space mech football matches where the ball gets lost in saturn's rings, or deal with the sinister disk found on the surface of pluto.

And the three different modes of play offer an interesting twist to the situation - what does it mean to take an issue that cropped up in the sports game over to the tranquility base hotel?

Have you reinvented the wheel? Tell us about it here.

If you write and post a quick nettle, share it here for everyone to check out.

Here's the review Tony from Plus One Exp did back when the kickstarter was running.

Here's a thread for any reviews or comments about the game you may have!

Grasping Nettles community · Created a new topic Questions

Feel free to post any questions about the game here and I'll do my best to get to them.

I'd love to hear about the worlds you've played in and any stories that came from them. Post those here!

Here are the 4 cards i've designed so far

There are quite a few other games trying to fund their existence on itch and wanted to leave their links here for people to check out. Feel free to post any others as well!

(1 edit)

just wanna play as him 


The Plus One Exp Beard Balm Booster - If your character wears a beard in any way, take Well Groomed Beard as a stat. That's it. It's a good one.

it's good shit

The gayhalforc Go Mode - once you take enough damage, you enter Go Mode like you're Terry or something. Everything you do is now tinged with magic and has greater effect.

The Josh Hittie extra dice power. Death Mask Die- if you have to roll the dice and happen to be shrouding yourself in necromantic energies, roll an extra die. Revenant Dice - If you are channeling forgotten memories and skills from your past life, roll an extra die. Add this extra die in whatever way makes sense for your dice class.

Spencer's  Current Favorite Video Game Power - During character creation, give yourself a skill that a character has in a video game you've been enjoying lately, as long as that video game is Destiny or Warframe. For that good inspiration, go buy Light (or Frame whenever it's released).

Yet Another mv pocket power - before you sit down to play, fill your pockets with as many dice as you possibly can. When you're unhappy with a roll, you have 10 seconds to pull a die out of your pocket and set it on the table to whatever face you want. That die is considered to have been rolled naturally.

the kalrog crowd power: Once per session, you can demand to the GM to fill the current room with some sort of crowd and they must work it in somehow, no matter how out of place it might seem at first.

oh i love that. Here's a go at it:


you can never have an odd number of stats. If you have an odd number of stats, roll for an extra one.

Pair off your stats in a way that makes sense to you. Set which one is high, and which one is low. Choose a number for them.

Dice rolls:
when it's time to roll, pick a stat to roll 1d6 on. Roll +1d if you're prepared for the action, and compare the number to that stat's pair score. If the stat you're rolling is low, you want your dice to be below the score. If the stat is high, you want to be above the score.

If no dice succeed, it goes wrong.

If one die succeeds, you succeed with complication.

If two dice succeed, you succeed fully.

If any dice roll the number exactly, ask the GM a question about the situation and they must answer honestly.

the keganexe letter swap power - when writing down the stats you roll on the stat table, you can change some of the letters while nobody's looking. If nobody catches it before you roll and write the next stat, it's canon

Did I miss your favorite dice mechanic? Well, here's your chance to make that known

STAT HEIST community · Created a new topic cheat codes

I'm ripping off of Star Heist here by saying if you give me a rating or leave a review i'll write you a cheat code

or just reply to the twitter thread

I don't know, it just felt right to put this here

Like an image but wish you could edit it properly? Let me know here

If you've used one of the photos I'd love to see what you've done with it, so feel free to use this thread to share

it's a game that asks you to write down the extent of your entire online career and then destroy it. come for the game, stay for the video of me playing the game

Feel free to cover any of my games as well! You probably own them from the Big Bundle but go ahead and snag a community copy if you don't