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A member registered Nov 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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khi khi ). will see how can we make control more smooth 

TQ :)

Thanks :D
Any Thing Which You Think Can Be Improved

mThis Jam Is A Joke, The Only Thing I Can Take From It Is Experience OF Developing Game, I Did not get that much feedback that i would have got from other jams.

and now result is also going to be unfair

Me : Woooooow this is getting crazy

what do you think is subg a project of few days

if we have to wait for subg then we also have to wait for moths

Just Saw the Post On Youtube

Result Will Be Anounced Next Week




With Result?

Nothing Is 

Showning Up

Its like a mobile controll , Hold LMB anywhere to make a  force on player swipe/Move mouse to give direction to the force , and release LMB to Apply Force, you can invert force direction in option menu

Let me to put my game

joined thanks for recommending it to me

(1 edit)

HHmmm Thanks, For Your Advise, After Participating In This Jam I Have Learned One Thing , how to move with your game i learned to learn stuffs just when there is need of it, there is no need of any one to teach you there are tons of source to learn it from, any problem which you are facing is already faced by someone and probably there must be a solution for it in same post

Wonderful Experience, It Was Mine First Game Which I Made All By myself i.e. no instructor, search everything which you don't know in google spend time on you tube i was in love with it

Sorry For Promoting It Here but what a student of class 12th do if his parents think that there study is more important and game development will destroy his future .I real Want To Learn something and i font have money to pay for it neither i get from home for purchasing it. once again sorry if mine comment made you feel bad. i am not of that kind, i also purchase other app which me and my parnts think worth purchasing like fact-tech  ultimate brain booster, well you should also try that app it just boost my productivity

are you also joining jam

bro wait i will get it updated before going to sleep tonight

bro 1. hold LMB

2. change mouse position to desired direction

3. release LMB


wonder full game . just want to say fix this 

Wanna Ask You Something Did you alone made all visual assets, mine mind was just blown away when i saw only single name in credits. 

Thanks, it just jumped into my mind while i was going for sleep.

well any thing that can be improved.your reply will be really valuable

Sure I Will

Working On It

thankyou for playing this game, do you find anything which can be improved. 

sure, thanks for replying 

Really Nice Game CheckOut Mine Game Too

Should I Add Tutorial For Game Plz Reply

you r right

they should remove them before end of submission period.\

(1 edit)

1. your story is going preety fast and startight forward.

2. I dont understand how those small shadows damage player add some animation or something there

now coming to pros,

1. sound track in background suits the game perfectly it just boost mine play exprence to different level

also art used are wonderfull

(1 edit)

@parth i want to have a private chat with you can we talk on dischord( Eye#2846 )

first Of All Sorry if i hurted u. i was not intended to do any thing like that . 
i Tried Your Game and It Reminded Me The Game Which I Also Made Once . so i just comment that . once again sorry , well i have an idea why dont you get some free asstes and put them in you game instead of those boxes just add and player with some animations. once again sorry

 and i was not saying copied it is just lack of english vocaublary

When Will Be DisQualified Game Removed , i Went Through Every Game And Found An 8-9 game are uploade under 4 days
Sorry For Wrong Spellings

your game is nice but it is not elegible for jam bad luck

i Think This Game Is An Edited Version On An Online Available Tutorial