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A member registered Jun 02, 2022

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Question, what features are missing in the itch version? You make a comment on the game's page about the itch version having lesser features?

Would be nice if it could just be hosted by itch.

Otherwise, those of us using the app can't download the native app and have to use the web version.

If I pay the money on itch now, will I lose access with a new update or is the game mine to keep?

can you explain why the game is asking for elevated priviledges? This seems fishy.

No changelog for 0.6.91?

(1 edit)

Seems after I did some content in the cave, I'm stuck in a constant slow walk after a non-medical-bay pregnancy. How do I fix this?

Why host it on a 3rd party site? This makes it unable to be downloaded/autoupdated from the Itch Desktop App.

I swear this game gets updated as often as Jump! itself.

What's with the version scheme? Do I have to download them all and play in order or does v5 have all of them?

So question, is the only romantic/sexual path with Noriko the Blackmail path? Or does Reject path open some possibilities?
Or is it all dependent on the path taken with the mom?

So I bought the game, and have a question.
Is this one of those games where you only have access to a few versions before you have to buy again or is this permanently purchased?

This is something that has persisted across saves and versions. Seems when I favorite someone, their name shows up on the list twice. It's... odd, but doesn't seem to break the game.

This is not a good solution given, you know, entire quest lines and many mechanics of the game revolve around use of the PC (video camera for Meiko, apartment upgrades, etc).

Are we actually going to need to wait a month for a bug to be fixed because of some odd monetization model?

If I pay $9.60 right now, does that give me access to future premium versions of the game? Or is it just for this version of the game?

It's one of those games where you can pay X amount for the latest version, and I meant to do so, but only seemed to select the "donate" option.

Is the system set up that all I have to do is pay an additional $9 and I get the latest version of the $10 game because $1+$9=10? Or does it have to be all in one payment?

Should I be worried about a character showing up in the character list twice?

Seems to have promise. Unique art style.
Guessing not much is complete, though. I got to... maybe Rex fishing around in the vent before I stopped finding stuff to do. Even scanned the hole in the ceiling in the right hallway and the shadow in the men's bathroom stall.

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Seems the most recent update put this game in a non-playable state. When starting the game, after setting up your character and starting to generate the classmates, the game just shows endless errors.

Okay, so apparently this only happened when I tried to skip the tutorial text? Weird.

At the beginning of the game, what is the "Activity classmate" setting right beside the smoking question? Will this have the students be more active in the world?

One issue I had was that I never saw students in the world. It felt empty. Will setting this to Very High fix this?

Unfortunately, no. Too much has changed between the versions. I'd also recommend not skipping the prologue so you have more choice over your character than the quick-skip gives.

(2 edits)

Had a crash-to-main-menu which is new. No error screen, just after I was talking to Dezy about the hole in the wall stuff, it just slammed to main menu.

EDIT: Updating didn't fix it.

Is there a way to remove the commando perk? I even tried to cheat in underwear before it triggered but I still got it. :/

Huh, that's weird. I swear itch would let you lower it all the way to 0 as a token of good faith. Oh well, wish you the best.

"The site takes a huge cut"? It's 10% and you have the freedom to lower it to 0% if you want.

As mentioned before, the systems seem like a great framework for a game (aside from lack of keyboard shortcuts), but where the game fails is content.

If you prefer anything other than submitting to submitting to a group of fems (some with 'equipment', some without), this game may not be for you.

I started as a female and was sad that most if not all the prison staff were female. I then restarted as a male, only to find out the game doesn't seem to like the dommale/subfem archetypes.

Personally, I'd prefer more males in the staff and/or the option to switch genders of current staff first. But if there's plans to allow dom playthrougghs, that's icing on the cake. 

Yeah, not only do you need to be a sub, but you have to be a sub to mostly fem crowd. Shame, because this game seems to have a lot of potential.