Haha thank you for playing !
Aengel Studio
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Very cool game ! The art is REALLY good, and I also like the teleport of the ship because it felt very reactive, I just didn't feel like adjusting the orbit helped me a lot to beat bosses, on the final boss it even caused my death because I got lost in the controls and couldn't readjust it. But it doesn't matter because all the other game-play is really nice so I could still enjoy it !
Very cool game ! The art is REALLY good, and I also like the teleport of the ship because it felt very reactive, I just didn't feel like adjusting the orbit helped me a lot to beat bosses, on the final boss it even caused my death because I got lost in the controls and couldn't readjust it. But it doesn't matter because all the other game-play is really nice so I could still enjoy it !
Oh I'm sorry for the unclear instructions, basically you right click to spin the cylinder of your gun, then a circle appears around your crosshair and you right click every time that circle becomes yellow. With every sucessful spin you gain 1x combo. And to open the door you have to shoot the box on the wall with a 5x combo.
People should be paid to leave reviews like these, thank you for all the info ! About the bullet it is indeed that you can't increase the combo further then the bullets you have in the mag, although I agree on the fact that this would need some more indications. About the map unfortunately it's one of the last things I put together so it probably got a little less love then the rest haha (I tried covering it up by changing level tint and disposition of some corridors but I definitely see why you felt that levels looked similar). And I kinda had the same issue with the bosses where I would have liked to add more to them but the time was kinda short.
I'm very glad you took so much time and effort to rate our game, so really thank you for playing ! (Rick-roll was necessary :) )
To be honest this feels like a really polished game, everything fits together and at first I didn't even read the controls and still figured them out alone in a few seconds, so really intuitive. I would have liked to see more bosses, my first thought was that there were too many attacks for a first boss but since there are none afterwards I think you actually did a good job at balancing !
Thank you for your in-depth review ! I'm very interested in the bug you found with the camera, I don't quite understand what the problem was, is like hypersensitivity, or the camera randomly moving back ? I had this kind of bug in early versions of the web game with the camera flick but I thought I fixed it. I'm 90% confident the bug shouldn't be there in the standalone version of the game (might be wrong though), so if you want the better experience you could play that one !
Thank you so much for these incredibly nice words, this means a lot to me ! I got a few friends to playtest the game and sometimes stayed up until 5 am to fix bugs so I'm really glad you couldn't find any (Often times there are bugs with 3D games for sure). Well tbh I would definitely like to market the game after the jam and I'm already seeing a surprising amount of interest around it so why not !