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A member registered Apr 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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hey, i'm really bad at drawing, so if an artist or someone that can draw fairly well (especially in pixel art) wants to help or team up with me, here's my discord : Groblockia_#3507

ok thanks

it doesn't matter, you just use the tutorial made for the platform you use, no matter what the tutorial for the other platform is

If you're on unity, use the unity tutorial, if you're on godot, use the godot tutorial

hey, i wanted to ask just to be sure i understood correctly, in my case i'm using godot so i should use the tutorial of GameDev Simplified, does that mean i have to implement directional audio in my game as close as possible to how he explained it, or is it fine even if i implement it in an entirely different way than how he did?

i don't see the reason why you would be forbidden to update your game after the gamejam, tough if you wanna be extra careful you could just make another project with the updated game and keep the final version used for the jam in the original project you provided

(1 edit)

the sword disappears when you press enter while in a level, i think it's a bug