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Alicia Furness

A member registered Mar 06, 2019 · View creator page →

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Yes, we missed the set up for backpack and characters. There is no hard and fast rule for introducing the characters, but as you do it, each other player adds an item into the character's backpack. We created an FAQ/Errata which you can find here:

Regarding the ghostly encounter, some mysteries have explicit ghosts in either the paranormal events or as NPCs, and some are more vague. As the game is designed to have prompts that are a bit less specific, most groups will choose when a paranormal event is a "ghost" and when it's not. Regarding information about the other character, the player in question would answer the question (so as not to step on any player's agency) but you can think about the ghost as acting as a conduit/accessing their memories/etc. 

Thanks again for sharing your thoughts.

this system was based on the original rules of Brindlewood Bay, which did not include a keeper reactions list. 

For missed rolls, the group should agree on an appropriate outcome. How has the situation been made worse? Conditions are common. Lost items from the backpack have been done. The sky is the limit. 

so glad to hear you are enjoying the game!!!

I am retuning to say that my tax status has been pending validation for a week. Someone I spoke to was told by support (who still haven’t responded to my ticket of urgent follow up) that validation should take 48 hours. 

I find these delays and lack of communication to be wholly unacceptable. 

you should update the tax information page then, which explicitly says the tax interview only needs to be done once. 

I hope that pending payouts for people in this situation will be made a priority, as some of us have already been waiting for several weeks. 

I would also suggest that notices be sent to people when they need to redo their tax information, which is something that other platforms do. 

(1 edit)

My payouts have been delayed and when I went to see why, I discovered that my tax status has suddenly changed to invalid. I completed the tax interview originally in 2019, and have had monthly payouts since with no issues. 

Now I can’t get any payouts and the ones that are pending suddenly have the 30% withholding applied as well (previously it was 0). 

I was prompted on the tax page to redo the tax interview so I did. But now it only says pending validation, and support won’t answer emails. 

How can I get this escalated so I can get paid? I ran an Itchfunding campaign and need access to that money to pay my freelancers. 

I know of at least one other Canadian with the same problem that seems to have developed at the same time. This is not isolated. 

there are no hit points. If you want to have combat, it would be described narratively not mechanically. As described in the rules, the girls can be put in danger,  but no physical harm should come to them. 

Thanks for loving and playing the game!!

because this is Itchfunding they are not complete yet!

ack! sorry, itch ate the notification for this question it would seem! 

I know you are already done and released, but in case anyone else sees this: 

My tip, as a person who is bad at layout and pays other people to do layout, is to keep it simple! Simple and clean is always, imo, the best way to go. Try not to split sections over pages if possible, because that helps readability and accessibility (but sometimes that just isn't possible, so don't fret too much). 

Include symbols for the cards where you can, because I find that helps reinforce the correct suit. 

But importantly, have fun and don't stress about it too much. If the layout is clear and easy to follow, you are doing fine! 

I'm so glad you were able to get it! Thanks for the support

that’s really bizarre. Unfortunately I do not have any control over the website, so can’t look into that. You may want to reach out to Itch if it’s a continuing issue?

I love to hate Dave so much. 

How are everyone's mysteries going? We are halfway through the jam, and I cannot wait to see what everyone is working on! 
Personally, I am in the process of finishing mysteries for the new supplement that I will be itch-funding (coming SOON I hope!). 

If you have any questions about the process: mystery writing, layout, setting up itch pages, feel free to leave your questions here! 

Because of it's GM-less nature, the best Paranormal Inc. mysteries provide multiple options for prompts. Obviously each card needs to have at least 1 prompt for it, but most will have more than that! 

As a general rule, I like to provide a minimum of 2 paranormal events and 3 clues per card. Also remember to keep the prompts vague enough that they can be easily slotted into the game! 

For example, a clue like "A passionate fight between Mr. Pants and Ms. Blouse" is highly specific, but a "a passionate fight between two people" can be slotted into more games. If the players haven't drawn the NPCs above, its not super helpful as a clue. It also helps to keep them vague for the Theorize move. 

Players will fill in the blanks and give context to prompts, so you don't need to. You just need to provide enough general frameworks for them to be able to integrate the prompt into their game! 

Paranormal Inc. Mystery Tip #1: Charge for Your Mystery! 

I know, putting the cart before the horse, but my first tip for this jam is to CHARGE FOR YOUR MYSTERY! 

We all deserve to be paid for our work, so slap something on that! Looking for a guideline? I charge $3 for my individual Brindlewood Bay mysteries. But you can charge more. Or less. Just ask for cash! 

Looking to make things accessible? You can create Community Copies to provide free copies for people experiencing financial hardship! To create a community copy, go to the rewards section of your game and create a new reward. Give it a title and description. Set the price to 0.00 and set the number of copies you would like to make available! 

So you want to create a mystery for Paranormal Inc. and don't know where to start?

Your key resources are going to be the core book found here. Additional Community Copies have been made available for participants in the jam who do not have the game yet. 

There is also an SRD that you can review, and which includes a logo for mysteries. You can find that SRD here.

I am available to answer questions about mystery creation and rules! You can find me on twitter @aliciafurness or in the Gauntlet Discord in the Paranormal Inc. channel! 

Happy creating! 

So glad you are having fun! 

Awesome! So glad to hear you liked it. There definitely needs to be more games with cool elderly ladies! 

These are general safety tools you can use. Lots of resources out there for different safety tools if you google!

It can be played with one GM and one player. it’s rules light and easily adaptable. 

it’s just a short two page micro game! 

No, in this case you would roll -1. Because it’s the number of clues (3) - the complexity (4). 

In order to gain a positive on the theorize roll you must always find more clues than the complexity 

I am working on a new playbook, The Amateur, who definitely causes some complications for the other investigators. 

Oh love the cruise ship idea! I think that sounds like a lot of fun!

Hi everyone, I wanted to jump in and let you know about some new jam updates! 

Due to a health issue, I haven't been able to be as attentive to this jam as I would have liked, so I've extended it. Now you have until December 31st to get your entries in. 

Also, although this jam isn't judged, I will be randomly selecting someone who enters to win a physical copy of Paranormal Inc. 

Finally, the SRD is actually finished! You can get the official copy of it here

Hello jam friends! Here is a thread to tell us all about what you planning to make? Are you making a mystery, a playbook, something inspired by the system? 

Tell us all the wonderful ideas you have! 

Hi everyone, so excited to see so many cool people joining the jam! I am just putting the final touches on the SRD. But I wanted to make the draft available to anyone who wants to get started right away!

No, they mean the same thing. 

Yes. You can ignore it for now, it will be addressed in the next update!

So glad you are enjoying it! Thank you!

yes. It means once per scene. 

hi there, since this jam is mostly focused on TTRPGs, you might not have luck finding someone who can help with your game. 

this is such a great idea! 

Its for tabletop RPGS! 

I am personally not approaching this from a D&D perspective. I will be creating for Troika!, maybe Quest, and potentially a mini expansion for my game Basic Witches. 

I have officially opened it up for anyone who is ready to go! 

I am so glad to have everyone on board! I'm excited to see what everyone makes. 

Please make use of the community section to connect with each other, ask questions, find collaborators, etc. 

of course! The player characters are intended to be girls, but players can be anyone! 

I would love to submit Camp Flying Moose for Girls of All Kinds, a family-friendly summer camp RPG.