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A member registered Mar 08, 2019 · View creator page →

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elementalist fireballs do not create toxic pools. forgot to add that info

thx for all feedback :o, yeah the installer was to test if someone had problems with that, maybe I will put installer and files on a zip as an option. 

Thanks for the fedback, yes the hp boost has a small regeneration, it can be op if you get enough, but i think need some instant impact it feels awful to update. 

First character is like easy mode, but is kind crazy some ppl toldme other characters are overpower but is kind the name of the game. 

About the art direction, I'm just a programmer, Im using some assets here and there. 

About sound, music I'm working on it I'm not focus on that, I'm more in to mechanics and bugs fixing now. 

jugué la versión web y no tuve ningún problema, muy buena jugabilidad creo que es el mas divertido que jugué de la jam (Y)

definitivamente se tendría que poder saltar con W 

muy bueno :D yo creo que la dificultad esta bien.