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A member registered Mar 02, 2021

Recent community posts

Oh well, since the quest reset feature was removed I guess I'll redo the whole thing. I have been enjoying the game though so it's not that bad.

You can find it in the attic. 

So I was doing the oxen retrieval quest and I got to liai, I gave her meat instead of fighting her and it ended at that. I checked some of the update notes and apparently you can ask her to change clothes? I don't see that option when talking to her, do I have to complete the oxen quest before doing anything with liai or did I have to fight her? Also cuz I'm not sure if there's a way to redo the quest or smthn.

So far I only noticed one text error, while looking for the thunderspirit one of the villagers says "in a quite room full of people studying..." and I'm pretty sure you meant quiet.

That's the only one I noticed though and it's not that big of a deal.

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I have a question about the scene creator. 

I'm currently making a series of scenes and I plan to do a few quests for a pair of characters I made and I was wondering if it was possible for scenes to be a one time occurrence by using triggers and flags or some other method. 

I'm asking this becaus in the tutorial it wasn't mentioned or I failed to find if and how it was possible to do so. Also because I can't do it, it might be even easy to do it but I can't figure it out.

I don't know who Brevman is but I've enjoyed all the character packs and the scenes he made so far.

The feature of making your own characters and add scenes to them is a really good feature Imo, you get to basically make your own kind of story beside the main story so it can keep you entertained for a lot more.

I have one question, if an NPC refuses to get into a relationship does it mean I just can't or is there something else involved? I tried with single NPCs and no matter what kind of relationship I ask they refuse. I tried only 2 NPCs but they both refused, one of them didn't have the favorite date heart though while the other had them all.

What? How did you even increase it? For me it always showed 87 even after receiving the +10, however the correct amount was shown when showing the possibility of victory, like enemy has 120 and I had 137 which was like 70% win chance.

 Another thing I noticed btw is that the amagal replay fights still give the original rewards unlike what the loot table says (like the amagal barracks fight should give AP potions if you replay the fight but it still gives either great medium or heavy armor), begus replay fights do change the reward so I'm wondering if that's a bug. 

Nvm, it was in the documentation. You can find it in Siriveta.

Does anyone know where can i find one? I need one to make Brad faster than Sandra since I use him to setup Atk boosts.

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I'm fairly certain you can't craft them, you can only get them in raids. I got mine all from the ice raid in the purple chests or the final one, in the end you need like 4-5 at best so like 10 runs and you get them.

You can craft them? I thought you couldn't, what you can craft for sure though are TP Rings+ and to make them you need to advance Adrianna's story iirc, she's the Dwarf you meet in Calterburry during Elly's story.

I don't know how but I had one equipped on Kayelinth and as I was crafting I got another one. 

Renryuu: Ascension community · Created a new topic Tp Ring+

Does anyone know where can I find the recipe? 

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Then is there a way to change skills? Like I have druid skills and want to change them to the sniper skills. Through the skill tree at least I can't as it says I need to have the sniper class.

So in the "time skip preview" you can obtain an item to increase level cap and change class. I was wondering are you gonna be able to change Mirel's other skills in the future after this second class change or does Mirel have like 2 different second class changes. I chose to make her Druid so through the second class change she became a Wrath of Nature, this makes me believe there might be a different class she can have had I chosen Sniper.

Nvm turns out that they do, almost got wiped by a consecutive curse of pain followed by a health conversion on Mira who i had healed -(rip Mira) and then a curse of death on Elly. 

the question is, if you do fight all 3 bosses together do they still use their signature skills? Like the curse of death, curse of pain and health conversion. Cuz so far I've seen Levia use steal energy and Roseris use thorny embrace among the other skills like whip strike and whatnot.

Completely unrelated but I honestly hated Rancor weapons in sas4. Dunno why but I really hated them.


Honestly I could've worked around the original update but this is better. Less to worry about imo

I remember when this was on android, it's a really good game tho

I don't know where u find the key but I really have to say, I checked some of your posts and thanks to those I found some other good games. I like your tastes. 

I have checked but there's nothing about missions, I can see the stats, inventory and skills. I thought it might be in inventory in the key items but there was nothing in. I honestly hope I didn't miss it cuz then I would've done a really dumb thing.

It probably is said in the game but I don't understand how u check stuff on android, like I got how u can sell and buy stuff, how to check your character stats and stuff but apparently I was given a quest somewhere and I don't know how to look at it.

I can't believe I forgot about this game, was looking through my feed and saw this. This game is within the top 5 NSFW games with best artwork I found here.

U gotta have Lucy(?) wear the guild outfit with her being in her room, not the bedroom but like the room to build stuff, the outfit is changed with the card btw, like u change card and put the one with the guild uniform on

Is the game time based? Like if I reach a certain day without reaching certain requirement nothing will happen and that event is blocked

So I reached the point where I can decide whether I'll support the King or Earl of Amagal however I can't speak to Varea for her duel quest since she keeps talking about the timeskip, so is the duel quest after I choose a side or is there something I'm missing? 

The only flesh your sword should pierce is the bodies of our intelligent sex dolls!

Honestly u could very well interprate this in another way, the bloody way

So yeah, I might be the fiftieth guy but I can't download the android version, it says package analysis error

Damn, I thought I'd find an answer cuz I too have the same problem

One quick question, on Ino status it just looks random stuff, like status=noehah or whatever that's Norma right?

Thank God I learned Spanish when I was in high school

Ngl I thought this was going to be another "if they can beat the meat it's fine", it takes some time to reach each girl current ending but it's worth it