I've actually used puzzle script long ago. Back when I was in middle school. Could be fun, but I think if I'm switching engines, Pico-8 might be a better one for me.
Elijah Wakeling
Creator of
Recent community posts
Thank you so much! I'd mostly like suggestions on what to do in order to best develop for Harmony Drive (The system that heroic chord uses), I'm currently using the SRD and Heroic Chord and No Choice but to Win as resources on how to develop this. I've also included a google drive link into my project topic if you or other people would like to look at my progress and what I'm doing with the system to provide guiding criticism.

I have decided to flavor assist pools as "connections" the player characters have or have made in the process of becoming a darklord. I liked the way "No Choice But To Win" separated scatter between playbooks and assist pools into "Fatigue" and "Pride" and decided to adapt "Scattering" into creating strain on your relationship with that connection. The more you rely on the connection, the more that connection toxically affects you.
For example, I changed how "Health" and "Death" works within the confines of this system. While Heroic Chord's death system explicitly only allows for death if the players consent to it. I feel that in my game's feel, stakes should be more established and clear: Your character can die before they accomplish their goal, and before their arc even ends, that's just how things are in the feel I'm trying to create. I'm trying to make a death system that is neither too strict and sacrifices the attention to characters that the system at it's default creates, while not being too lenient in how death is enforced.
This is a topic where I'm going to post progress on my project, currently it's simply a google doc, and I'm working on mechanics using Harmony Drive as a base, I'm trying to figure out how to incorporate dungeon building aspects into the game, and what mechanics need to be tuned to better fit the feel I'm going for. Let me know what you all think about what I'm doing!
Current Drive link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1xHafF1e-3GYFKzHGneuRmHX56xeh_gmGr3KHxvSc8Is/edit#
You should have commenter priveleges!

I joined a bit late, but I've been having an idea kicking around in my head about a RPG where players play owners of a Dungeon who must fend off heroes, I'm new to the whole storygaming scene, and I'm going to try using Harmony Drive to create something interesting surrounding that. Any suggestions on required reading and/or podcasts I could look into for more info?
Hello All!
My name is Elijah Wakeling, I am a game designer with experience designing, documenting, testing, and prototyping games, I also have experience in Unity programming with C#. I am looking to form a team to participate with for this Jam, and I'm excited to meet new people.
If you want some samples of my work, you can look here at my portfolio! https://elijahwakeling.wixsite.com/portfolio
You can contact me here if you're interested in having me be a part of your project! Orlando#2262
All the best!