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A member registered Jun 30, 2022

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Been enjoying the game so far, very nice sprite work and, even though vore ain't my thing personally just really addicted to lamia stuff because big noodle ladies, noticed this popped up when trying to enter the fields just outside the Holy Union gates after the festival stuff concluded and handing the letter over to the one Nun.  Can't find the file name either in the folder upon a redownload and wondering if somethings glitched on my end, missing, or if it's an issue with unzipping the file even though all the other text remains in russian and there's no weird symbols upon unzipping the game.  Game also refuses to close and I have to full end task through the use of task manager as well when this pops up.

Adding some points onto this

3: I'd like to see what someone else mentioned as upgrades or alternatives to the pistol, the pistol itself feels lacking in many ways as it's slow, does little damage, and just isn't all to interesting in and of itself.  Maybe something like dual pistols, an smg, maybe even a magnum that effectively one shots most but has a painfully slow speed.

4: Blimp mode for the player, this would be an unlockable mode and doesn't even do much, other than maybe increasing how much hp the player has, maybe like an extra 50 points, and when the player does go down it draws out the ending inflation where they get up to the blimp enemy size before ending with an all mighty kaboom.  Also maybe the ability to zoom the camera in and out during game overs, have had the camera either get caught on something, or the player gets pushed to close to the camera and most things just end up getting obscured by a singular tit or belly.

5: A reload speed upgrade wouldn't be remised I feel for things like the shotgun and sniper as they feel almost useless past a point in the waves because they reload one shot at a time, and the sniper is painfully slow with this as well.

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Very entertaining little inflation game~
My own criticism for it is

1: I'd love some more customization options; hair style, hair color, shirt color, maybe even different outfits if that's at all possible, different skin color, eye color, just more customizations

2: I'd like the special inflated (spitter, the one with the hose, blimp) to be more distinguishable I guess, hard to know which is the spitter off the bat when there's a hoard barreling down on you.  and if anything wouldn't mind if the blimp was more threatening, sure they take a lot to pop but they take just as much as everyone else to render them floating, at which point they almost always get knocked out of the way by everything else and they're just not a threat at all.

I really enjoyed this game and hopefully you add more to this game and continue on making more games in general!

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Also I don't think this is supposed to be their color maybe, just found this one out as I'm going through each character.

Like the colors almost look corrupted, maybe that's just me though?

Just got around to playing the 1v1 a bit, overall I don't think it's broken too much game wise and it's a fun little addition

I did notice though that, if you run away one to many times in the 1v1 it apparently despawns the opponent? had a match or 2 where I ran like 3-4 times and I just never encountered them again and had to restart.

Also noticed that characters in the 1v1 just take passive damage from... something?  I've been completely fine but I'll see some of the characters enter battle with 100+ damage on occasion like they're constantly taking zone gas damage.

Small little change I'd ask though for the 1v1 is, if possible, to either have a lot more crates spawn, crates have just more gear, or something that lets the player play around with the various items and such as I'd consider 1v1 as a sort of playground type reward against a single foe, either for practice against them specifically, seeing what they can do if you have problems encountering them in the main game, or vice versa.

So after giving the game a few rounds, it's an overall fun thing, specially for an inflation game since there's not many good ones.  I do have a few comments I'd like to make though.

1: I fail to see why there should be the various expansions as damage types mechanically, I love the flavor of them that beating someone with a damage type gives different victory text, but mechanically I think it's a flop for this game since all I've noticed is that it's a weakness mechanic and certain characters are weak and strong to certain types of damage.  The problem is that, other then the rng of the game, it fully means that not getting certain weapons just kneecaps an entire experience.  Like if I encounter Roxanne and don't have what she's weak to and running fails the player is outright screwed against her in my experiences.  I'd say either scrap the weakness stuff and just keep it as flavor, or potentially allow the player to equip 1 of each weapon type just to make it mildly easier.

2: the attack bonus needs some explanation I feel.  The bubble bazooka has a -2 attack bonus I saw, but it does damage upwards to 50 points even against things it's not strong against, but then there's the pooltoy claws which have an attack bonus of 5 but feels like they do almost nothing at times even against things that say "super effective", or the balloon boomstick with a 4 but it feels like it does more damage than it should against everyone.

3: Potentially some general rebalancing of a few characters.  This one is probably more just personal preference, especially since I haven't been able to encounter everyone and I'm eager to see the 1v1 mode implemented for this, but I feel some characters should maybe get an hp nerf, like Jess for instance and her 300 hp; like how do I even begin to deal with a character who has roughly 3 times as much hp as everyone else and strips 2 points of armor off of you every time she uses her special.  like how do you beat that without the prize pump? maybe I just didn't use what she's weak against but like... 300 hp is not an insignificant amount in this.

Other than that I've enjoyed the game and I've enjoyed your previous projects as well, certainly looking forward to some of the planned updates to this and hope you continue to do more things in the future.

Well this is a fun little thing, and hope to see it more polished up as well.

I did notice a few things though, for instance that Connia and Lemily appear to not have a game over scene, and as such they both seem to just bug out the cameras when they're at the doors instead of entering the office, which also seems to prevent Pink from entering as well.

Also I noticed that Pink and Star appeared to not have a model at the doors either which made it more or less impossible to prevent them from entering the office.

Honestly do hope that you continue to develop this one and polish it up more as the whole mechanic of using the air in various rooms to prevent the characters from reaching the office is kind of unique. Best to ya with this project

Also an extra aside on my end with balance adjustments, I do feel night 4's difficulty just spikes.  On my end Cindy keeps getting me and for me it's that her wing flap audio is too low, I am mildly hearing impaired so a lot of the general game approach sfx are too low for me and it feels like utter luck on my end whenever I've actually stopped anybody.

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will try updating and see what that does for it sure,  Yup update solved that.

for 5: even though the custom night is locked it can still be accessed just by clicking it.  So even though it says it's locked it can still be accessed.  As for the gallery select, you know on the side of the custom night menu where it has the play night, night challenges, and the x box that says back? well turns out selecting back will cause the game to jump to the extras menu instead of taking the player out of the custom night menu is what I mean, hopefully I'm making sense.

Welp found a few bugs and issues so far

1: This is one that happened in the demo as well and it's where the office elements are clickable while in cams, not sure if it can be fixed but managed to isolate how it happens and it seems anything that forces the player out of cams (so Milkmean attacking, Suki attacking, Pinkfury's jumpscare, etc.) causes this to proc.  My guess is that the game thinks the cams are still open after being forced out and reopening the cams just confuses the system.  Now admittedly this isn't the most high priority bug since it's a minor inconvenience but still worth noting.

2: Milkmeans seems to be missing her game over? I've lost to her a few times and each time it's this BE girl so I'm not sure if I'm just unlucky in getting one of these rare girls to show up or if it's an actual bug.

3: I noticed Suki's gameover isn't fully at resolution as a small part of her head bounces off screen, and her feet aren't visible in it.

4: The first mini-game just doesn't seem to work at all, outside of the very first burger it seems if a burger isn't visible at al on the table it constantly glitches out and has Milkmean just walk into the player and proceeds to soft-lock.

5: Custom night is just, on my end and I see many other peoples, can just straight be scrolled down to and accessed.  As a bounce off of this, on my end I can even access the gallery mode from here by clicking on the X on the side underneath challenges in the custom night.

And that's it so far as bugs and general issues go that I've currently encountered. will post again/update if I find more on my end