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will try updating and see what that does for it sure,  Yup update solved that.

for 5: even though the custom night is locked it can still be accessed just by clicking it.  So even though it says it's locked it can still be accessed.  As for the gallery select, you know on the side of the custom night menu where it has the play night, night challenges, and the x box that says back? well turns out selecting back will cause the game to jump to the extras menu instead of taking the player out of the custom night menu is what I mean, hopefully I'm making sense.

Ah I understand, yes got it!

Will be in patch 0.2!

Also an extra aside on my end with balance adjustments, I do feel night 4's difficulty just spikes.  On my end Cindy keeps getting me and for me it's that her wing flap audio is too low, I am mildly hearing impaired so a lot of the general game approach sfx are too low for me and it feels like utter luck on my end whenever I've actually stopped anybody.

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I myself struggle with those issues so i do understand, It is very hard to balance it perfectly with everyone in mind. Though tweaks even if little should be altered here and there so hopefully it'll help in someway. Maybe down the line I can add some more assistance for audio in the settings, but that will be a bit later on

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Yeah, the game is incredibly frustrating and stressful by Night 4, and I have to assume the nights after it are even worse. It's not fun at all to instantly fail because you spent three seconds not staring at the flappy demon girl or the streamer. Not interested in playing a fetish game that gives me this much of a headache to deal with.