I found the move icon on the infocard finally - I thought the white and red arrows were some sort of "element" or debuff icon; not a "cost". (since all the other cost/stat info was text, was very confusing until I figured that out.)
Started the mermaid Amour Aquatic quest; actually felt fairly balanced with all the NPC assist, even took the full route, got wolfgirl as well, took out the "boss" encounter guarding the ship to escape.
Haven't found "Den of Mischief" quest. Tried the "Prisoner of Twisted Grove", cleared most of dungeon with save scum because i can't afford stone cure potions. Got to boss, get entirely wiped out and guess it's clearly meant to be impossible fight at this level (lv 3/4 vs lv9s?!). Yay save scum to reset. Had to save scum three more times to get the "60% chance" to escape to succeed, to avoid a death/gameover/reset on failure.
Everything's just too expensive to not save scum. :(
I'm still trying to play because there's a fair amount of promise here, but this game feels more punishing than Ero Dungeons! (Darkest Dungeons, but lewd)