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A member registered Jun 12, 2020

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Tips for working around those targets with extreme defense:

1) A certain cursed class (won't spoil which) has an ability that removes all defensive buffs on a target. Becomes problematic with speed timing since the target will continuously re-apply buffs at start of turn for free though.....

2) Damage Over Time effects aren't effected by defense buffs. (Burn, Bleed, Lust) Cleric's wide target Fire dmg/debuff is low damage, but hits all and builds up over repeated turns ....
Mage has two options for Burn as well, I think.
Noble and Warrior have attacks with Bleed. 
That same cursed class above has two options for Lust damage over time. (1 direct skill, other is a specific weapon)

However, bear in mind an enemy dying to DoT effect doesn't seem to count for some (?) "Kill enemy" goals. ( maybe only certain types, haven't figured out yet )

Because of this, at least a mix of any two of Cleric,  (cursed class with high speed), or Noble/Warrior (bleed attack) seem almost required in any party.

Can confirm it's not just "mod" items . I've not installed ANY mods, only Patreon release versions, but had the same "placeholder item" in my armor outfit inventory. 

I couldn't recall offhand what was missing, but some armor from prior version appears to have been removed or changed. Something between Patreon 2.7.5 and 2.8 (in my case, specifically 2.8.1hotfix2)

Found a bit of an issue when going from previous 2.74 to this new 2.75. 

Characters will still show number of skills equipped they had equipped previously (5/5), but those skills aren't available/won't show up in the skill list if the skills are locked behind skill tree. You also can't un-equip a skill that is hidden like this (unless you are able to go down the skill tree points to "unlock" said skill. )

On related note, I've also had more crashes as well since 2.7 and 2.7.2 update, compared to prior 2.6.x versions. I haven't been able to narrow down any specific cause. Can usually restart game, be back in the same battle turn and do same action and continue playing with no problem. Nice job on the save state / restart in same turn logic though

(2 edits)

Yes, the experience i listed of failing to uncurse it through multiple Veteran dungeon runs (5 tokens at best) was in Patreon 2.7.2

For that 5-token run, I spent so long in that dungeon run that everyone's gear was broken by the end (and a character that was 5/6 Goals and almost done with a 6th goal got fully curse class equipped as punishment for my stalling efforts. >.<)

Maybe I was just having terrible RNG luck, but after that terrible run I lost interest in trying another long stalling dungeon run.

(EDIT) - Ok, I went into another dungeon run, and I almost wonder if certain moves or buffs are interfering with Cramps.

Entered "BOOM!" battle with 2 or 3 stacks Cramps, after first two machines self-destructed and I destroyed 3rd, i spent 20 turns "Report for Duty" to on the Maid who had the Plug equipped. I think maybe I got one stack in those 20 turns. 

After several minutes of not getting cramp stacks, I stopped using "Report for Duty" to stall and used "Wait" instead, and every turn after that got a stack of Cramps and once the forced cramp move. Practically instantly ready to "Expel" compared to the minutes of waiting before.

Either that was just really weird RNG .... or something in those 20+ turns was interfering with the plug stacking cramps debuff. (?)

Great, will look forward to the next Patreon update!

Ok, serious question - how are you supposed to uncurse the Enema Plug? 

10% chance to get one stack of "plug icon" cramps  per turn... needs 8 stacks to use the ability to trigger the uncurse. I've cleared multiple Veteran dungeons trying to take battles slowly, and at best only got up to 5 stacks by the end.  Most often only 1-3 stacks.
Do you just have to get really, really, reallllly lucky ? 

(1 edit)

Certain cursed gear force changes someone to another class - and prevents changing to other classes. Fulfilling the requirements to uncurse that gear should let you change classes. 

In general, cursed classes need to be raised to rank 3 (Veteran) to uncurse a lot of their class specific gear. I think the Weapon slot especially forces or prevents changing classes. (As each class has different weapons)
Your Cow probably has something still a "Cow" cursed weapon forcing them to stay that class.

There's only the one way to handle curses at present - fulfilling the uncurse requirement. 

I personally like being able to choose between avoiding enemies or hunting down every last one, depending on remaining goals - so I hope that part isn't changed.

Though to note on the affliction and "lust less dangerous" - I had the opposite experience. One of my characters got afflicted with an affliction requiring 150 satisfaction to clear - that basically took her out of commission for the rest of the dungeon. (orgasm gives 20 satisfaction each turn - so at best that's 8 whole turns of <3 ing off, and that command isn't always available. )
... so it really depends on just which affliction you get.

(2 edits)

Bug ? "Lay Eggs" force move doesn't always work. At 9x "Egg" debuff, I get the status affliction prompt "Lay Eggs", all normal moves are disabled.... but I only have a blank move bar and the "Wait" and "Move" prompts. No "Egg" command.

Has happened twice in same dungeon run so far. 3rd time, it actually gave the Lay Eggs command... not sure what was different.

This is on a Prisoner class with several pieces of their cursed gear set, if that matters... so lots of other debuffs (silence/blind/hobble).

2.7.1 Patreon version

Basically, assume any item may be cursed when you try to equip it, especially good gear from lower level dungeons. Some cursed items can be fairly good or situationally useful once uncursed though.... so it's worth collecting and using even cursed equipment. 

You'll be forced to switch "good characters" around a lot though, as they get ruined by curses until you can free them. I just lost my best Paladin last night, and it'll take maybe ~10-20 runs to free them. (Cursed to another class - was using PLD and a damage char to carry two useless characters through an easier dungeon to uncurse them.... Got stuck in a longer fight, PLD armor durability went to 0 - and it was game over for her.  She was cursed and ruined before I could finish the fight. )

So that's what caused it. I had seen the "all dungeons same reward" before, but wasn't able to figure out how to reproduce it !

I know I end up using "wait" a lot as well, often either
a) Stalling in a "safe" battle to use buffs or heals for the "Receive Heal #" or "Deal Heal #" or "Get Buff x times" type missions

b) Letting a specific (often weaker char) get kills on a target for "Kill x [enemy type]" missions. Sad that DoT's dont count, but it makes sense that would be difficult to track. (Kill X is especially difficult on Maid, since most of their damage potential is DoT based; French Kiss and/or pink feather duster's DoT)

Sorry for no analytics; just not a fan of games that do that. Very grateful for the opt-in approach though. Seen games that get screwy performance with analytics on; or kill my limited shared bandwidth. I play slow and weird anyways....

I've been loving this update from Patreon so far, but am passing on the analytics option. Would like to share some thoughts after playing it for a while though:


- Guild area, character panel, change Goals, exit character panel - new goals are not reflected on party member sidebar. (fairly minor really)

- Purchased provisions are not shown while preparing for dungeon (add bread or herb, left side "Provisions" panel doesn't show what has been selected, no other sign of inventory until entering dungeon either. Maybe I'm just blind?)

Feature Request:

When looting gear in dungeon, can you show an icon or "X" over gear that has already been collected enough to be "infinite"?
(I often forget if I have enough of a piece of gear, and waste precious loot space thinking I needed more of it still)

Problematic Goals:
"Kill enemies of type Human" - Humans are quite rare and random, this has been the hardest "kill X" to complete by far. It's #2 in my list of reasons to re-roll goals.

"End dungeons with ### Cash" - Since cash only stacks to 1750, this means you either need ~3x stacks on lower difficulties (doable if you skip treasures), or ~6 stacks on higher difficulties. The 5k is doable with random luck, but I'm doubting the 10k is possible, even with fully farming explore mode and dropping mana.  

"Start turns with token (Blind/Silence)x20" - Even trying to force these via equipment is very difficult to achieve, as (almost) any action will negate the token... so this becomes a "Wait 20++ turns with a debuff" goal instead (burning at least 1 turn in a combat to spawn the debuff via equipment).

"Start turns with token Faltering" - My #1 reason to re-roll goals.
I get the point behind this, a very high "Risk/Reward" payoff. I don't think there's anything "wrong" with this one, just personally I don't even try to attempt it. It's hard to control enemy attacks enough within a single battle to force a character into Falter state (unless said character has a Taunt skill); and that's not counting the huge risk of a character getting kidnapped since Falter state generally stacks higher each turn afterwards.  (Yes, Healing pauses it - but most of the time when someone Falters, I often can't heal them enough to prevent another Falter+1 on their next turn, due to unremovable damage DoT debuffs or further incoming damage voiding out the Heal. )

..... sorry for wall of text.

Great, thanks for the reply - will look forward to trying it!

This all sounds interesting, can't wait for it to be openly released.... few questions though. 

Will it require a brand new save / starting over? 
If not, how would the requirement to unlock classes affect existing characters already using "locked" classes? 

Will there be ways to decrease desires, or are they just a punishment for continuing to use and level a character? From the bits of info shared publicly, it seems like a character with maxed out desires might be .... problematic XD

Ok, i finally got her uncursed enough to switch back to Prisoner; and she DOES keep the EXP when switched back. Prisoner was still showing 0/6 before i changed class, and went to 5/6 after changing to Prisoner. 


I'm playing on the public alpha 2.6.6, so that could be the case. I can't actually change her back to Prisoner to check EXP until I uncurse her (from Maid 1 to Maid 3...). So I'll work towards that and report back on what EXP shows when i can get her back to Prisoner.

Are you *supposed* to lose all previously completed goals/experience in a class when you get force changed to another class? 
I had a Prisoner 4/6 goals exp complete, close to completing last two to finally be done leveling..... and she gets force class changed to Maid - now it's showing 0/6 exp in Prisoner? ?? Was finally almost done with Prisoner class on that character, and it's all wiped out!

Yes, but then you "lose" the character when they get kidnapped, and since the cursed knife is 100% kidnap chance, I don't want to risk it. By the time you can rescue the character and uncurse all their gear, and uncurse their class to change back to anything else - you've basically "lost" the character for ~10-20 runs of carrying a dead weight. (Cow and Prisoner are useful at tier 3, but fairly dead weight in a party until then.)

That's why I'm so afraid of "losing" my Rogue, just barely managed to get her to Tier 4. (and now have a whole new curse to remove....)

Are there accessories that can force each kind of status effect? Both kinds of blind, both kinds of silence, Faltering, etc. 

I've tried to find some to complete Goals, but seems i never have the right kind. ("Silence-" instead of "Silence", "Blind+" instead of plain "Blind", etc.) Especially an accessory for 1 stack of Faltering would be nice - my rogue has had a cursed dagger for 20+ dungeons, but I don't dare risk getting "killed" since it also gives 100% kidnap chance, and she's my only Elite-level so far.

Sorry, my mistake. I finally found the weapon.... yes, it was put back into inventory. I had looked several times previously and couldn't find it, had to make a brand new replacement paladin and go into equip to find it. I was confused as the icon (plain shortsword) doesn't match the weapon sprite (zweihander), so I kept missing it.

Forced equipment switching is pretty harsh.... i lost one of my best characters, and all their progress on Veteran-> next rank, and the good gear they had equipped also vanished. All because they got 3 pieces of equip forced into them in the same battle???

Now not only do I have to level them in Prisoner to veteran (very painful) to get the character back to any usable state/class, but also the 1 good weapon i had gotten for them just disintegrated? In maybe 3 dozen dungeons runs, I've only seen that one weapon for Paladin class...... or i just throw them away completely and start over from scratch with a new novice. Might be easier

There's a lot of things I am liking about this game, but that almost ruins it.

Release 43, Hotfix 2
Changed top/left (empty) room to a Purity Room, tried to move Oriana (DemonSheep)? from another room into the new Purity room. Game crashed with this error:




action number 1

of Other Event: User Defined 1

for object obj_game:

Unable to find instance for object index -4

at gml_Object_obj_game_Other_11


gml_Object_obj_game_Other_11 (line -1)

gml_Script_scr_loop_step (line -1)



Did you also beat Casual, Normal and Hard modes? 

Creating additional character models is a huge amount of work (lots more art than you expect, modeling/movement, etc).  The dev team had previously mentioned in discord it's not something they were expecting to pursue.

At this point, I think the game is pretty much "Complete". They've already added more than their original vision (unlockable Sandbox mode, 2nd secret difficulty), and are shifting to another project. 

As for your questions of size..... in Sandbox mode you can grow her much, much bigger.....  check other forum posts here for notes on unlocking Sandbox and the secret difficulties.

"Long time", I think might be 10 hours? I noticed I got it at some point after the total timer was over 600 minutes.

There IS a Sandbox mode already. You just have to beat the first 4 difficulties and log a time for each. (Casual, Normal, Hard, Chaos). If you haven't found Chaos yet, beat Hard mode then in the difficulty menu find a hidden weird color pixel on the menu screen.

After you beat those 4 modes, you unlock Sandbox mode, which has a lot of options.

Agreed; I had thought of something similar as well. Make both max size and production increase based on how you milk the barista.

More than 95% full = slow max size increase, until milked down under 75%

Milked from at least 80% full down to less than 10% (drain the tanks to near empty) = small production increase

For added difficulty and strategy, add an "overstretched" debuff bar - increases as her max size does; decreases when not near max size. High debuff causes more happiness (smiles%) lost. ..... Would prevent you from trying to race to max size.... might make it too difficult though, esp late-game hard milky or chaos milky modes where she fills up almost instantly XD

Just as a note about the Android version (cowtastic_1.0.0.24_2) - I gave it a try on an Android tablet knowing it could have issues, and didn't have any notable issues at first.... though it does start stuttering the further along the game goes. 

I would have expected it was related to her size/max size (graphical/animation related), but it seems more tied to either Production or "Milky" mode.
First Normal run up max size with about 12ml production at most, and not much issue.
Second run on Normal + Milky mode, and stutters were increasing as time (and production) ran on. 

I may try another run on Normal, going for high production without Milky mode and see if it behaves the same.

No, i don't think there is as limit within the game engine itself. 

On Hard / Milky mode, I kept it playing after completing , just to see how high her production would go. It seems to be based on a percentage of her current production, so it scales really high over time. After 11 digits (!) or so, it wraps the number to a second line.... and eventually a third line.

I forget exactly how much... I kept expecting it to throw a mathematical exception of some sort (integer overflow), but got tried of waiting. :D

Anything past 2,500 or so and she basically refills from zero to max instantly; nothing effectively changes after that.... but it was funny to watch XD

Thank you for this info - Chaos mode was a lot of fun! Took a few tries to get a good start, but was able to beat it just yesterday. Had a laugh at the ending message.

Thank you so much for this amazing game, it strikes all the right points. Deliciously lewd and still cute; while having actually good gameplay. (A lot of lewd games sadly have terrible gameplay....)

I saw in other posts that you mostly just plan for bug fixes while focusing on another project, but i really do hope you continue work on this game as well!

While I understand the art assets would be challenging, other characters could put a fun twist on the gameplay.  For example, what about a girl who gets little benefit from Size or Production candy, but instead gains from how she is milked? Slight production increases as she is milked more, and slight max size increase when she is left full? (at cost of Smile, of course...)

I wish you luck on whatever other project you are working on, and hope you still continue to add to this precious little gem!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the file - I was a bit confused at first, but then I noticed under "Chapter Select" there was a new option for "SD-01 Unlocked" - which put me right at the start of the bridge.

Yes, I thought it would be an optional side area since i was able to figure out how to unlock the elevator before exploring more than 1/3 of the bridge. When I went down the elevator and saw the area, before i stepped out I realized "this looks like Story content" and tried to go back. When the elevator was marked as unusable, i thought i could reload my manual save made before going down the elevator. Didn't realize it auto-saved when i took the elevator. 

I had managed to find a video of the ending, as I wasn't sure If I would get a reply - but very much appreciate your assistance.

It was much better to be able to finish what I had started for myself, and both my wife cried at the ending for a 2nd time. :)

(1 edit)

Towards the end of the game, when going to the StarDrop Bridge. There is an elevator near the entrance leading to another area, with maybe more Cyro Stasis chambers? 

I did not expect this to be a main story area, and hadn't finished exploring the bridge yet; but found i could not go back up the elevator to the Bridge. So I closed the game to restore back to my manual Save point on the bridge before taking the elevator. 

Apparently the elevator auto-saves, and it tries to reload game into an area outside the map of "Delta Labs 2" ...... but the character falls through the world into space immediately on loading the game. If I look up, i can see the level map above me as I'm falling into the void....

Is occurring on itch.io version 1.1 ; but from reading the Steam forums, it seems this issue was reported there as well....