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A member registered Jun 10, 2020

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That would be a spoiler, but rest assured we won't disappoint ;)

There is a playlist here:

They get all of the routes!

A ballpark estimation would be ~150Kg for Cadgan, ~130Kg for Ranzkai, and about 100Kg for Hector.

A group was doing an unofficial translation AFAIK.

#TeamCadgan will get some nice treats next update.

Gonna leave this for future internet historians: this is where bottomcore started. You reached your destination!

Currently yes, in the future who knows...

The VN is dedicated to the fine-wine appreciators of a good bottom badger, and the connoisseurs in wolf-dom husbandos. The word itself is a bit of a joke among the devs, a viiiiibe.

I think so, though I do push here and there to have some more vers sprinkled in.

MC is definitely sub-bottom.

The next update will scramble your emotions even more 😈

Here's the track!
(1 edit)

I'd delete and reinstall, the links are updated.

If you're confused about update 3: that is a Patreon-exclusive for a time, the itch version is update 2.

I'm so proud!

*Laughs malevolently*

I decided to make a funny censor route!

There won't be routes in the classical furry VN sense, in Devil's you'll engage more or MUCH MORE certain characters :P

We wanted to focus on story flow and construction for this VN, so we went for a mostly linear experience. For future project we'll see...

I hope we won't disappoint :3

I'll take a look ASAP, thank for pointing it out... and thanks for the fanart! Can't wait to see it :)

In the options menu, display, dick type: censored.

More is coming very soon!

Yes, but there is a censored mode to not show explicit content on screen.

Our current idea is to have the game being paid only once it is complete. Contributing to patreon will entitle to the full version regardless for how long you've been subscribed.

Things are going to move quickly in the next update!

Thanks! :3

That's a great idea. I'm sure we'll have one down the line.

Feel free to contact us on socials to discuss details.

Our bartender is going to get some delights so very soon...

We're aiming for bi-monthly, with early releases on Patreon,

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We have a patch scheduled later today specifically for this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience!

He also offers to bend the will of men, wealth and good familiars!

I second, we need an Hector drunk scene. and then he wakes up in Arwel's bed.

I swear, I was forbidden to change the prismillum's design by higher powers.

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We have such sights to show you.

Roddo took inspiration from eldritch truths. As an artist I personally focused on the whole part about the protagonist being destroyed by big things.

No big woof was harmed in the making of Devil's Gambit.

A service announcement to the Nerus PTSD crowd!

Whenever I get bored reading a visual novel that is too slow and uneventful, I gift myself half a hour of this one to remember why I love this medium.