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A member registered Aug 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hi! Sorry, I'm very busy these days and it means I miss messages. 

Yeah it takes a lot of troubleshooting to make sure your plugins are compatible. It introduces a lot of little bugs and stuff. 

As for what can be done with the battle system, the answer would probably depend on your javascript coding skill. You can do a lot with the engine provided you have the right knowledge, but otherwise it's difficult to implement custom stuff.

I am still improving it and another big update is scheduled, although I have been winding down development on Memoirs. I'm always interested in feedback though!

I use way too many plugins to list them all, but here's a thread to letbs:

Make a note that it's no longer supported by its creator.

And yes, Mv3d has grown much more functional. I would say my game is actually a bad representation of it's capabilities. 

I use a lot of custom code plugins. The main plugin for 3d is MV3D, and the plugin that handles tactical combat is LeTBS. 

Probably, or the adult content will be a separate, free DLC

My games are vanilla. The primary audience is hetrosexual men, but there's MM, FF content as well. One thing I do want to get going are harems and group sex, but that's budget issue.  

Unfortunately, it looks like the method for adding them is more difficult than I expected. There seems to be some plugin incompatibility that's preventing me from adding achievements or getting them to work. I have tried a few times to get it working but to no avail. Sorry for the wait, I did want to add it. Maybe I will try again with future games in different engines.  

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No money basically. I looked into different ways of animation and the pixel animations were within my budget. It also explains the varying art styles. 

My future games will have greater fidelity. 

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Yes, the EA version here will turn into the full version when it's complete. You don't need a second copy, you just need to download updates.

I did the same with my last game, Memoirs of a Battle Brothel.


The kickstarter fell through so it's taking longer than expected.

Game's not abandoned! I'm still working on it!

Hmm interesting, thanks for the suggestion.

I'm not too familiar with how itch works still.

Yup, it's coming out tomorrow in Early Access, same as the Steam version. 

Hello! This page is basically a depot so I can give keys out to kickstarter backers, I had no idea that it would actually get visibility without linking to it. But yes, a game is coming and I've added some screenshots and a video, I'll probably add more later. 

Ah okay, so it's not possible to load the video below pictures then? That's fine, I'll find a workaround. Thanks for helping me!

Thanks, I apologize for how much I'm struggling with this. The new version works much better. But I'm looking for a way to play the video under show picture. In the console they just show up as Sprite, but that doesn't work with the above script. 

Sorry, I'm still having trouble getting it to work correctly. Can you give some examples of objects that are children of the scene? I tried things such as messageWindow.

Ah thanks, I think I get it now!

Thanks! So would the proper command be something like

SceneManager.modifyVideo(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, true, true, Sprite_Picture)

Based on

SceneManager.modifyVideo(e, x, y, w, h, a, r, below, below_object)

Is there a list of the objects including their correct formatting? I'm having a hard time finding out what these are specifically.

Thank you!

Oh hi! I ran a kickstarter for this that failed in 2023, so I'm still updating this, just very slowly. In the meantime I'm working on a parody game that's a sequel to Memoirs. I'll make an itchio page for that one soon. 

No idea, I don't know how joiplay operates. It'll probably be very difficult to play on mobile. 

yup, they'll be major characters

Just the demo. I'm working on the actual start of the game, which will be included in the demo around June. 

Added a short combat tutorial

There will be customizable difficulty and the easier modes will have it turned off.

The harder modes will have permadeath and a bunch of other difficulty modifiers that make it harder to heal. 

Permadeath will affect all characters besides the player, since I don't currently have any plans for an iron man mode (single save file, wipes on player death). 

If the player falls in battle, you'll have to restart combat.  

Thanks for the kind words!

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Hi! This is still a one person project, like the rest of my games (although I'm getting help from the super talented TORii). 

If you played Memoirs, you know I have a tendency to be over ambitious. But I have complete confidence in the feasibility of this project. The only problem is funding it.

Look for a combat demo in March or April. 

Probably not android, this will likely be PC only

Thanks! Story and combat demo is on its way.

Thanks :D

Ah nope, it's too outdated at this point.

Not too sure about the technical stuff for porting. In any case, if porting happens, it will be when the game is complete. 

Good luck! There's a reddit sub for gamedevs you might find useful:

It's not made in Unity, it's a RPGMaker MV project with a lot of custom code.

Hatsuo is currently the only option for male-male scenes. I will also be adding new male-male scenes for him in an update coming for late June. 

Sorry for the late reply. No, there ARE Female-Female and Male-Male scenes, but most of the content is made for a hetero male player in mind. 

Whoops, dropped the ball on replying to this, but it's now released on Early Access both here on Itch and Steam

Are you pressing shift? Shift is an empty command yet to be filled, so sometimes it crashes battles.

It's likely some WebGL issues, will be fixed by the next patch

Hi, consequences of being an alpha I guess. I'll try to answer a few of your questions.

1.) Allow window mode, the game looks horrible when stretched to full screen. Also a huge amount of people prefer playing in windowed.

F4 will drop it into windowed mode.

2.) Don't start with sound at full blast. It's a porn game, no idea why you would do that. Very least ask people their volume choice at the start.

Default setting shouldn't be too loud, and are adjustable.

3.) Most important! Skipping dialogue or making it faster is the same button as accepting a choice. So when ever I try to speed up the dialogue it chooses the first option instantly; before I even knew what it was.

You can proceed through dialogue using your mouse.