Yeah, sorry about the delay. I took a short break from the game. The new version is officially out now!
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What do you mean exactly? The dash on normal difficulty is still the same as it was, it's just slightly shorter on easy and longer on hard.
I'd like to make the experience better. Especially for speed running. I've been thinking about adding specific movement tech and a seeded mode so it's always the same to compare speeds to.
Thank you for the feedback! With this latest update I hope the game is a lot less frustrating (or more if you choose for it to be). Though the pesky corner egg is still there, some options have been added to make it easier to play.
A pause menu has also been added so that you can restart the game without refreshing plus a couple of other things.
Also the chickens no longer instant spawn when you grab your last egg so it shouldn't have a major difficulty spike at the last second.
Man this gave mega "Sploder Classic Shooter" vibes from when I was a kid.
I have to say the idea of other things trying to stop you from moving as rather clever for the limitation. Though I would really suggest not killing the player for staying still until they move for the first time. Dying a few times and not knowing why kinda sucked.
Thank you very much, I have no prior experience to 3D modeling and thought it would be fun to try and honestly I am surprised by how little 3D there is in the jam. I should probably note that in the description that you can change sensitivity.
I also noticed that the adjustment is not working for horizontal movement, but the deadline was less than 30 minutes away so it will wait til the ratings is over before it gets fixed.