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A member registered Sep 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hey so sorry! Sounds like a weird glitch. I will probably be taking this down soon, and hope to upload a better version at some point. Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

Thanks! Glad you liked it.

Legit. Too legit to quit.

Nice! Thanks for playing!


Thank you!

Thanks! Yeah, I think a meter would be really helpful. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Sweet! Thanks for playing and for all the feedback! I'm hoping to add more at a later date. It ended up being a pretty fun project.

As for the theme: I saw "Dig it up" and, for some reason, my brain totally forgot and thought it was "Dive deep" (like diving into the unknown) when I made the game. Then I came back to submit it, and saw it was "Dig it up" lol. Oh well, it was fun at least and I learned a lot.


Gotcha. Thanks for the fun play!

Had a lot of fun playing this! Really liked how the character moves and how the camera moves to follow them. It was very smooth.

Nice! Wouldn't work on my browser, (Edge), but looks really cool! What game engine did you use?

Really cool! Had a lot of fun playing this. Once I used the interval light, it seemed like the game glitched out? I wasn't able to switch any other lights. But it was definitely fun watching all those people get mad and start honking lol

Was hoping to have multiple dances, and a chase scene at the beginning, but I got stuck downloading resources and the hour slipped away, lol. Oh well, it was fun.

Really cool! Hard to go wrong with a classic zombie shooter. The fact you made this multiplayer is really impressive. I liked that there were turrets that would shoot at you as well, not just zombies. And nice job adding the different classes. That was a nice touch. Loved the space atmosphere. We need more zombies in space.

(1 edit)

Nice! If I were a kid learning math, this would be such a cool way to do it! I thought more sound could help with immersion. Very cool puzzles!

Thanks for the detailed response! I appreciate you playing and taking the time to give some feedback. The music was definitely a last minute add-on, lol. Thought I would just throw something in there. :)

I've been playing around with different ideas on how to expand the game, so thanks for your suggestions! Excited to see where this goes.

SFX Credits:

Freesound - Click3.wav by EdgardEdition

Freesound - Zombie_013.wav by jayroo9

Freesound - Theta Clock by luciolepri

Intense Synth |

Intense Percussions |

Freesound - Monster Death Groans by LaurenPonder

Freesound - Baby Tesla Dragon Growling by deleted_user_3424813

Made it to 17! Love how simple it is. And 20 seconds is just the right amount of time I think. It's just enough for me to get into it, but short enough that I can't quite get all of them, which makes me play again! Well designed.

Really fun! The tutorial was pretty good and taught me how to play well. The enemy variation was pretty impressive. Was not expecting those "dashing" enemies, lol. I know it's weird, but l liked the sound of the character's footsteps. Nice choice!

Really fun! The tutorial was pretty good and taught me how to play well. The enemy variation was pretty impressive. Was not expecting those "dashing" enemies, lol. I know it's weird, but l liked the sound of the character's footsteps. Nice choice!

Cool idea! I like the "godlike" top-down perspective of the game. Loved the scenery.

(2 edits)

Super cool and super fun! Everything was really polished. Loved the art style and colors. They all fit together well and helped create the spooky forest atmosphere. The softer music during the initial menu being replaced by the more intense music (still same melody) was also a great touch. Love the game! Made it to wave 8! Also, the story slowly built up in intensity. I was into it.

Nice! I underestimated how fun it would be to spring traps on the "good guys" who are trying to save the princess. lol I really liked the mechanics, using A and D to activate either the left or the right trap within a room. And the level building aspect at the beginning was really cool. Really enjoyed it!

Haha! yeah, it definitely has an appeal XD. Thanks for playing! 

Hey! So glad you enjoyed it! The Left Right Game has been one of my favorite stories for a while, and it was a blast creating a video game based on it! The curves do not count as turns. You are correct, only the stop signs count. Thanks for the post! Have a great New Year!

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! It was definitely fun to make. Thanks for bringing up the escape button issue, I'll definitely look into that. Glad I got to share this story with you!

Thanks for playing! I know it may not be everyone's cup of tea, so I appreciate it! The car controls are definitely something I'm hoping to improve. Appreciate the feedback!

(1 edit)

Awesome! Glad you liked it! Thanks! Yeah that's one of my favorite stories.

Dang..... Thanks for catching that! That's crazy, wow lol. 

I think I did make it searchable. Why?

Really cool! You polished it a lot since I've last played. Love the additions.

Very cool! Music always stands out to me when I play games, and I really enjoyed the music you had in there! I thought it fit really well and added to the desperation and feeling of being a hero. 

Really enjoyed playing this! I love how simple it is, but also how much it feels like managing a game company, lol. And the futuristic art-style and music definitely made it feel more epic. I like the dice rolling. For some reason, I love games with simple mechanics like that, almost like a board game. They're easy to get into. It was little difficult to get past the AA level. I kept rerolling the hiring board but didn't see any devs who would make team any better than it was. It'd be cool if you could level up the devs on your team to make them more experienced so you can reach those higher game levels. Loved the game, it was really fun!

Really love the vibe. And the whole bullets-lighting-your-way idea was epic. Would be super excited to see more game elements that revolve around that mechanic.

Very cool! Ilike how you can time the clicks to get hit combos. Feels a bit like sekiro and other rhythm fighting games. The movements and animations also look really good. Maybe it was jsut my playing style, but I didn't understand why I would want to play in corruption mode, if it meant both getting hit and attacking cause my health to go down. Are the attacks more powerful? 

Really fun playthrough! Loved the sound etc. 

Wow! Loved it! It establishes a creep factor really well and slowly builds to be more and more scary. Great experience!