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A member registered Dec 19, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Legend. I'd be keen to hear all about it! If I was a bachelor still, I would apply.

Loving the updates and emails. Hope you are able to get enough funding to continue!

P.S: Look up Screen Australia Grants. That might be able to help you. Insider info tells me they are looking for multiplayer indie games to fund.

EDIT: They still fund good single player games, but they made a note a few weeks ago saying they are lacking multiplayer indie games, if that's of interest to you.

Hey mate, what ever happened to that game dev house idea you had a while ago? Did anything come of it, or wasn't there enough interest?

(1 edit)

Thanks for your feedback!

We were rushing to get a combination list on the side, but there were too many combinations and 13 minutes left to submit the game.
If we work on the game a bit more, we will be looking into adding a list somewhere, plus more combinations and spells.

The 10 cost stack was the only way I found to beat the game as well. It's 100% not balanced! Whoops! Haha.

EDIT: So the cards are colour coded as well, we could have made them a bit more noticeable though.
Grey = Ingredients
Green = Materials
Blue = Spells

Thank you! We worked way too hard, but it was worth it in the end :)

Thanks! It's most certainly not balanced at all haha, but i'm very happy you had fun!

Oh nice, thanks for the article!
You learn so much doing GameJams, remember it for next Jam :)

A very well made game!

I loved the 8-bit style, and the game play was engaging and enjoyable!
I felt a lot more powerful every time I get an upgrade!

A nice quick game! I was a bit confused by what I have to find sometimes, but I got there eventually!

Agreed! The controls were nice, the sounds were nice, the game feel was nice!

It reminded me of the old Freelancer game... anyone old enough to remember that? :P

Great game!

Neat! The sounds get a bit overwhelming, but stops right before end. It's a great project! Visually stunning too! Loved the shakiness!

A neat little game!

I wasn't expecting a half-transition into a Wolf. I liked that it gave me more movement speed. That was a dopamine hit to get to the church faster!

My guess is this is a beginner-friendly jam :) So you can do a bit of planning before the jam starts!

Found this on their website