- I didn't mean that the blocks should be placeable outside of the boundary. When pointing the cursor at the boundary, I want to be able to place blocks inside the boundary. In 0.1.3 it doesn't work, I can only place blocks while targeting/selecting other blocks. That is, it's currently impossible to place "free-standing" blocks on the very edge.
- ok, that's not a big deal
- great
A member registered Aug 10, 2024
Recent community posts
I'm a casual player, so take these with a grain of salt. After playing around for less than ten minutes, I stumbled upon the following issues:
- The outer boundary of the scene should be targetable for placing blocks.
- Pressing the CTRL key should make the mouse movement slower, for easier precise placement of blocks. Though I suspect there might be a more popular choice for such a key in other software related to 3D-modeling.
- The `?` (Shift+`/` on the American layout) is a popular shortcut for showing the keyboard shortcuts help, especially on websites. For example, it's used by YouTube, Twitter, GitHub, Atlassian software (Jira, Bitbucket, Confluence), and Reddit Enhancement Suite. I kept muscle-memorying `?` even after learning that Luminal Spaces uses `H`.
Played through the campaign and just over half of the challenger mode (so far). It's fun.
- When scale is really small, creating a belt across the factory is a bit tedious, it would be nice to have a way to create belts longer than one tile.
- A way to move a tile over. There was a couple of times, when I realized that the rest of the factory won't fit, so I had to delete-recreate-delete-recreate an "already solved" part.
- Save/load system.
P.S. Found the debug inputs 1-2-3 to control the speed after writing the review :-D
P.P.S. Forgot to add the screenshot
Played through the normal difficulty to the end, enjoyed it a lot. I wish there was a bigger difference in defence tactics of different sizes, which weren't matched in size to the red enemies. Arguably only the smallest has a "defence" move, which isn't that much different than just running around. For example, what if the dynamite had some debuff effect on enemies of the "wrong" size?