Angel Avalon
Recent community posts
Didnt think about that.... but not sure if that is the issue. Ill check, but I am highly ADHD so i dont know if ill remember to come back and post the result.. lol Thx for the heads up regardless. But, just saying, even IF that is indeed the issue, I feel the Mine level should negate at least SOME of that debuff... O_o;
So... I absolutely LOVE this game with the exception of a few things. Positive and Negative, these are just my honest opinion:
1. Phoenix having a dick. Did not expect or WANT to see that shit. XD (BRUH. At least make it futa with no ballsack if youre gonna go the shemale route.... >_<; XP XD Or maybe list or tag game as being LGBT so those not wanting to see that content dont bother playing. )
2. The NTR/cuckolding of your dad/stepdad/landlord (whatever you decided to call him). The guy isn't a bad guy. In fact, he seems to be a pretty awesome guy that just fell down on his luck. Makes me feel gross and slimy and scummy for taking his wife from under his nose. I want her, but it makes me feel bad for wanting her. Blech. The feeling of walking away from this story is just... dirty. And not the good kind. lol (If you're going to go a shitty NTR route, at least make the guy you are cucking missing, or maybe some asshole that deserves it. Geez. -_O;; )
3. The car saleswoman girl being such a horrible person... an unlikable, impossibly frigid dictatorial hoity BITCH.
4. Alice being such a unjustifiably mean whore. (Id honestly TOTALLY take Alice's mom over Alice any day of the week EASY. She was soooo nice and sweet and sooo much more likable and cute.)
5. Even after saving Toni, that idiot that is holding her captive of whatever still charges a non-refundable, non-winnable, no stakes-gained $20,000. So stupid. Riding should AT LEAST be FREE after saving her. Maybe with a bit harder challenges with the new upgrades in order to meet a new girl or something.
6. Might be in a future update, but no more content for Mario's daughter or wife after you get him clipped. (Also, Mario's wife needs a wake up call/attitude adjustment/put in her place. Gold digging bitch rivals the car saleswoman in unlikability.)
7. Having a shut-in NEET (useless to the story) brother instead of a sister... (or two? Twins? ^_^)
8. Toni needs shower scenes. Or... just a shower. Dirty and sweaty is understandable and cool and all when she's outside working on bikes... but to show up EVERYWHERE she goes covered in dirt, oil and grime? Ewww. >_< HYGEINE IS SEXY, I PROMISE.
9. Taking showers alone and brushing teeth seems to do NOTHING story-wise. Also, shower scenes together need MOAR.
10. Losing 50% OF FOLLOWERS each week?! ON TOP OF CELESTE STEALING 30% EACH WEEK??? ..... That's a bit much... -_o;
11. Unless this game is based in the 80's, those cars models need a serious update. lol
12. Lack of a cat or dog to randomly pet. (Every great game needs at least one. lol ^_^)
13. Maybe already planned in future update, but store girls cant be romanced. Kinda sucks. :( (I like the comic book store girl ^_^;)
14. Lack of different jobs for protagonist. (Would add more girl options and levels of income to supplement the starting game cash flow.)
15. Sex scenes arent quite long enough, nor contain too much variety. Maybe mp4, gif or mpeg files instead of static pics? If the point is to get people off with this game's scenes, it will need to draw that out more in order to give players time to do so. (Not everybody is Speedy Gonzalez. lol)
POSITIVES: (aside from the obvious)
1. Seems to be an AI based game, but it also seems the author took time to sculpt it to his/her liking... and care to make sure everything lined up and made sense. (Aside from foot pedals in some of the cars and such lol)
2. The tiddies are IMMACULATE. (Obviously.) The inverted/fuckable nipples thing is suuuch a turn on. Wish puffy nipples had more of a presence in these games. ^_^; ONLY gripe here might just be that some of the body models don't stay consistent sometimes. (Thighs go from normal thick to the size of tree trunks, and such. Also, lack of tiddy diversity. Need different tiddy sizes, puffy nipple/areola/lactation/color/freckles/nipple length/circumferences, etc. IF this is going to be one of the GREATS of tiddy games)
3. The scenery is also beautifully done.
4. The cop girl missions are different and refreshing in pace at first, having to work for it like a normal understanding relationship and not just handed to you after a certain point.
5. The "swinger" photography couple was surprising and awesome.
6. The amount of options with each girl is amazing, but I would say needs more variety/content to keep players entertained, guessing, and have more replay value.
7. Addition of vacations was genius. Love it. ^_^
8. The array of wardrobe options is GREAT. Just wished they would wear them more around the house since i paid obscene amounts of money for them.
9. Some of the characters are well written. They are written/portrayed in a way where you actually love of hate them. I don't know if the hate was meant to be there, but its there. lol Others are bland and lack flavor, but I also don't know if that was intentional.
10. Love the UI. The traveling system is cute and makes sense. Isn't convoluted and stupid like some other games.
11. THE BUTTHOLES. >_< <3 <3 <3
12. Everything else is wonderful and goes without saying. Keep up the great work and keep growing!! ^_^ <3
I upgraded them mine to level 3 and still nothing. But I also noticed you are correct. Other squares DO produce gold. So by the data, seems to be both my error (as I was on a square that slashed gold production) AND an error, (as the square oly impeded production and shouldnt have cut it off completely. Thx for the info tho! ^_^
I think this entire games mechanics and menus can be infuriating. I think it definitely needs a rework. Where you can move and battle the characters without a confusing and convoluted menu system. The dungeon/castle should be ok with menu buttons for upkeep and stuff, but I think it needs a lot more freedom than it has. Maybe a first person view with controller/mouse support for battles and prisoner/servant lewd scenes. The tutorial is worth shit and you largely have to try and fumble around guessing at the game's me hanics yourself. Otherwise, has a LOT of potential. I love the idea and the character creation is.... ok.
Thank you for the info. ^_^ Really. But, idk. Call me lazy, impatient or whatever... but I like to have my downloads ready within the hour at least. Im not about to wait a day or more for anything I download. So it sucks, but I guess Im not gonna be keeping up with this unless it has a download source OTHER than Mega and GDrive and so on that have download limits. Really do appreciate the info tho. Didnt know about download managers before.
Thank you for the info. ^_^ Really. But, idk. Call me lazy, impatient or whatever... but I like to have my downloads ready within the hour at least. Im not about to wait a day or more for anything I download. So it sucks, but I guess Im not gonna be keeping up with this unless it has a download source OTHER than Mega and GDrive and so on that have download limits. Really do appreciate the info tho. Didnt know about download managers before.
This is probably one of the stupidest games Ive seen on here. It has a LOT of potential but the shit you have to go through in order to progress is sooo not worth it. Also, the choices are very very limited, both romantically and plot-wise. lol Can be buggy at times and the only girl I actually wanted turned out to be a lezbo. -_-
GREAT game... but I have a few gripes with it tbh. But only a small few.
First, there is no option to turn off or hide the gay scene(s). I think its gross, personally, and dont want to see or get forced into the situation if I dont want to. Im sure there are others who would agree. Second, why no option to have sex with your OWN dick (maybe customizable?) and not just toys? Cumshots on/in them would be hot. Also, maybe pregnancy, since you already have lactation? Also, some toys disappear or glitch through the bed if left there too long...
I agree. It almost seems as this guy is learning from scratch and improving and upgrading by leaps and bounds. I played his first versions and this is amazingly done by comparison. I think his first version was best, storywise, but this new world has soooooo much possibility and promise. It started out like a PS1/PS2 version... crap graphics and barely stable world and UI. Now, it seems much more stable and graphics look Wii status. I keep saying this guy has great potential as long as he can focus and think this through. If he is as ADD as he seems, Im actually kinda glad he is taking it slow, as a rushed project will only disappoint him (and us) again. ^_^;
Im guessing this guy has ADD like a mf. So, probably not his fault, and he is constantly improving and upgrading. Im all for a witch hunt when I feel one is required, but with this guy? He is showing great great potential so long as he actually focuses on one version. lol Last thing I want to do with potential this great is talk shit and have him become uninspired for what is obviously going to be a work of art if he ever finishes it. lol XD
Yeah like HZark said, you gotta explore some and get to know the town. There are still bugs, like one entry into another area goes back to the same one you just came from... but the dev has started and stopped this game like 3 or 4 times. it was called "Big Long Complex" before. He hasnt ever finished it. But it seems it is because he is constantly upgrading it. It started kinda almost PS1 status. Now its Wii status. He's getting there. We are really just going to have to have a looot of patience with this one. lol ^_^ Consider this game still Beta version af.
Sounds like it might be your antivirus or Windows Defender doing sketchy shit. It happens with a lot of games these days. It may have quarantined a file that you need to restore, or you might need to run the game as an Administrator. If you cant fix the issue, delete the game and redownload, watching the screen after you install to see if Windows does anything weird. These steps usually fix whatever issues a game has unless the issue is with the game itself, and mine runs fine.. ^_^ But by the sound of it, it sounds like your computer is denying you access to the file location. So it sounds like an administrative permission thing. I hate today's computer issues, telling me what I can and cannot do on my own damn machine.. -_-; You have both my advice and my sympathies, bro