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Angel Avalon

A member registered May 22, 2023

Recent community posts

I agree.  It almost seems as this guy is learning from scratch and improving and upgrading by leaps and bounds.  I played his first versions and this is amazingly done by comparison.   I think his first version was best, storywise, but this new world has soooooo much possibility and promise.   It started out like a PS1/PS2 version... crap graphics and barely stable world and UI.   Now, it seems much more stable and graphics look Wii status.   I keep saying this guy has great potential as long as he can focus and think this through.   If he is as ADD as he seems, Im actually kinda glad he is taking it slow, as a rushed project will only disappoint him (and us) again.  ^_^;

Dont yuck my yum, bro.  lol   And these girls are AMAZONS.  Their backs are made of a Vibranium\Titanium\Adamantium alloy.   Theyre good.  /:)  lololol

Just a placeholder I think.  Think she says "9" at night, too.  lol

Yuuuup.   Means you are trying to load content (probably a save) that is no longer compatible to the newer (current) version of the game.   Need to delete everything and start a new game, or reinstall the game as it were brand new.

Welcome to game development.  :/    If you arent a true badass expert, but begin a badass passion project, it will have these outcomes, unfortunately.    Good news is, this guy shows a LOOOTTT of potential.   So once he masters it, Im sure he'll come out with amazing shit we all will love!  ^_^

Im guessing this guy has ADD like a mf.   So, probably not his fault, and he is constantly improving and upgrading.   Im all for a witch hunt when I feel one is required, but with this guy?  He is showing great great potential so long as he actually focuses on one version.  lol   Last thing I want to do with potential this great is talk shit and have him become uninspired for what is obviously going to be a work of art if he ever finishes it.  lol    XD

3pm to 6pm if I remember right?  -_o;

Yeah like HZark said, you gotta explore some and get to know the town.   There are still bugs, like one entry into another area goes back to the same one you just came from...   but the dev has started and stopped this game like 3 or 4 times.  it was called "Big Long Complex" before.  He hasnt ever finished it.   But it seems it is because he is constantly upgrading it.  It started kinda almost PS1 status.  Now its Wii status.  He's getting there.   We are really just going to have to have a looot of patience with this one.  lol  ^_^   Consider this game still Beta version af.

Sounds like it might be your antivirus or Windows Defender doing sketchy shit.   It happens with a lot of games these days.   It may have quarantined a file that you need to restore, or you might need to run the game as an Administrator.   If you cant fix the issue, delete the game and redownload, watching the screen after you install to see if Windows does anything weird.   These steps usually fix whatever issues a game has unless the issue is with the game itself, and mine runs fine..  ^_^   But by the sound of it, it sounds like your computer is denying you access to the file location.  So it sounds like an administrative permission thing.    I hate today's computer issues, telling me what I can and cannot do on my own damn machine..  -_-;  You have both my advice and my sympathies, bro

I wouldnt give up completely tbh.   The developer seems to be a pretty big flake, or he is just starting out, which if that is the case, has the most promise I have seen in almost any on here.   I think you can tune your controls on your pc, and if not, just train your fingers not to max out the threshold for now.   The developer has started and stopped this game like 3 or 4 times that we know of and each time, (especially the first) it has had MASSIVE potential and great story.    Great scenes and scenarios.   I personally love it to death.   I just wish he would get some meds for that A.D.D. and perfectionist attitude I think he might   But this is no doubt going to be a great great game.   I'd tell you to just have patience and add it to your collection for now and forget it for like 6 months and see what happens once you rediscover it.    This version doesnt have much content right now as he seemed to restart it again.   But if you want to see where it might be going, look up the older versions in google maybe.  "Small Complex", "Big Long Complex"... both are the same game and dev.   But in the other older dead versions, you can see what he is intending as he got further in the development than this one.   But up to you if you want to take it that far.  ^_^    Im just saying, cuz Im already a pretty big fan of this guy, and he hasnt even completed a project yet.  ^_^

Ouch...  Well fack.  lol  ^_^;

I will admit... I am a HUGE HUGE advocate for this fuggin amazeballs game....  but yeah...  the main character does seem to be weird looking, ngl.   I think that may be my singular gripe about this game, too.   He's just so plain and weird looking.  O_o...   Still looks like a badass, but just....weird.  Yeah.  lol

Im afraid this badass game is simply one-of-a-kind, bro...  One of the best games ive played here, if not THE BEST.  

Last update was a year ago...?     Is this game dead?  O_o??

Is this "Female Protagonist" tag?  O_o

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I had written a comment here about 3 months ago accentuating my love for this game and how it is miles ahead of any other game I've played of its nature on this site.   It seems to have disappeared now, so I thought Id write another so that others will come to know it's greatness!  ^_^!!!!   Both the story and the scenes are absolutely unparalleled!  DS IS THE BEST!  

I see.   I assumed they were by 0.1 version updates.    Public is 0.4 while the others are 0.6.2 and 0.6.4.   I thought that was more than 20 updates behind.  My bad.

Considering the downvotes for speaking the truth, you seem to be absolutely correct.  XD!!!    WOW.  XD

I always have the same issue with MEGA and GDrive.    DarkRaven brought to my attention that there is a link for GoFile on the very bottom that works without any stupid Download Quota.  ^_^

I didnt see the GoFile one.  That one seems to work just fine.  Thank you!  ^_^!!!!!!

Sorry for the late replay man.   I dont get on this site too often tbh.   I would start by talking with your housemates and working jobs in town.   Money is going to be a key factor, if I remember right.   And take chances with them at certain parts of the day once you raise your relationship level up by helping around the house.  ^_^    Hope that helps.  ^_^

Oh i see what youre saying.   No, what im saying is I dont know HOW you tell everyone that the game has been updated, and that even if you keep only the latest version up here, we cant see if it is the version we have downloaded or not because the version number isnt labeled.  ^_^;    It would just be a HUGE help to everyone I think, but meh.   Just a suggestion after all.  Again, thanks for a great game.  ^_^ <3

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it would really really really help to keep kept up with your awesome game if you would label the version on your download links on this site so we dont download 4+ Gigs to find out we have the same version already downloaded  ^_^;    (E.G.  1.0, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)  

So....might be a dumb question... or a very relevant one...

....Why not incorporate the prologue WITH the main game???
So that it is just ONE FILE?
Doesn't a prologue quite literally come before Chapter 1 and deserve to be part of the actual game instead of split in two??  O_o;;

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Only gripe is the only way to download are through sucky MEGA and GDrive sources never download or have limited downloads implemented on their servers these days.   Horrible choice of servers.  


Why is the public version so far behind??  -_o

Downloaded then saw it was a DEMO!  F((*$&$(*&##!  >_<;;;!!!

Fuck, Samantha is hideous... XD

Great content so far, it looks like, my ONLY real gripe so far is that you can only download from GoogleDrive & MEGA.   Both of which now implement a stupid download limit which makes it hell to download from sometimes.  HORRIBLE choice of servers to upload to.   Other than that, great job so far!

Just finished playing.
This game is buggy, but has GREAT potential.
Love playing it with my xbox controller!

If this game isnt dead in the water, and keeps getting updated, I have no doubt this will be a hit game.   Hope to see updates and more content!  ^_^

Thanks to you both!   Understanding the game just tends to make them all the better!  
Keep up the amazing work!   Obvious boner inducing characters aside, this is one great story!!  
Serious talent!  ^_^!!!!!

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This seems like an AMAZING game.
Unfortunately, many many many of us will never know.
The only links to this game are for MEGA and GDRIVE.
MEGA has a 5GB transfer limit if you don't have an account unless you want to jump through all kinds of hoops.  
GDRIVE hardly EVER WORKS.    So its unfortunate that so many wont even get a chance to try it because of the horrible server choice that was chosen to host the files.  Damn.   Really sucks it isnt just hosted here on Itchio or at least GoFile....  :\     :(

Sooo.... I have a question....

(Id love to drool all over this page first, to make it known how amazing I think this game is turning out, but im sure you get that a LOT.  😜😅😁 )

My question is....  I cant find ANYWHERE on how to level up your character, increase his battle stats, or how/where to learn Recipes... 

Can anyone advise?? 😅☺️

                          -Angel Avalon