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A member registered Sep 04, 2018 · View creator page →

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it was enjoyable after i figured out i can shoot lol

This looks freaking awesome man I can't believe u got it as a ROM too!

it wouldn’t let me. I had a similar issue with my game when i was testing it since its a set aspect ratio u can increase it to 1080x810 instead of 160x144 this way still follows the rules but the screen is bigger.

thats all it is atm planning on adding more and making the tame be a mini game u need to win in varying difficulty in order to tame the lizard but didnt have enough time and i wanna see if people really like it before i spend more time on it

Ya its hard to understand that best way to do that i found is to have a play tester try the game and u just dont say anything and see what they figure out

I don't know the controlls but found out 1 for enter a and d to move and w to jump I don't know how to shoot though. the jumping and everything else seems fine except fazing through the elevators that go side ways

Can you make the screen for it bigger it is extremely small and I also have no idea what to do but it seems like u have 2 enemies but attacking the same way every time you verse them

In the how to I would say A and D to move and space to shoot also U should prolly have it where you can select buttons and everything by keyboard since gameboys weren't touchscreen and didn't have a mouse.

The games a lot of fun I would just have it were you die the game just restarts instead of needing to quit out then reenter also PLEASE make that jumping noise quieter I loved the music until i needed to jump lol

Ummmmm.... I didn't know what to expect but ummm ya thats something alright... ok imma go have nightmares now...

It's already a pretty good game i would just make movement tile based so that its easier to attack and better to know if you are out of the way or others attacks.

I like the game It has great potential! I suggest saying or having a way to show what the controls are, a greater learning curve i couldn't beat that stupid skeleton after trying 8 times also you can go into negative live.

I don't really know what is the point in catching the pokemon other then they are rare. I can see possible potential in the game if you are able to do something with the pokemon you caught or explain how to catch pokemon better.  It would also be nice to have some animation and variety in NPC for all the guys look the same including the player.  Also I would make it tile based movement for the original pokemon games were tile based.  Lastly you should have a "Pokemon Counter" where instead of saying how many of each pokemon you have in dialogue have a list that shows up showing the name and then next to it the amount of them you caught.

>_> Ooof thanks Eric!!!

I enjoyed the game how ever the level progression is fast and random for I had trouble with some levels then the next level I had no problem with.  I would also try to fix the collision with the platforms for I kept getting stuck in the corners. I also don't know if it was planned to do wall jumps but on some platforms you can while others you can't.  I would make the walls green to show you can wall jump on it.  I would also make the enemies red for if you add moving platforms it will be difficult to tell platform from alien. this was on the 1.01v.

Guess you won’t know what kind of game it is