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A member registered Apr 18, 2018 · View creator page →

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Things are a lot slower than I'd like, but we ARE still working on it, slowly but surely. Mental health hasn't been in a great place lately so I've only really been posting devlogs on our Patreon (all of which are free, you should be able to read them without even having a Patreon account).

I'd like to get back to updating here on eventually, but it might take a little while longer, sorry!

No, Crisis Point will never be free. It's a paid product that covers our bills, and we wouldn't be able to keep creating it (and future games) if we gave it out for free.

Hey, sorry you're running into control issues! Most often, control binding problems like this are because of Steam's controller configuration tool interfering and causing problems - even if you aren't running the game through Steam. Before anything else, try these two options:

-Go into Steam Settings and turn off "Enable Steam Input for Playstation Controllers", then reboot steam for good measure, before launching the game
-Close Steam entirely before launching the game

If neither of those work, then it's likely a compatibility issue with the engine I'm using, Game Maker Studio 1 (specifically 1, not 2), which ceased development before the PS5 came out. If that is the case, then your best bet would be to either use a program like DS4Windows to remap the controller to something the game can recognize correctly, OR run the game through Steam intentionally as a Non-Steam Game (you can rename it, if you don't want your Steam friends to know what you're playing) to take advantage of Steam's gamepad input remapping capabilities.

Sorry again you ran into problems with this - ever since Steam introduced their gamepad input systems, it's been a constant source of frustration and headaches and there's literally nothing I can do about it as a developer. I hope one of the above methods is able to fix the problem, though!

Hey there! There's currently no way to track your completion percentage, sorry. It's something we will definitely be adding, but it's a bit more difficult to do when the game is still a WIP, and new things are being added constantly.

To answer your specific questions in order, though:

-The 9th upgrade slot is impossible to earn at the moment, it will be added into the game later on.
-It's not possible to open the doors in the Subaquatic Station right now.
-It's also not possible to get through small openings in walls while underwater, since Alicia's movement options are more limited.

In general, there are a number of places in the game that currently don't lead to anything, or areas that are inaccessible - I understand that can be frustrating when you're trying to do everything the game has to offer, it's just an unfortunate consequence of the game still being in development. Those areas will be accessible and filled out eventually!

No, there isn't. I removed all non-con content from Crisis Point because I don't want to create that kind of content anymore. I won't ever be adding it back to Crisis Point, and it won't be in any future games I make either. I understand having a preference for the old content, this isn't intended to be kinkshaming or anything like that, but I won't be changing it back, so please respect that decision.

Thank you for the kind words! And restarting would be for the best, yes. Old saves technically might still be compatible, because the general game progression will remain about the same, but you'd be missing a lot of new info and character interactions by continuing from an old save. I might even prevent old saves from carrying over if the changes are extreme enough, though exact plans aren't set in stone at the moment.

Let's see, the content we have the most of is:
-Breast expansion (every enemy has two animated sex scenes, one with normal boobs and another completely unique one with expanded boobs)
-Futanari (can be toggled off)
-Monster/creature sex
-Exhibitionism (somewhat mild, but every CG sequence takes place in front of a scientist, so they all have at least a small element of exhibitionism)
-Xrays (most animated sex scenes come with an internal xray, but it can be toggled off if you don't like xrays)
-Consensual/unexpectedly wholesome
-Gangbang (there's only a few of these, not a lot, but certain enemies can stack together for altered/unique scenes (e.g. 2 slimes at once))

Aside from those, we also have a few one off scenes some folks might find objectionable:
-Vore (one easily avoidable animated scene, can also be toggled off)
-All The Way Through (one animated scene, nothing violent or gruesome about it)

One last thing to note, Crisis Point contains NO nonconsensual/rape content whatsoever, so if that's something you're looking for, you won't find it here. I think that about sums it up!

Thank you for the kind words, I'm glad you enjoy the game!

As far as controls, every input in Crisis Point is fully rebindable, for both mouse+keyboard and gamepads, just take a look in the options menu. The only thing that's unsupported is side mouse buttons, which is unfortunately an engine limitation so there's nothing I can do about it for now.

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I'm glad you enjoyed the demo! However, we just released a new public demo, so there won't be another one for a long time.

This probably isn't what you want to hear, but to be clear, we won't ever be releasing LONGER demos; future public demo updates will only add in new features/polish that were added to the main game, but the amount of content will always be the same, ending after the second boss fight.

At the end of the day, Crisis Point is a paid product, not a free one, and the only reason we can make this game at all is because of the support we get on Patreon to fund development. The free demo is currently over an hour long, far more than you would get from most demos, so I'm happy with the amount of content the public demo has; I feel it's more than enough to decide if you want to pay for more content on Patreon or not. If you prefer to wait for the full game instead of donating on Patreon, I completely understand, but until the full game comes out, Patreon will be the only way to get more playable content.

Crisis Point is a metroidvania; the path through the game isn't a straight line, so if you find a jump you can't make, chances are it's because you're not supposed to be able to yet.

If you really get stuck, head back to camp and talk to Rodriguez, he can give you a hint on what to do next. In your case, you are supposed to use the Wire Shot to progress, but the path forward isn't directly connected to where you get the Wire Shot, so you need to head backwards a little bit and explore to find a place where the Wire Shot can be used. Try looking around the Eastern Summit teleporter.

We will not be making a mobile version of the game at any point. Crisis Point's controls are far too complicated for a touch screen, the game would be unplayable, and we don't have the time or budget to support mobile devices.

Yes, we do plan on making the final game available on both and Steam! We won't be doing Early Access on either platform, but definitely for the final release.

We plan on continuing to release free public demos that have updated features - for example, I'm going to put out another public demo update pretty soon with the new features like 360 aiming - but they won't ever have entirely new content. All future free demos of CPE will have the same amount of content as this demo, with the Caves and Summit fully explorable, and the demo ending after the 2nd boss fight.

I totally understand not being able to support on Patreon, and that's why we post all of our devlogs for free, so everyone can still keep up with the game's development even if they can't afford to support us financially - but at the end of the day, Crisis Point is a paid product, and giving out tons of content for free means there's not much reason to support us on Patreon, and we need that funding to be able to finish the game. The public demo here on has around 1-2 hours of content, which I think is plenty of gameplay to decide if you want to get the full game or not, so that's why we don't plan on doing more free playable content.

If there are any more major updates like this one, that make radical changes or add completely new features, then we'll definitely do more public demo updates - but again, they won't ever have more content than this one, just updated features

We're not quite ready to go back to regular scheduled update releases just yet, unfortunately - there's some early-game story overhauls I want to address first, and I also want to finish making my custom level editor before we go back to pushing out more content, since designing levels is one of the most time consuming parts of the job.

I'm not really sure when the next major update for the game will come out, but I'll keep everyone updated as best I can, and I'll definitely announce it when we're back to pushing new content on a regular schedule!

I'm really sorry, if Patreon won't take the prepaid cards then there's not much I can do.

That page details all of the payment options Patreon supports, maybe it can help? We don't have any other easy way to take payments, and since we're a small team with limited resources, it would be difficult to set up other methods.

It really sucks that you want to support, and have the money to do so, but literally can't because of those Patreon limitations - so if that page doesn't help, then I would honestly suggest trying to find a pirated download online. I know this is a somewhat common issue, especially for non-US countries that don't have the same payment options the US has, and I hate the idea that some folks just won't be able to play the betas because of payment processing limitations that we have no control over, so to you and anyone else who's in the same situation (literally can't support because of Patreon limitations, even though you want to), consider this your permission to pirate the game until it's released on a platform that you CAN use. All I ask is that you remember to support the final game when it comes out, if you can afford to do so!

Hey, thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you like how things are shaping up!

Good news is, you've got the slime scenes mixed up - when I shared them a few updates ago, it was the new scene first, then the old scene, so the one you liked more IS the new scene. More frames, better detail, all that good stuff you noted!

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Your quote at the end is EXACTLY right: not all time spent is of equal value, thank you for summarizing my ADHD rambling into a few words lmao. It's a lesson I've taken embarrassingly long to learn, but we're getting there, and it's always good to hear other creative folks dealing with the same things!

Gotcha, thank you for the input! I'm not entirely sure what we'll end up doing with the healthbar, but I'm not fully satisfied with it either, so it's definitely one of the things we'll be trying to address. I appreciate you taking the time to give feedback on it!

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Thanks for the feedback! To make sure I'm understanding you right, you're basically asking for the health UI to put more emphasis on your total health rather than how much you have left in your current "health container", yeah? If so, we'll definitely keep that in mind and try to find a better solution. If not, can I ask for some more elaboration on what exactly you mean?

I'm not entirely sure I understand what issue you're running into, so forgive me if I'm wrong - it sounds like you can no longer select things on the menu because the Enter key exits the menu? I could've sworn I added in code to prevent that, but it must be an oversight - sorry you ran into that!

If you need to reset your controls, you can do so by venturing to your Local Appdata folder, then the Crisis_Point_2019_Public_Demo folder, and deleting the keys.ini file in there. When you run the game again, it will generate a new keys.ini file with the controls back to default. If you don't know how to do that, hit the Windows key + R keys to open your Run prompt, then in that prompt, type %localappdata% and hit OK. That will open up your AppData/Local folder, at which point you can navigate to the Crisis_Point_2019_Public_Demo folder and remove the aforementioned keys.ini file.

Sorry again you ran into this issue, it'd be best to avoid using the Enter key as a custom keybind for the time being, and I'll make sure the issue is fixed later on. Let me know if that doesn't help or if you need anything else!

(This post was google translated, so please forgive me if anything sounds odd or hard to understand)

The free demo will get an update eventually, near the end of the game's development. We do not plan on releasing any additional content for free; the new demo, when it comes out later, will be the same amount of content as the current demo (ending after the 2nd boss fight), just with any additional polish and features added to the game since the 2019 demo. The demo here on is over an hour long, so it's already longer than most game demos; please understand that Crisis Point is the only thing paying our bills, so we can't afford to release even more than 1-2 hours of content for free.

(Este post foi traduzido do Google, então, por favor, me perdoe se algo parecer estranho ou difícil de entender)

A demo gratuita receberá uma atualização eventualmente, perto do final do desenvolvimento do jogo. Não planejamos lançar nenhum conteúdo adicional gratuitamente; a nova demo, quando for lançada mais tarde, terá a mesma quantidade de conteúdo que a demo atual (terminando após a segunda luta contra o chefe), apenas com qualquer polimento e recursos adicionais adicionados ao jogo desde a demo de 2019. A demo aqui no tem mais de uma hora, então já é mais longa do que a maioria das demos de jogos; Por favor, entenda que o Crisis Point é a única coisa que paga nossas contas, então não podemos liberar mais do que 1-2 horas de conteúdo gratuitamente.

Sorry, but we will not be supporting mobile in any way. Crisis Point's control scheme is far too complex for a touch screen, using up almost every button on a standard controller, so a port would only be playable by those who have a controller for mobile - that's a small number of people who would be able to play it, and a mobile port would be very difficult for our small team to manage, so I'm afraid it's not going to happen.

Sorry, but no, we don't support Android and have no plans to do so. Mobile ports are very difficult to do, especially for a team as small as ours with limited resources. Crisis Point is a fast-paced action game that uses every button on a standard gamepad; touch controls would be impossible to implement or play with comfortably, and not enough mobile users use gamepads for that to be a viable option for us, with how much work a mobile port would be.

They're only in our Patreon updates. I post updates like this about what we're working on everywhere, so people can follow the development even if they're not pledged to us, but playable updates beyond this demo are only given out to our $10+ patrons.

Use the Wire Shot, the upgrade you just collected. There's more areas to use it in other than the room you get it in. Look around for the glowing spots that mark Wire Shot platforms.

Where exactly in the game are you? Are you still in the caves area, or did you reach the Summit? Have you killed either of the two boss fights included in the demo?

Hey there! Sorry to disappoint, but our Patreon version of the game has no integration, and we don't plan on adding it. Our Patreon campaign is a continuous thing, you only get new playable updates while you continue to pledge, and my understanding is that integration would make it so anyone who gets the Patreon version on itch would have permanent access to the game and every future update, even without additional pledges. Because of that, it doesn't work for the way our campaign is set up.

We're not planning on adding impregnation.

It's a false positive, your antivirus is flagging it incorrectly. It happens all the time with .exe files, since .exe's are the filetype that the majority of viruses use, and unfortunately there's nothing I can do to make antivirus programs understand the game is safe.

I understand a false positive can be concerning, so if you need any extra reassurance that there's no virus here, take a look at our page here - we have 83,000 downloads, and you can look back at our community posts and see that yours is the first post about any kind of virus in the >2 years since we uploaded this demo. We definitely would've been removed from the site by now if there was any kind of virus included

Ah shoot, sorry - I completely forgot that this demo actually saves files in the Crisis_Point_2019_Public_Demo folder within local appdata, rather than the Crisis_Point_Extinction folder. You just need to go to that folder instead and delete the keys.ini file in there, then reboot the game, that'll set all the controls back to default!

The Steam version of the game will come out once the game is finished. We will not be doing Early Access on Steam.

My apologies, I implemented some code to try and prevent that type of problem but apparently it wasn't thorough enough. I'll try to  implement a fix for this in future versions.

For now, you can reset your controls by going to your local appdata folder, then the Crisis_Point_Extinction folder in there, and deleting the keys.ini file. If you don't know how to access your local appdata folder, simply press the Win+R keys to open a Run prompt, type %localappdata% in the box that appears, and hit enter, then find the Crisis_Point_Extinction folder.

Thank you for bringing this bug to my attention!

The game is never going to have widescreen. If it was a simple process then sure, but widescreen support has huge implications for the game as a whole, it's not just as simple as expanding the screen boundaries; it allows you to see far more of the screen than intended, which would reveal secrets hidden just off screen, require a huge change in enemy AI and behavior (unless you want enemies standing in full view and not doing anything), and many levels in the game would need to be redone entirely as they're not large enough to fill a widescreen space.

You're not supposed to be able to reveal every possible area of the map the first time you go there; it's a Metroidvania, you often need to come back later with more upgrades to be able to fully explore.

It sounds like you've reached the Summit already, if you've unlocked the ability to view CGs; you need to explore more there and find some upgrades. If you really want explicit information on where to go, then starting from the beginning of the Summit: you need to head through the indoors area after the platforms at the beginning of the Summit, then once you come out of the other end of that building, head upward as far as possible (which requires going through a building, heading right, and dropping down onto an area just above an save point), then follow the path until you get the Wire Shot upgrade. Then use the Wire Shot to explore further.

Like I mentioned before, it's helpful to check your map and see where you didn't finish a room or go through a door - while it's true that often you can't fill them in without future upgrades, the correct path will always be in one of those spots. None of the critical paths in Crisis Point are "hidden" in the way certain metroidvanias hide them, so the map is an invaluable tool for finding your way forward.

You can also leave custom map notes on each square of the map, so in cases like the one you're talking about where vines/ivy are blocking the path, you can leave a note there saying "vine/ivy blocking the exit" or something to that effect, so you can easily remember what was there later on without having to actually go there

We used to maintain a walkthrough in the very early versions of the game, but keeping it properly updated with the game's environments occasionally shifting added a lot of work to every major update, so we stopped doing it a long time ago. I intend to add a feature where talking to Rodriguez has him give you a direction/hint as to where to go next, but beyond that I don't intend on keeping any sort of official walkthrough

It sounds like you're still at the very beginning of the game, so I'd advise listening to dialogue with NPCs (they often give big or small hints on where to go next), and using the map to explore - if you look at your map, you can see chunks of rooms you haven't filled in yet, as well as doors that you haven't gone through yet, and going to those rooms and checking them out is usually a pretty good place to start when you're stuck

With the Hoverjets, make sure you familiarize yourself with the two abilities that gives you (holding Jump in midair to slowly descend, AND holding the Dash button after a grounded dash to continue dashing horizontally - this also works when you go off a ledge, allowing you to dash over large gaps).

With those two new movement abilities at your disposal, go back and explore the upper area of the Caves until you find another upgrade, then head to the upper areas of the Summit and explore there using that new upgrade.

I'm sorry, but there's not really enough information about where you are in the game for me to give you any advice. What was the last upgrade you found, and the last new area you explored?

No, it will only ever be available for our $10+ patrons. The v0.42 free release we did recently was a one-time thing; I don't plan on releasing any more free versions of the game. The only exception will be an updated demo once the game is finished, but that demo will only have the same amount of content as the 2019 public demo, just with all the polish and changes added to the game since then.

Try not to assume one specific path is the way forward; if a path seems impossible no matter how much you try to get through it, chances are it is impossible, and you need to find another route. Explore around, use any new abilities or upgrades you've found to see if you can find another path forward!