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A member registered Jan 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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In case the mod is for an older version of the game, it might not work on a newer one.

I'm not the author of the game, I'm simply someone who copy->pasted that portion off the game blog.

I'm not the one you should direct that question at.

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From the game blog linked on this page:

Content that I will not be adding to this game, in no order:
Under aged
Excessive Violence and Gore.
M/M content
Probably some other stuff too that i've forgotten about

Source -

Copy->Paste and, if needed, overwrite existing files with the same names.

1. Venefica at full power in her normal form says "Hi" with her 4444 arousal stat.
Remember, this is still a role-playing game, you're going to need to grind a bit… eventually (well, this applies to the average, heard the dev managed to beat her while being severely under-levelled during testing, but keyword: dev).

Wanting animated scenes in a text-based battle fuck RPG, haha.


Has there been any kind of information about what can we expect to see at the Capital, once it gets more fleshed out? I do like surprises, but I'm starved for content. I wouldn't mind seeing the likes of Shizu in a more… casual setting.

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Use "Analyze" to discover the real Shizu and focus on her, she has better stats than her clones,

Hm. Can't you keep a copy of your saves?

I've been able to download it from the Discord Post.


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Honestly speaking, I'm not sure. Maybe the Foot Fetish increases the rate at which she uses that move? I know that when you lose to Shizu at the dojo, you can choose to engage in Foot Play training with her Kunoichi and that increases the Foot Fetish.

Referring to Bowing to the Mountain? In that case, it's still there.

Copy the "saves" folder, located in "game" folder.

You'd need to talk to the one who created that mod, not the game's creator.

You're lucky, I've yet to see the new harpy scene at the Inn.

Still pretty barebones. A boss fight which serves as introduction to the Capital and a couple of scenes, if I recall correctly.

It most likely is something wrong with your OS, because I'm also a Windows user and the game behaves correctly on my end.

Well, there isn't and judging by that list, there won't be one.

From the Game Blog linked on this page:

"Content that I will not be adding to this game, in no order:
Under aged
Excessive Violence and Gore.
M/M content
Probably some other stuff too that i've forgotten about"

So, there you have it. No dickgirls from the creator, but the game can be modded, go crazy with that.

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Someone who plays the game at a normal pace or, more generally, the legit way won't be able to get the required amount of Eros fast enough (unless we're talking of someone close to a day one player), plus, I remember the dev stating something along the lines of it being a troll ending. More importantly, though, like you said… the user specifically asked: Aren't there any game overs where a monster girl takes me as her permanent slave? >_>

The only game over which fits that description is Dark Perpetua's, currently. The suggested candy shop one could be considered a soft ending, but even that's a stretch.

No, the only proper game over currently available in the game is the one from Dark Perpetua.

Heh. Insight could be easily farmed in chalice dungeons, anyway.

Well, I hope the level draining mechanic will be optional (kind of like level scaling).

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It doesn't have that many CG art to begin with, what purpose would a gallery serve? I mean, it's right there at the top of this page: "Monster Girl Dreams is a text based BFRPG".

Go to the Labyrinth and pick the option similar to "Leave labyrinth" (sorry, don't remember the exact wording right now).

Have at least 6 in Power, Technique, Allure and interact with the church brat enough. At some point she'll give you a quiz, answer correctly and that holy skill is yours.

Sounds like you either need to grind for more experience and levels, or your build needs some work/rework. There isn't just one way to win that fight… critical hits and aphrodisiacs should help at least a bit.

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The Will-Power Temple has two set of trials you must pass, before you can proceed: Will side and Power side, check if you've cleared both of them (there should be levers at the end). Once you pulled the levers, return to the temple entrance and you should be able to proceed through the double doors.

The latter, pretty much. There isn't much content available for the capital, yet.

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Hell, I feel weird, am I really the only one who loves that status precisely because it can't be removed by usual means? I mean, finally, there's some actual danger…. never played a RPG game before? Not every single technique, or status which could be inflicted by enemies needs a "fix", otherwise, where's the challenge? Ugli Herb, Conscio Powder, the universal Panacea… we could effectively remove more than 90%, if not 99% of status ailments… there's a single one which requires player to bear with it and win, in order to cleanse and it's bullshit. Jeez.

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The other user is partially incorrect: the second skill Lilian gives is locked behind stat points, too, she won't give you the quiz if you don't have at least 6 in Power, Technique, Allure.

Thank you, I missed it.

Still waiting for Dark Perpetua to be a repeatable fight.


I hope we'll get to see the Manticore there, or even Shizu in casual attire.

Will characters we've already met/etcetera… get new scenes at the Capital? The wait is killing me.

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Not currently.

According to comments on the "Future plans" page on the development blog, there are plans to add dates, marriage and pregnancy… there hasn't been confirmation from the dev though, not on the comments, at least.

And that question ("Do they even still work with the last version that changed the parameters?") already received the only answer which could be given to it: the main game developer can't know which mods still work, that kind of question is better asked to the folks who created the mods.

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And even if he did that? From what I saw, he always mentions which parameters he may have changed on the modding side of things (referring to updates' change logs). Again, it's not his job to maintain the mods operational in every update, that task is solely up to those who created the mods.

To me it sounds like very simple and basic stuff. You create a mod for a game? It's up to you to maintain it, not the original developer.

Labyrinth->Pick the option: "Leave the Labyrinth".

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None aside from those who created those mods could answer that question. Threshold tries to keep the game as "mod-friendly" as possible, but in the end, it's up to the mods' creators, not Threshold, to keep their work up-to-date and ensure it works on the most recent version of the game.