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A member registered Jul 08, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hi Gadgetmann01, thanks for taking the time to download our game! I'll try to re-export the file and make it compatible with android (since from memory, renpy android was in beta when we first exported it), but in the meantime, perhaps try Amoris Flores on another platform first. I'll send you a reply when the files have been reuploaded. Thanks!

Hello, this is a free game that I'd like to add to the showcase! Thank you for all the effort put in to raising money for the BLM movement!

Oof, I totally missed the submission deadline... By a couple hours.

Oh well, I think this was a good lesson in keeping up with time constraints and working ahead of time just in case of unforseen things (like getting sick lol). I'll stick the submission up on my own page >here<

Final update:

I tweaked a lot of writing and scene changes and mixed some musical elements together. I'll have to write up a credits page too. 

I'll also probably scratch at this a little more in my own time since what I have so far is just an introduction. Thank you for those who followed this game!

It's quietened down a bit on the dev end because I've started to do some of the boring nitty gritty... ahh coding.

So yeah, my work flow has kind of been scribbling notes on one side and pulling dialogue out of nowhere on the other. 

There isn't much else exciting in the art department too other than background works in progress since now it's mostly coding everything and finding music assets. 

Thanks for tuning into this quick update!

!! Warning for flashing lights !!

Another update: I’ve figured out how to do animated splash screens quickly so here’s one:

I’ve also quickly done up some more backgrounds

As for writing and coding, a lot of yesterday was testing assets (it turns out ren’py does not automatically resize your assets so it was a lot of fiddling) and getting some writing done. It’s a lot different to regular writing so we’ll see how I go. 


Thanks! So do I!

Hello again, today I’ve got some updates in the art department:

The entry to the lake campsite. The Info Booth is looking rather empty, hm...

Definitely empty right now. Wonder how the characters are going. 

oh hey, a talksprite! Ainsley is looking real good here!

Billy is the other love interest (??? Can there be love interests in this game? I guess if you’re dating Mothman, anything is possible) and yes, I’ve already been told. He looks like a Pokémon Trainer.

I’ll continue working on things and update as needed. 

*poses* I’m late again! Mama raised no quitter but she did raise a fool. 

All jokes aside, this is the devlog for Two Nights At Lake Frontier, a visual novel where you go fishing at an obscure lake from your childhood with your dad, which is also a hot spot for Mothman sightings and animal attacks. Doesn’t sound weird at all. You won’t bump into that cryptid at all, I’m sure. 

This was the game I was going to work on the last time I participated but didn’t end up doing anything (I hope that’s okay?????)

In the mean time, here’s a sneak peek at the art that’s been in the works since this morning before I ran off to work:

Is this a background??? Oh my...

A camping ground is not complete without a cute info booth gal/park ranger/first aid officer/grounds supervisor! Sounds like a lot of work!

There’s a lake so I suppose there’s gotta be a boat shed, right? It’s gotta be run by someone who is also handsome and mysterious.

I guess that’s all for tonight. “But where’s Mothman??” You ask. Well, you’ll see. I feel like I have the distinct disadvantage of being in a time zone zooming forward at a pace earlier than other participants, so.... wish me luck???

Ahhh I love PMD! I’m replaying Explorers of Sky right now! Good luck with the game jam!

I remember playing Mogeko Castle and Ib and liking them a lot! Hope you have a good time working on the jam!

Oh, I love Gris and Transistor! Nice picks!

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hi, my name is Rugiku but I’ve been known as Ruru. 

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

Not last jam but many jams ago did I participate and actually submit something! The time after that, I participated but ended up not having enough time to actually knuckle down and do any work. Compounded with me trying to do everything by myself as a test of skill, I predictably kinda fell off the wagon, so I wanna do better this time and set some proper achievable goals. 

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I’ve gained a love of games that break the 4th wall a bit! Oneshot is a game that I remember fondly. I also really love story-rich games with nice visuals and music so some favourites of mine are Pyre by Supergiant Games and Hyper Light Drifter by Heart Machine. 

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I actually did a bit of study into game dev where I learned how to model environments and levels in Unity. I also did my own research into easy-to-learn engines like Ren’py and Bitsy. 

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

Unconventional romance novels and plant care. 

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Build and write a complete working introduction to a visual novel. Expand routes when possible.

7. Any advice to new participants?

Plan your time well and understand your limits even in the generous time frame. 

8. What can the admins do to improve your jam experience?

Please let us know via email if there’s an extension for submissions before the deadline please (´∀`)ゞ

9. What are some of the past works you've made for the jam? Show off your favorites!

I did so with a friend and we made Amoris Flores which is a plant dating sim with puns and plot(?).

10. Bonus: Got any question suggestions? Let us know for next year!

Sorry, can’t think of anything or

Augh, time really got away from me and I'm super sad that I had to essentially give up doing the jam.

Thanks for the interest guys! I'll still be pecking away at this in my spare time so follow me on Twitter @freshrurus for updates~

Whoa, I'm pretty late to the starting line! This is Ruru, working on their first solo vn in a jam and boy is it tough juggling the development with work and everyday life... Anyway, onto the actual game itself! (As always, title and names are subject to change.)



Inspired by the aesthetic of We Know The Devil and the holiday trips of my youth, Two Late Nights By Lake Frontier is a visual novel about fishing, camping, and the things that lurk in the night. Join your eccentric father on a summer vacation you definitely don't look forward to at tiny Lake Frontier -- a small, uncharted lake deep upstate that boasts murky water, dense forests, and enough locals to count on one hand. Seriously, that's weird. At least Lois, the cute girl manning the Info Booth, and Caleb, the sweet boy minding the Boat Rental Shed, are here to keep you company for two brain-numbingly boring days filled with terrible Dad Jokes and Puns. And fish. 

So what if you keep finding footprints the size of a Labrador sunk in the river shore?



  • This is my first attempt at a game developed by myself, please be patient with me and I would love constructive criticism!
  • This will be made with Ren'py
  • I hope to have at least the opening and one out of two routes completed by the end of the jam (a far shot from my ideal game which includes 6 good ends, not including bad)
  • Cryptidates I mean what--



  • You can name your own character (the default has not been decided yet, though)
  • Lois can usually be found at the Lake Frontier Info Booth and knows a lot about the fish in the lake
  • Caleb works at the Frontier Boat Rental Shed and knows a lot about the animals in the forest
  • Dad
  • ???? -- a character that may run the concierge of Lake Frontier Motel



A rough development timeline drafted on Trello as well as some plot notes:

Trello Plans


Some dialogue's been written for the opening:

Yep. Stay tuned for more soon!

1. Hi there! What's your name? Want to introduce yourself?

Hello!! I'm Ruru, nice to meet everyone!

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time? If not, what's your reason for joining?

I participated in the 2016 MFGJ Summer Edition with Mysteryprof, producing Amoris Flores! I hope to be more efficient in coding and make better art this time around! Despite being busy all the time, I want to join because I love games and want to see more inclusive visual novels that explore many different kinds of genres. 

3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own?

I'm super fond of Hyper Light Drifter and am currently playing Nier:Automata at a glacial pace! I really love strong, visually-told stories and relatable characters.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine?

I specialise in visual novel-style games (previous game), but I also used to study game development! I've had experience with and the Unity game engine.

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!

Table-top games! I play Dungeons & Dragons and Masks: A New Generation with a bunch of university friends!! I love my characters so much!! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

6. What are your goals for this game jam?

Get some more game development experience under my belt! I'm great at coming up with ideas but terrible at putting them into words haha...

7. Any advice to new jammers (if you're a veteran)?

Not really a veteran but it's okay if you don't finish! Process is more important than product.

8. If you're a returning jammer, what can the admins do to improve your jam experience?

Please let us know about any changes in deadline extensions ahead of time please;;;

This is such a nice concept! Thank you for making this, I love the colours, design, and aesthetic!

Sorry it's taken so long but I've played Deluge and I enjoyed the game!

The art is really nice and the music choices were spot on, I was absorbed into the mood of the game very well. The dialogue that appeared on screen broke the flow of the game, in my opinion, so perhaps changing the dialogue text to another colour or style would help! Other than that and a few grammatical errors, your game was really good!

Thanks for playing and enjoying the game!

Yes, there's only one ending for Wisteria that we could do in the time that we had.

Haha, thanks for playing and loving the game! We'll definitely think about making more games... maybe we'll make another one with some familiar characters too!

Thanks for the compliments! We're glad you enjoyed the game :-)

Hey, thanks for trying out our game! We hope you had a lot of fun~

Thanks for playing and for leaving a comment, first of all!

Yes, there are multiple endings, though they're quite linear given the time we had at our disposal with the experience we had. World building was, by far, our favourite thing to do alongside developing each character so we're glad you liked them. :)

Please feel free to give us critical feedback! Both Prof and I would love to improve our skills and critique from players really help that along.

Everything looks really sweet and cute! I hope you can push to the end, good luck!!

Really cute aesthetic! 100% interested in playing this game after it's done.

Thanks for the interest! Your music has a nice, consistent style to it and I enjoyed listening to your work on youtube.

Unfortunately we've already found the music that's going to be used in the game, but we wish you luck in future projects!

- Rugi