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Antoine Foucault

A member registered Nov 02, 2019 · View creator page →

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For anyone playing, if you're stuck at the 3 brothers (red, green and blue) level, it's because of a typo I made in the instructions.

The goal of this level is written as "Make Blue the tallest and GREEN the smallest" but it should be "Make Blue the tallest and RED the smallest".

I will fix this issue as soon as Mark publishes his video to be sure he plays the original jam build.

Thanks for playing!

Thank you so much! Loved your game too, congrats!

Thank you, I'm glad you loved it, I had fun making it too!

Thank you!

Thanks. I agree that some ideas could be pushed further, it could make for some cool puzzles.

And I'm sorry about this issue about red, green and blue. Indeed I wrote "Make Green the smallest" instead of "Make Red the smallest". It will be fixed after the jam ends.

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the dialogues and the puzzles.


Thanks! I agree, I might have gone a tad too simple for the puzzles at the start indeed. It's always tricky to find a good difficulty sweet spot for puzzles (especially in a jam). Thank you for playing!

Thank you!

I've uploaded a new build, that should fix the issue.

Thanks, I'm glad you had fun!

Thank you for your comment! I'm glad you liked it.

Haha then I think you made the right decision to polish the intro to finish everything on time. I guess an illustrated cutscene does take a lot of time to do, especially since an ending isn't the priority.

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Awesome game, I love how quirky the gameplay is!

The controls make perfect sense and are unique, the sound design and visuals are top notch, and the risk vs reward of extending your arms further to tax richer houses works really well.

I would have liked a small ending cutscene as a reward for completing the game because the intro cutscene was really cool.

One of my favorites from the jam for sure, it's really short and simple, but does everything it aims to do perfectly. Well done!

Thank you for your comment! The introduction might be a bit slow indeed because I try to teach the mechanics through simple levels rather than through a wall of text, but I'm glad you enjoyed the later ones.

Hahaha thank you very much for the compliments! I'm glad you liked it.

It's an interesting game, I haven't seen something like this on the jam yet. Even if there's no real story presented I liked the vibes with the dark colors.

Maybe some of the genomes are more useful than others? I found myself using the dash one as much as I could because of its speed.

Well done!

Thanks for the comment, it's always appreciated :D

Short, unique and fun game!

A but disappointed there isn't an ending (that I know of) given the infinite nature of the game, since I loved the intro cutscene!

I like the fact that the balls reaching a spot close to the center was random, so sometimes either Joe or Dad will miss with a medium-sized hole, as well as the speed increase over time, which spices up the gameplay in a simple but effective way.

Well done!

(1 edit)

The idea is fun, and seeing rats moving around everywhere sure is amusing.

However, I do think it's a shame that most of the controls aren't required to complete the game  (only the left click to move the rats is useful). Maybe adding a limit to mice by cage and having cages of different scales could help (to force the player to both scale the rats and yourself).

Appart from that, you went crazy with the gun VFX I like that haha

Nice little game!

At first I was kind of lost concerning the battle system, but once I began to get the hang of it, it was fun!

I personnally found the font you used not pleasant to read, so it was difficult to follow the tutorials.

Good job!

(1 edit)

Wow thank you so much for the lengthy review!

I'm glad you like the length of the game. Of course, there are always bugs, but I'm glad I managed to fix most of the ones I found (I think bug-fixing was BY FAR what took me the longest to do in this jam ahah).

Thanks again!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it. I also enjoyed making it so it's a win-win!


Incredible game!

As already said by other comments, the art direction reminds me of Florence and is so pretty! I could totally see that game expanded and turned into a full release.

Taking pictures is satisfying, everything is simple and cozy with a lot of polish.

Great job!

Thank you for your comment!

To be fair I didn't put much thought in the pocket UI, so there could be a lot of UI improvements. I totally agree with your suggestion. Thanks!

Nice idea, forcing us to think where to put our blocks.

As others commented, maybe there could be some improvements to help modifying a level without having to unzoom and go back to a previous one. I personnally think that going to a previous level shouldn't reset your blocks, and they should always stay where you've placed them unless you proactively decide to move them.

But overall well done!

Hahaha thank you, I'm glad you love it so much!

Thank you! If you're talking about the end, yeah at first I was planning to have a giant gag level where you had to pocket and resize everyone, but decided it wasn't worth the time because I had other priorities to finish the game.

Pretty and clever puzzle game, I could see that expanded with even more brain-busting puzzles!

I also encountered several problems (that others already commented). The character sometimes refuses to come or enter a machine, and for level 5 I don't know what I am doing wrong but I can't seem to pass it. Maybe at least showing the player their wrong answer at the end to help them figure out what they did wrong would also help.

But appart from that, a really charming game. Well done!

Wow thank you so much, I'm glad you liked it that much!

Incredible game with a really smart idea!

I love that you didn't lazily scale the pixel art, and actually made assets for every resolution with a coherent pixel ratio. Maybe having a button mapped on the keyboard to change resolution would have been nice, instead of using the mouse to drag the UI.


It's a fun idea, allowing for a lot of different strategies.

I also loved the art, with nice colors.

Like another commenter said the invisible borders were a bit frustrating but overall very fun game!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed the implementation of the mechanics and the art style :)

Thank you so much, I'm glad you laughed while playing it!

Yeah you're right, I could have done something more crazy for the ending haha

The idea of being able to put yourself in your own pocket also came up during brainstorming, but I didn't do anything of it during this jam.

Thanks for the comment!

Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

The visuals were really cool, with simple shapes with outlines. I liked how the FOV was really distorted.

I feel that adding coyote time would add a lot to the gameplay because I often fell when trying to jump off a ledge, which was really frustrating (the distorted FOV doesn't help with that).

Well done!

I wouldn't feel very motivated to climb if someone threw rocks at me so it's an unusual concept haha.

Maybe adding a feedback indicating when a rock will be dropped would help, because I found it hard to react and grab it when it did appear, because of its small size.

Well done!

Really short but with a ton of polish (the screenshake on the landing while being big or the small jump the character does when switching size are the big highlight to me).

The game was really sweet, with a catchy sound design.

Concerning the gameplay, I never needed to use the "Normal" size even once. It would have been cool to have a screen that forces the player to use it.

Well done!

Wow thank you for the compliments, I'm pleased to hear you liked the game!