Thank you. I replied via email, but I'm not sure you've got it. The gift is really cool. Keep up the good work!
I've reported all the typos and problematic phrasings I found.
page 13:
"...a kind of bird that seems to have no feelings."
"...steal some food for the wounded."
"A human child silently enters the kitchen..."
"...sacks some Elixir cubes." Possibly takes, steals, snatches?
"...hearing a Carcori approach, the human child .... the Elixir jar open."
"...the safe thing to do is not to fly..."
Page 10-11:
The two sides of coins are known as Heads (note the -s) and Tails.
"succeed" is written with 2 Es, and you succeed IN an action. However, my advice would be to write "...the player is successful", instead of "...the player succeeds in the action."
Instead of "In Resume", which does not make sense in English afaik, consider "In Brief", or "In a Nutshell".
Page 7:
Page 8: