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A member registered Jan 29, 2024 · View creator page →

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You have such pretty submission page! I was already invested upon seeing the thumbnail and had already downloaded the game before but only played it today.

I love the main menu ^^
I would have maybe zoom the camera out a bit so the sun is not so close to the edge of the frame. I've seen the credit page; teams of artist :>>>

I love the animation of the sun turning into an dragon-like eye--symbolizing the Being. cool AF

OK--so i'm in the game. It lags on my laptop.
But the town is gorgeous. Love the lighting effect and the way you drew the ground to have lights shining on it.  I conversate with many of the townspeople--it feels like the right answers are randomized? along the way for some reason i saw the majick option and started...pulling out of people's ears?  But it seems to magically convinced them. At this point in time i didn't know about the Being and thought that the protagonist is a fraud just like the church that follows 'the false god' in the game.
I ended up...losing that run? idk how 
but i played a second time

I figured out that i just need to get the majick items and run along and trick people. I figured out the Being thingy by this point and casting magic left and right. I finally reached 23/20 cult members without realizing and was confused at why I haven't gotten an ending yet. I kept recruiting faster than the US military and gotten to 28 cult member and suddenly won? @>@

I can see the possible fun in the future in having to figure out what dialogue makes people tick but in this version, after a few conversion i just started to skip through the dialogue

Oh my @.@ I don't know how to start. I'll just say the good things. I already like the game title and premise.

It sound super mysterious and spooky. Its actually quite creative as well because the only other time that I knew of similar idea is from world of horror, there was a mystery in that game where you are stuck in your room but everything starts to rot and at the end you need to fight the ghost of a dead tenant that used live in that house.

As soon as I heard the music I already loved it. feels very fitting :>

And the visual looks great too! The style really fits the theme although I wish the infestation is more prevalent or there is more visual indication of 'something' wrong.

I hope you guys follow through with the future of the game--there is promising prospect there ^^

When I first started the game--upon hearing the whispers, I smiled. It sounds super good and the "Press any key to RIOT" looks super good!
When I first get into the game, the game freezes (I think its because of red guy spawning particles) but from all the comments I can see that you already knew about this. But it only freezes when the effect were made but then played like normal. 
I didn't...get to experience the story of the game while playing it--I only knew what its about only after the game ended and from reading the store page. I didn't even know that we are shooting mayo(i didn't connect that the title of the game had mayo in it) until I accidentally press T (yes, I went back to the starting zone and saw the T again, so its just the freeze and the enemy shooting forced me to go down into the middle area)
The gunplay....feels normal. I had played some games that are similar to this, so it doesn't really catch my attention.

Its a solid straightforward game with nice music and good consistent graphics :checkmark:

I echo the same tales as everyone has already voiced in the comment--this game has so much potential. The upgrading, the coin increasing, the planning aspect. They're all very well interconnected aspects. I always try to count and plan the upgrades based on what would give me the most return. oh wow as i am typing this i realized this is an ROI simulator lol
the art style and everything about this game is on-point(i guess the term would be polished)
I wished the game would include dialogues with the devil as it takes your coin away--a little snippet of story.

wow~~ this game is surprisingly fun! I really like the relaxing part of just managing a store, listening to the clients and then being forced to poison a house at night. Both of those dynamic, when fully fleshed out in the final version, sounds like a recipe for a great game!

The story is also super good and creative.  A Hyde-Jekyll type story where the doctor both heals and also curses their victim is such a good spin.

This is one of those games where I can actually see good fun potential if made into a full game. The potion mixing, the story telling through customers, the store management aspects. I can see multiple different avenues it can go into. The player dilemma of poisoning houses and having different outcome based on which house you infects.

The visual, although charming, can be quite confusing.  Sometimes I am unsure as to what i'm looking at. If there is going to be a full version, I hope that it would have a more whimsical-witchy hand-drawn style. A Paper's Please kinda style would work too. 

I played the whole story mode but i ended up loving Nefarious Mode because the rats actually chase you in that one. I wished the levels starts out with more rats and they make more babies but i think that it could potentially be stressful if there is that one rat that you couldn't find.

But the rat idea is super interesting--an ever growing rat swarm that you had to hunt slowly or they'll grow out of control.
the story is....hmm...I couldn't really get into it--someone said that there are alot of quote and reference from Thor so I guess its too deep for me to understand. like the...person inside that square...bathtub? idk what that is supposed to be.

the art style have good potential. im imagining a cuphead level visual fidelity but in the old medieval art style. :>

I already wrote this comment on where you can play the game--but i'm writing it here too.

I finished playing your game~~ I've gotten the ice cream girl to her friend by letting her get stuck at the g'bage and then trigger her again a second time. Found a new strategy where i stack two tables on top of each other on the long hallway and slowly push them so the fanatic algorithm slaves are slowly pushed along like a tidal wave. 

the...last level? its too dark that i cannot see anything. I had to just replay it over and over again. the falling hole mechanic is such a fun little doodle-bob. I couldn't try this because after awhile its just too much to restart all over BUT--can you make a *hole* fall down a *hole*? Its so satisfying to hear them "frummmm". The girl in the library said that 'not moving' makes it stop chasing you....but it doesn' that? was that intended? The world building and character dialogue is amaze-zing except the whole...overall plot of having an algorithm master feels--too game-like. Nevertheless, it is a game jam and trying to apply a more complex embodiment of society would require more detail.

I finished playing your game~~
I've gotten the ice cream girl to her friend by letting her get stuck at the g'bage and then trigger her again a second time.

Found a new strategy where i stack two tables on top of each other on the long hallway and slowly push them so the fanatic algorithm slaves are slowly pushed along like a tidal wave. 

the...last level? its too dark that i cannot see anything. I had to just replay it over and over again.

the falling hole mechanic is such a fun little doodle-bob. I couldn't try this because after awhile its just too much to restart all over BUT--can you make a *hole* fall down a *hole*? Its so satisfying to hear them "frummmm". The girl in the library said that 'not moving' makes it stop chasing you....but it doesn' that? was that intended?

The world building and character dialogue is amaze-zing except the whole...overall plot of having an algorithm master feels--too game-like. Nevertheless, it is a game jam and trying to apply a more complex embodiment of society would require more detail.