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Archon's Court Games

A member registered Jun 21, 2016 · View creator page →

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This game's pretty interesting, and I do like the artstyle, but I think it has a lack of specifically enemy reactivity. As far as I can tell, they don't flinch, they don't get stunned, they don't get moved.

Part of the fun of the improvised-weapons-melee-combat kind of thing is the ability to do that kind of thing - chuck bottles at someone to keep them back while you search for a knife, hit somebody with a barrel and send them falling down a flight of stairs, etc.

But here, enemies just play the same animation as you lower their HP until they die.It removes avenues of strategic thinking (you just hit the guy) and makes everything feel weightless (I just hit this skeleton with a mace and it just kept on going like nothing happened).

Perhaps for the starvation death-loop, you could provide the player with the ability to ration food - let someone else starve to keep the Hunter-Guards alive until you return to equilibrium. Killing at random means I wound up, for example, rolling dead Hunter-Guards eight times until I wound up with none at all.

(1 edit)

Done! And, for physical reference, I've added a single-page 8.5x11" version of the alphabetized sheet, so it can be printed out more easily. 

Thank you for playing! I've seen you mention Orbiters Local 519 in the OSR discord once or twice - it makes me happy that the game's seeing use.

Things like explosive radii and movement speeds are mostly given to the GM in case that level of specificity is useful - "drones move twice as fast as humans" means they can move two rooms if one of their encounter groups is rolled to move, but more importantly it basically means "if you try to run away, they will catch you".

Similarly, explosive radiuses and timings are given in an exact distance for if it's important - does a person fit through this hole? What about a piece of machinery? Can you set the fuse and have it go off before something happens? Often, none of these things will be important - if your player is using a breaching charge to blow open a locked door while not under attack, for example, all you really need to do is say "you're blind for a fraction of a second as your helmet's glass darkens to protect your eyes, and then the door's open". 

When I ran this game, I never measured exact distances during combat using 5 foot squares or similar tools, instead in a more abstract theater-of-the-mind method where relevant locations are things like "behind the doorway" or "on the other side of the room".

I determine it by the objectives and rooms, though it's completely possible for the GM to choose themselves, or even just flip a coin for each.

A 5 result on the dice-assembling step of the derelict generator (previously called "Breach") is also the result indicating an airlock.

I've just updated the file, clarifying that that result can also be an airlock (and that I added an airlock, by hand, to the Lowlands).

Thank you for your interest in the game, and for your feedback!

This is wonderful! There's lots of neat ways it could be expanded, too. You're one of my favorite developers on, and this has reminded me to go through and play the rest of your games again

Ooh! Is this directly connected to Ginseng Hero in any way (reoccurring characters, that kind of thing), or does it just have a similar premise and art style?

That's a great concept for a game! I'd love to see more levels in the future.

I finished the game, and looked at Explore Mode to see what I missed, but I don't know how it works. My office is empty, and all the doors are still locked, but I can't pick up any of the boxes in the Archive. How do I look at documents?

I've been really interested in your posts about this game on your blog. At some point, could you release a de-pocketmodded version of the PDF, so I could read it more easily without printing it, and use it for online games? 

Sorry I took so long to reply to this!

I would suggest 1 GM and 3-5 players. 

This is cool, but so far every run I've had has ended because I got stuck in a wall and couldn't get out.

I've beaten this after a day or so of playing it too much. It's really cool! My favorite part is the board itself, and I definitely think you could do more with it - enemies that block slots of the board, Lonely Dice that need to not be next to anything else in order to work, alternate characters with different boards, upgrades to particular spaces on the board, who knows!

There also isn't that much... dice-like about the dice, I guess. Nothing rolls them, they're just static numbers. Maybe a Boost-like dice type that rerolls the things they're next to? (With some kind of cap, of course).

I also think the rarity system needs to be more obvious in-game; there were a lot of times I was confused about why my silver Block die was only worth 3 points.

I might be overthinking this, but I'm pretty sure rejecting the call at the end is actually the "good" ending. If you look through your inbox messages, your contact told you that they would be arriving at 10:50, and otherwise you should run. I think the message you get half-way through the game isn't actually from your contact - they've been intercepted, and someone else is in that car.

(2 edits)

One thing after reading the PDF - the light version using icons has a different effect for Vision than the other two versions of the game. Is it supposed to give darkvision, or is it the attack range?

EDIT - it's just both, isn't it. You still might want to change the text, but I think I understand now.

Awesome! I was just planning to play the original crawl space today, and now this is out! I can't wait to give it a try, and I'll be back here with thoughts when I do.

Thanks for the advice! I'll make sure to come back here and talk about it some more after I play it (if I ever manage to). I'm also really excited for The Drain :)

Reminds me a lot of LOCAL 58's "Weather Service", especially the communication from home base. I love the layout, it's all really clean, and the location seems interesting.

I do have one question: what are the PCs supposed to do about this? I can't find anything called out as an escape route, or anything to time how long it takes for a rescue ship.

I really like your theme, and your extreme focus on one particular scenario - that's the best way to make ultralight games like this, in my opinion.

However, I do think that scenario's a bit underdeveloped. A set of locations provided through a table (or a depthcrawl, given that the only important movement is towards/away from the front) would help reinforce that focus, and make the game much faster to prep.

Also, I wish that instead of page 4's list of common items, you had a table (either to roll on for PCs during character creation, or just to generally use for rewards).

This should have a random game or daily run and also leaderboards for infintie

I got the demo for this in the recent bundle - I really like it. The puzzle elements are interesting, the visuals (especially the scanner) are cool, and the music's nice and relaxing. I can't wait until you release the full version.

The big creatures eat the small. You become big, and are then eaten by the biggest creature - industry.

I'd like it if we could have an option to switch movement to the joysticks on WMR.

On Windows 10, game worked up until we started a match of Versus. 

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object game:

Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [0,2] out of range [1,2] - -1.strat_r(100196,2)
at gml_Object_game_Draw_73
stack frame is
gml_Object_game_Draw_73 (line -1)

I've beaten the game, but I think I've found a glitch - when I beat the final boss, I was teleported to the starting crossroads, and I can't leave. It says I'm under attack, but there's no one there.

I think I'm missing some things with the combat system.

1. How do I tell when an opponent is blocking, versus when I can hit them?

2. What is the shove (LMB when blocking) for? I've tried it, but it doesn't seem to have an effect.

Otherwise, I really like this game! It's the first one I've bought from Sokpop, and it's certainly a good first impression. However, I do agree that a save system should be implemented as soon as possible.

This is adorable! I love how tiredness and damage fit into the resolution system. I wish there was another page of session ideas - what sorts of adventures could you have in this little game?

This seems really cool, but its just... too much to handle all at once. I think maybe a turn-based option/game mode/whatever would be cool, and lower the  barrier to entry a bit.


This game is absolutely wonderful. The art style is unique, the combat and customization gives plenty of options, but I have one question. Are you supposed to lose against Harbinger?

Cool! That's really good to know. Thanks!

It's really cool of you to reply, Mr. Darling. The idea came mostly from how quickly I run out of cards. By the second chamber, I don't have any left.

I think the discard pile should shuffle back into the deck at the start of every chamber.

Small spidery robots would be an excellent addition to the game, in several forms like ranged shooters, suicidal exploders, and melee attackers. To add variety, they should leap around the battlefield and skitter quickly.

(1 edit)

I'm on Windows 8, have an NVIDIA GeForce GT 635, my monitor is an HP x20LED Series Wide LCD monitor and I uninstalled the game, so a screenshot may be in a while.

140 community · Posted in 11


The game doesn't seem to work very well with my PC: everything is shunted to the left, so I can't see what parts I'm using or what they change. Other than that, I really like this game.

I really like your game, but how do you complete the boss room puzzle with the colors?

I can't go back in the menus. Could you tell me which button it is?