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A member registered Jan 03, 2022

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when the game changed and viagra came into the picture, I tried to recreate the bonuses I had with all the toys. I use a full water deck so I boosted my water potions to +85% and my HP +100%. I'm glad for the HP boost (I'm over 50k which helps alot with the world bosses) but if I could do it over I would scale back the water percentage so I have more for the other elements. Currently my earth is +40% , fire and light are both +30% and dark is only +15%. That hurts when using those cards in colosseum and the world bosses portal,  although seriously the dark portal is ridiculous with that friggin elephant hitting you with over 60k on the 1st attack. 

I agree with fappyking that spreading it out is probably the best way to go.

hi, you just have to refresh your browser and when you go back to the event screen the quest will show as completed.

is it possible to use Libido Dust to boost your attack? If so, how do you even use that stuff?

yeah 30,000 for a mythic now?? And 5000 to refresh? What are they smokin?

(1 edit)

I am at 10/25  of the blue portal and the snow dragon HP is 608k. I have enough strength and enough HP to outlast it but I ran into the problem that you only get 10 rounds to kill the monster before you are automatically killed. The best I have got is to get it down to 48k HP after my 10th turn. I hope they remove the 10 turn limit as it's pretty frustrating.  Also even if I get past this one I doubt I'd have a chance on 11/25, I don't know what that HP is going to be but it's been making huge leaps in the last few rounds. 

Gotcha, i didnt look at #27 and assumed you meant the specific event legendary card. My bad. I finaly hit #33 which turns out to be "get 2000 pirate silver." I dont think i will be able to get the mythic with how much time this goal will eat up, in addition to all the cool down times involved with beating legendary Dungeon rooms in #34 and opening 5 chests in the shop in #36.  I don't have enough crystals to buy any chests so I'm going to run out of time.  What a bummer. I would be able to complete goals 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 with only the time it would take to win some battles.

One thing I learned is that I will not defeat all the Event monsters immediately, and will save those battles for when I need to "get pirate silver".  I would probably be able to get the mythic if I had a few of those battles left and the hundreds of silver they give you each battle.

(1 edit)

Hi DirtyMike,

Here are Event Goals 28-45. Event Goal 32 is the one you are looking for. Thankfully there are no "open epic chest" goals.

#28:  Find 90 event epic cards (Guardess)

#29: Level up any legendary girls 3 times

#30: Get 6400 gold

#31: Defeat any event monsters 45 times

#32: Find 50 event legendary cards (Auyuchi)

#33: Get 2000 pirate silver

#34:  Defeat any monsters in the legendary Dungeon rooms 20 times

#35: Level up event epic card (Guardess) to level 5

#36: Open any 5 chests in the shop

#37: Level up event legendary card (Auyuchi) to level 5

#38: Find any 5 mythic cards

#39: Spend 4e3 pirate silver

#40: Level up any mythic girls 2 times

#41: Defeat mythic event monster (six-skinned) once

#42: Find 15 event mythic cards (Musher)

#43: Defeat any monsters in the mythic dungeon rooms 20 times

#44: Defeat mythic event monster (six-skinned) 10 times

#45: Level up event mythic card ( Musher) to level 5