Ice maidens are not afraid of the bitter cold and hungry beasts!
The New Year's Eve event will begin on the night of 29-30 December at 00:00 (GMT)!
Stay tuned!
Ice maidens are not afraid of the bitter cold and hungry beasts!
The New Year's Eve event will begin on the night of 29-30 December at 00:00 (GMT)!
Stay tuned!
Just checking in: am I the only one who can't even get to the first fight of the event? It just loads endlessly. Maybe it's just because too many people try to access the event all at once, but just in case, can you guys check it out on your end? I'd appreciate that, thanks a lot!
BTW these girls sure are lookin' good! Looking forward to see them in action!
It occurs to me it happens at every event to a few players, this is something that should be adressed for future events. Heck, I'd at least have the rare card already by now, and would be well under way to the epic one. Kinda frustrating TBH. Although, in retrospect I'm glad it didn't happen more often to me on earlier events, but still.
It's possible the bug may have just been fixed. I'm not positive though. I had been unable to progress until just a few minutes ago. I did an arena fight then tried the event fight again and it worked perfectly fine this time. This is probably not a solution to the bug. This is just me notifying the community that it may have been fixed.
At the dungeon event. I must suggest that the dungeon rooms be clickable options when the dungeon is opened. That way, players can fight the bosses they want to fight without having to click level up two or three times.
This may sound a bit lazy, but I have spent 20 minutes waiting for a fight because I have to click level up, wait five minutes, click level up again, wait another five minutes, click the boss, wait five minutes, click attack, wait a minute, get DL7102-5, and repeat process. If I could just click the dungeon I want without the animations slowing everything down so drastically, I could have done like two or three quests by the time of writing this complaint like a 90 year old widower.
Please do something about the massive lag while in the dungeons. I'm currently tying to do an event quest but am unable to even access the dungeon rooms on the first, second and third floors because of the enormous lag. It has turned what would have been a 3 hour quest into what will end up being around 8 hours of time.
Hey let's play "help out a broski" here shall we? I'm wondering if there's still that 'gather any X legendary cards' mission still up there somewhere, if someone saw it go by, can you tell me how many and when does it show up? Like, 2nd or 3rd mission after unlocking the legendary card? That'll help me A LOT to know ahead of time, thanks in advance! :)
Hi DirtyMike,
Here are Event Goals 28-45. Event Goal 32 is the one you are looking for. Thankfully there are no "open epic chest" goals.
#28: Find 90 event epic cards (Guardess)
#29: Level up any legendary girls 3 times
#30: Get 6400 gold
#31: Defeat any event monsters 45 times
#32: Find 50 event legendary cards (Auyuchi)
#33: Get 2000 pirate silver
#34: Defeat any monsters in the legendary Dungeon rooms 20 times
#35: Level up event epic card (Guardess) to level 5
#36: Open any 5 chests in the shop
#37: Level up event legendary card (Auyuchi) to level 5
#38: Find any 5 mythic cards
#39: Spend 4e3 pirate silver
#40: Level up any mythic girls 2 times
#41: Defeat mythic event monster (six-skinned) once
#42: Find 15 event mythic cards (Musher)
#43: Defeat any monsters in the mythic dungeon rooms 20 times
#44: Defeat mythic event monster (six-skinned) 10 times
#45: Level up event mythic card ( Musher) to level 5
Hmm that's weird, I just found out what mission I wanted before actually looking here, and it fell on #27 for me, Obtain any 30 legendary cards. Thing is, I was saving a legendary chest for that x) Many thanks still! (I'm currently at #28, not sure I'll make it in time for the mythic card unfortunately...)
Gotcha, i didnt look at #27 and assumed you meant the specific event legendary card. My bad. I finaly hit #33 which turns out to be "get 2000 pirate silver." I dont think i will be able to get the mythic with how much time this goal will eat up, in addition to all the cool down times involved with beating legendary Dungeon rooms in #34 and opening 5 chests in the shop in #36. I don't have enough crystals to buy any chests so I'm going to run out of time. What a bummer. I would be able to complete goals 35, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 with only the time it would take to win some battles.
One thing I learned is that I will not defeat all the Event monsters immediately, and will save those battles for when I need to "get pirate silver". I would probably be able to get the mythic if I had a few of those battles left and the hundreds of silver they give you each battle.