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A member registered Apr 09, 2021 · View creator page →

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Great game! I loved the idea of improving our car by dragging and dropping part to it. But I am a bit confused about the purpose. Are we getting points by improving our car? Other than that good job ^^

At first I thought I was controlling the paddles but after some time I understand the controls. It's a good idea but it can be better indicated to the player that they controls the ball. Other than that good job ^^

Magnificent game! I loved the idea and using of mechanics. Art was looking very good. Also, story was fun too! Good job^^

I liked the idea. Mechanics looks solid and fun! Good job ^^

I like the idea of losing abilities as you progress. It's very good to leave the choice to the player which ability they will leave as they progress. Movement was clunky and hard to play for a game like this but I understand that it's hard to make a feel-good movement for a 48 hours jam. Also, level design was very good too. Good job ^^

Unfortunately there is no limitation. We wanted to add limitations but we were able to upload even this version at the last minute :< But we will update the game after the rating period. Thank you for playing ^^

I loved this game! Art style is so cute and music is banger! Playing as a conveyer belt and keeping in tune with the rhythm is a very fun mechanic ^^ Amazing job!

Thank you for your feedback ^^

Oh, don't worry It's a good game over :> Thank you for your review ^^

You're right because of "Game Over" screen goal of the game looks unclear. We couldn't make the game we wanted in time and couldn't even find time to test bugs and features.  We want to update and try to make it look more like a game after the rating period. Thank you for your review ^^

Thank you for your feedback and trying to play the game ^^ We will continue developing and updating the game :>

Thank you for your feedback ^^

Good game. I like the idea of "you have to be quick" :> 

It was good for a first game. Good work!

The art style is very good. I like the idea and design of the game :> It felt very cozy when walking in the woods and picking mushrooms. It would be very good to change the order of mushrooms before putting them to the cauldron. Other than that, the game was fun to play!

Oh wow! I loved the game. It has vibes of vampire survivors and It's very addictive :D If game wasn't finished, I think i was going to play a long time. Art and music were great. Level design was good but after some upgrades I didn't move anywhere and also moving was a bit buggy too but It's normal for a jam game. Anyways, it was a very fun game. Great work!

I loved the idea and It's very cute ^^ Though, it would be very good to see clearly where am i swiping. I loved the cat, it looked very cute and the environment was very cozy and relaxing. It's a fun game, good work!

Thank you for your feedback :> Sorry for the resolution problems, we will fix them and other features in the coming weeks.

Thanks for your review.

You used mario odyssey mechanic very cleverly. I love that. And also art and music is amazing.

This game has amazing artwork. Reminded me Untitled Goose Game. Also puzzle design is very good.

Nice game! I like the art and level design.

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