understand, but thanks for feedback.
thanks, man. And thanks for idea! After Jam i will add this, too!
I love the graphics! Good game.
I really like the art here! Good job!
cool game!
Thanks, yours too!
The game is really fun! I really like that 2.5d style concept!
Thanks to reply. I was developing this game on laptop and that is why you cannot now shoot with mouse. But after this jam i will add that, thanks.
The game is really cool! Its kinda hard for me, but I really like the game and music :)
Thanks for your reply! The game is not currently finished yet, there are a lot of bugs, but I am happy that you liked this game :)
можеш скинуть свой ник? просто не вижу тебя в закладке добавления друзей :)
мой ник в дискорде
можем поговорить там.
я программист в unity на c#. можем стать командой, если заинтересован.