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A member registered Jul 18, 2019

Recent community posts

Definitely looks better now - though there's room for improvement in the art for her lewd parts, but I'm sure that'll come with time.

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Lily is cute and I really like the art, but her breasts look kind of off - they're weirdly asymetrical I think? And being slightly different is perfectly normal, but it looks unnatural here.

I hope you can, will keep an eye on things and look forward to a possible translation.



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Nah, I know how hard it is - that's why I came to the community to ask. I figured someone who's been around longer than me would know some games that i've overlooked for one reason or another.

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Considering you're the only helpful reply so far, I don't mind the self promotion

Of those three, your game seems like my best bet (for now at least. I've been keeping an eye on Our Apartment and waiting for it to have more content.)

I'll see about buying it once my bank account isn't in the negative anymore.

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The sleep thing.

The only other fetish material i noticed in the game is impregnation (one of the two endings), incest, and some light bondage.

First H game I've ever found which actually has my preferred fetish. You're a hero.

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I'm going to shamelessly admit that I am a member of the Flat Justice camp, though i've got nothing against larger chests either.

That said I've found very few games (on itch.io or elsewhere) that cater to my preference. Has anyone made any sort of list/collection for them that I could browse?

Or just have suggestions on good ones.

Apologies if this post breaks any rules I'm not aware of, I'm new to the community side of itch.io

I think it would benefit from a minor nerf just to help get over the hill, like I said I keep ALMOST getting it but run out of time at the last moment. A small decrease in difficulty shouldn't impact the feeling of relief and victory when you finally clear the stage.

And I'm glad to be helpful any way I can. I can tell you're putting a lot of work into the game and not a lot of people are providing direct feedback, so I thought you might appreciate the input.

That's pretty much the strategy I've been going for, and I've almost gotten it probably a dozen times, only for the clock to run out just before I can clear the last section.

Last stage of scene 10. It is PUNISHINGLY difficult.

Glad the feedback was useful.

So, I've been stuck on the same level for about a week now and I'm noticing another thing that might be helpful - I'm not sure if the dialogue choice for an upgrade actually has a mechanical effect right now, but if it does being able to change which of them you have would be nice - unless it's possible to do that by replaying the stage where you choose one?

Just noticing that the longer thread upgrade doesn't help as much as it sounds like it would and wishing I'd made a different pick.

So my complaint isn't that I dislike the voices - you did a really good job fine tuning what each character sounds like.

The issue is that AI voice generation is really bad at actual line delivery. The way they speak doesn't really sound like an actual person; they have a very start and stop delivery as if they had to double check the script mid-sentence; resulting in a brief pause.

AI voice generators also lack the ability to project emotion properly. It was especially noticeable for me when I got to the first erotic scene and Kairi's reaction is identical to how she would address anything else; no shock, confusion, or embarrassment over what the other version of her is doing.

That's the point when I backed out of the level to turn the voice volume off, since it was hurting my immersion.

I'm currently part way through chapter 1 - major notes so far

The art is good, but the AI generated voices are hurting more than helping. I think you'd be better served switching to text only; and keep the option open to, if you manage to make some money off of the game, hire some actual voice actors.

I'd also personally add some information about the behavior of the different types of anomaly so players can strategize around their behavior: I've found one of the better ways to clear levels is to set up traps and separate the balls, but without knowing what each type of anomaly is going to do it's difficult to predict and plan for their movement.

Been looking forward to this for ages.

Copuple of things
1: might wanna get rid of that flickering effect on the game page since it might be a seizure risk for some people.

2: It's generally not a great idea to go posting spam comments on other people's projects asking folks to come play your game.

Life gets in the way sometimes, is all good. I'm sure the wait will be worthwhile.

I hope development is going well.

I haven't even finished chapter one and i feel like this game has changed me as a person.

I can no longer experience expectations.

I might once I have money, currently can't.

How do I access gallery mode after finishing?

I'm the same way but definitely do have a preference for small size chests, so seeing some representation of it is great. 

You are doing us all a service.

I like that she has small boobs.

Not enough of that in lewd games.

I've got a lot of friends who are artists so I'm very familiar with the stigma over AI-driven art, but I see it as a tool like any other. How it's used is what's really important - sometimes, like with this game - you have an idea for a project that exceeds your capabilities, or where you lack the resources to to hire outside artists to get  the job done.

It's pretty clear from the way you've put the voiceover and art to work that you're using generative AI for lack of better options; not to cut costs like when a large scale production does it. Far as I'm concerned, you can't get into a much better use case for responsible use of AI then small projects like Lockdown.

I'll absolutely be coming back to see chapter one (and the rest of the game, as it releases), the gameplay is distinctive since Qix is a relatively obscure title in the history of gaming, and the core concepts of the narrative are intriguing.

Simple but solid gameplay, i kinda get the vibe that some assets may be AI generated but I don't find it particularly distracting either - it all looks and sounds good and I'm hoping to see more in the future.