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A member registered Mar 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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I loved your inspiration being that feeling you get when you're sleepy and you feel like you're free-falling! I was really blown away by that inspiration for the game. I also love the artwork in the game, looks super cool and atmospheric.

Nice polish. I loved the style and feel of the game! I did feel like the camera was a little too zoomed in for the short range you had with the gun. It would be nicer to be able to see projectiles coming a little better. The range is also very short, sometimes it felt a little too short. Overall AWESOME JOB!

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Really Good!!! Gameplay was very simple but the candy making the character fatter was funny. I enjoyed the atmosphere in general, sound + music + art. I think some form of powerup system/score system would make the gameplay feel a lot better, since that felt like the weakest part of the game. Maybe make it more like a shmup? That would be cool

Destroying the buildings was very fun, I like the explosion sfx

The first ever shovel-type benadryl experience, epic atmosphere

Thanks! I appreciate it!

I love the gameplay! My only gripe is that the demon head guys are too hard to dodge, but overall very nice work.

Yes, I wish I had more time to make transitioning between control schemes more intuitive, and the red wall bug came up at the last second and I wasn't able to fix it. Thank you for the feedback!

Amazing work on this. Simple yet effective

I am very impressed with this game! Great job. My favorite element was how it became a lot more difficult as time went on.

I love this! Very simple yet effective concept. I could see myself wasting hours on this were it on the app store ;)

I love the gameplay here! One upgrade to consider would be something like bullet penetration, so that you can just shred through the cops at later stages of the game. Also an ingame prompt for when to reload or something like an ammo counter would be great. Great job on this project!

Thank you!

I love the style! My one critique is that there seems to be little skill to the combat, and i quickly ran out of health trying to kill the enemies because of the damage trading, but the music and visuals are amazing, and although it wasn't required, it was very satisfying to move the character around to the beat of the music. Great work!

Updated to remove developer buttons from beginning of game, whoops!

Love it! The graphics were very charming and the flow of shooting to crafting felt very nice.  The music was also very well put together.

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Thank you! I guess i forgot to remove the dev tools from the tutorial, but it is a separate environment so i’m sorry i led you on :) The graphics were done by my good friend, who wishes to remain anonymous for some reason, he has a great art style lol.