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A member registered May 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the review! I was aware of the bug, it is already solved but I will wait to the end of the Jam. We also will improve the Manual.  I'll try yours too.

This is a great submission. Congratulations

Buenas a todos.

Es posible subir una versión del mismo juego descargable, pero en versión WebGL para q sea más fácil de probar por los demás usuarios?

Y actualizar la página del juego? Ponerle un banner, capturas etc.

Un saludo.

en pornhub creo q hay muchos efectos de sonido

Buenas! Pues es q esta semana tengo curro y apenas voy a tener tiempo. Si acaso haré algun intento x mi cuenta pero gracias x escribir. Un saludo.

Hola soy Guillermo y vivo en Madrid. Hago de todo un poco, más fuerte en diseño, programación y arte 2D; más flojo en 3D y sonido. Me muevo mejor en proyectos cómicos pero me adapto a todo.

Busco equipo. Podéis contactarme por aquí.

Un saludo y suerte a todos.

It is a solid entry. No weak aspects but it doesn't excell either. 3D design and movement felt very smooth, I really liked that.

Nice entry, I loved the menu. It is very good in every aspect but not that strong with the theme integration.

Very good game, I wish the player progression was quicker because it felt you need to put a lot of time to start to enjoy and be a badass. For a bigger game it is a right pace but for an entry jam it is just too slow. The rest of the aspects of the game are awesome.

It is a very good game, but confusing. I don't know what is going on when I am giving upgrades up, I fell the player doesn't change at all. Also, I feel I only need to walk forward and shoot constantly to progress, maybe a way to evade enemy shooting, and receive more damage to add little bit more of strategy or gaming dextery.

It is fun, grapchis and audio are superb. It is easy to understand but gets bit boring but it is a great base for a bigger game. For me, the rewind theme is not that clear, felt little presence during the game.

I think the problem is that it's difficult to play with your control.

You need to use one hand for direction (A and D), so it leaves the other hand to use a mouse, or space and R... and now R is far from there two.

I mad a fair rating, although I didn't have fun rewinding all the time to the beggining. But I admit that it is a very interesting mechanic, it is more my low patience. Nice graphics and music.

There is a good base and there are very good stuff like map, cutscenes, customization, etc. I think you learnt all these features and put them together... but it is important to figure out if it is a good idea to when to implement them. The use of assets, mechanics, scripts, features in general should be used with coherence. For example, I haven't used the map at all and didn't care about customization because all models were very similar. In the other hand, the cutscenes gave a nice touch, making transitions more dynamic. So, maybe in future projects you could focus (for example) on the audio but not in a mechanic which won't have a big impact on the main concept.

It is a great puzzle game, neat and polished. The only thing, in my opinion, the use of the theme is weak. If you remove the soldiers but a robot the puzzling mechanic would be the same. I think rewind  needs a bigger presence.

Looks amazing, greats graphics. But I don't figure out if I am really get the mechanics and interacting  properly to rewind, I really don't know what I am doing because rewinding sometimes seems to work, others not. And the two cassettes sounding at the same time its a bit annoying, but I understand it is coherent with what is happening.

Average game, but has good potential.

Great game without any mistake, from the perspective that we are talking about a game jame.

Great game, maybe you can polish movement but nothing serious. Good work.

Great game, difficult but enjoyable. Only weak point, for me, music and sounds. Maybe 8-bit style fits better.

Nice game, fun and original but, in my opinion, lacks in the theme integration. I still liked it.

I had issues with mouse sensibility too, but it's looks promising.

Nice work, we aproached theme the same way. I like the art and arcade gameplay.

Looks very good but had some trouble moving the player with the mouse look (had to go fullscreen and lock mouse). The level is also a little bit confusing and it's easy to get lost.

Cannot pass the gain height jump, even with your additional instructions, pity.

I wanted to introduce some different endings and stories to motivate the gamer to play and make it more similar to Papers Please but I removed because of the time limit. I will add in future updates, sure. Thanks!

A second or more vhs players was an idea but had to remove to simplify the project but Ill work on it, thank for playing and reviewing!

Thanks for this great review. Your right in every point and I'm working on it.

I started without UI buttons but I got stuck so I improvised (need to learn more about how to handle colliders, raycast and layers). The difficult is broken, I also discovered it is impossible to lose; and I am going to change the salary system. And the tapes have already different sprites depending on rewind percentage but I can add more sprites inbetween.

Thanks, It will be implemented in the next update among more stuff.

It is very good polish, addictive and superb graphics. Looks like a full completed game.

Great game, difficult but like it. 

Excellent game. I like every aspect, only thing is sometimes the character doesn't jump when it is pressed, usually close to other objects. Maybe something with the collision mask. 

This is a pro game, is great in every aspect.

Great game, I won't say anything new but same problem with collider as its been told.

Very good game, it just needs some extra work to polish movement, collisions with platforms and objects but this is the usual stuff in game jams.

I can't rate because is not fair. Resolution is too large for my screen and I don't see everything, so I can't play properly.

It is ok and looks nice, but I had issues with the combat system and navigating through the level.

Very good idea. Not sure if blocks left after rewind should reset when you died... I think I like both ideas. Maybe for an easy mode or something like that.

Great approach to the theme. I couldnt play that much cause my pc has low specs and was laggy.  Maybe a low-med-high quality setting.