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A member registered May 22, 2020

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Добрый день! Сможем прислать в почте. Напишите нам, пожалуйста

(1 edit)

Hi everyone!

We are happy to bring you the results of the MY.GAMES Jam. To keep things confidential, we will not be posting our participants’ works themselves, however we will give you the nicknames/aliases of our winners!

First off, the Top-4 projects with the highest RetIR. If you want the details on how this metric is calculated, check out the Jam’s landing page.

  • Pavel Terekhin
  • Sergey Dedyukhin
  • ArtDaniks
  • Isidaps

The Audience Favorite award goes to Rafa Aripova and her project!

We kindly ask all winners to contact us at to find out how to receive your prize!

Wait, we’re not done! We would like to ask the following contestants to also contact us at – the MY.GAMES creative team loved your work! 

  • filpolenok
  • NikitaNikitovich
  • Andrey100
  • LiuSamsa
  • Vinidiche
  • JokeRRsoft
  • Myauritcio
  • Ruvi
  • bakemono_oni
  • Melliow
  • Elisey Ch.
  • YanBorovski
  • hak3li
  • cursedmysh
  • sladkymiro

Many thanks for taking part, and our sincere congratulations to the winners!


Всем привет!

Мы рады огласить результаты MY.GAMES Jam. В целях соблюдения конфиденциальности наших участников, мы не будем выставлять сами работы пользователей, но укажем ники победителей.

Итак, топ-4 работ с самым высоким показателем RetIR. Чтобы узнать, как рассчитывается этот показатель, смотрите подробности на лендинге Джема. 

  • Pavel Terekhin
  • Sergey Dedyukhin
  • ArtDaniks
  • isidaps

В качестве победителя зрительских симпатий от коллег из Facebook и Google была выбрана работа от Рафы Ариповой

Уважаемые победители, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по почте, чтобы узнать, как получить ваш приз! 

Но на этом мы не хотим прощаться с участниками Джема! Ниже перечислены участники, работы которых понравились креативной команде MY.GAMES. Пожалуйста, также напишите нам на почту, мы очень хотим с вами пообщаться.

  • filpolenok
  • NikitaNikitovich
  • Andrey100
  • LiuSamsa
  • Vinidiche
  • JokeRRsoft
  • Myauritcio
  • Ruvi
  • bakemono_oni
  • Melliow
  • Elisey Ch.
  • YanBorovski
  • hak3li
  • cursedmysh
  • sladkymiro

Большое спасибо всем за участие и еще раз поздравляем победителей!

Hi everyone! 

Huge thanks for taking part in the MY.GAMES Creative Jam! Our team will now need some time for testing all of the submitted projects. As we said earlier, we will announce the results before December 15 here on our Jam's page on - you will find them under the community tab. 

Just as a reminder. The Jam will have five winners. The top four winners will be selected based on the highest retIR score. We have decided to choose this indicator in order to accurately assess the effectiveness of each creative. RetIR is calculated using the formula: ret2d x CTR x CR, where:

  • ret2d (second day retention rate) shows interest of attracted audience in replaying.
  • CTR (Click-through Rate) shows how clickable your creative is and whether it is eye-catching
  • CR (store install conversion) shows users’ reaction to the store

The fifth winner will be chosen by the Jam’s expert jury, and its retIRCTR does not have to be the highest. All five winners will receive $6,500 each.


Thank you so much for taking part in the MY.GAMES Creative Jam! After numerous requests to make our deadlines more flexible, we’ve made a decision to extend our Creative Jam until November 19. This will both help those who are yet to sign up, as well as participants who would like to improve their existing creative or maybe prepare another one (we don’t have limits on the number of submitted creatives!). We wish the best of luck to all of you!

Therefore, we will be concluding the Jam before December 15 while trying our best to speed up the marketing tests and announce the results as early as possible. The results will be announced on, and we will also reach out to the winners via email. As mentioned earlier, we will select four winners based on the highest RetIR score (the formula is described on our landing page), whereas the fifth winner will be selected by our expert jury, which includes MY.GAMES, Google, and Facebook professionals.

If there’s anything you’d like to ask, please send us a message at


Всем привет!

Большое спасибо за ваше участие в MY.GAMES Creative Jam! Мы приняли решение продлить креативный джем до 19 ноября, так как получили очень большое количество просьб отодвинуть дедлайн и сделать его более гибким — не все успели уложиться в отведенное время. 

Для уже участвующих в джеме это отличная возможность улучшить свой креатив или, возможно, подготовить еще один, ведь мы не ограничиваем количество работ от одного человека или команды. А тем, кто еще не успел прислать свой креатив, пожелаем удачи — у вас впереди еще есть время!  

Таким образом, итоги джема будут подведены до 15 декабря, но мы сделаем все возможное, чтобы провести маркетинговые тесты оперативнее и огласить результаты раньше. Итоги будут вывешены в отдельном посте в сообществе, а с победителями мы дополнительно свяжемся по почте. Напомним, что четырех победителей будут выбрали по самому высокому показателю RetIR (формула расчета указана на лендинге), а пятого —  жюри, состоящее из экспертов компаний MY.GAMES, Google и Facebook. Если у вас остались вопросы, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с нами по почте:

Добрый день! Продублируйте, пожалуйста, нам на почту

Добрый день! Продублируйте, пожалуйста, нам на почту 

You can watch this AMA  by using this link

Greetings! Please, try to send your video creative  via e-mail 

You can watch this AMA  by using this link 

Hey everyone!

We are excited to announce our second AMA session with MY.GAMES and Facebook on September 2, 16:00 CEST, where we will talk about making creatives for mobile advertising, what works best, and answer all your questions.

MY.GAMES will be represented by Teodor Dolinin, Creative Production Team Lead, and Facebook by Noa Singer, Corporate Partnerships Specialist, and Dan Kashani, Creative Strategist.

At the AMA session, we will:

- Discuss the best Facebook ad creative cases

- Explain the rules to pass the Facebook ad verification

- Show how to generate creatives

- Answer all your other questions

To participate in the AMA session:

Register by the link:

Zoom link 

The event will be held in two languages - Russian and English

If you still have questions, send them to us by email: 

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Hey everyone!

We are excited to announce an open AMA session with MY.GAMES and Google on August 19, 16:00 CEST, where we will talk about making creatives for mobile advertising, what works best, and answer all your questions.

MY.GAMES will be represented by Teodor Dolinin, Creative Production Team Lead, and Google by Valeria Lepa, App Creative Specialist.

We will:

- Discuss the importance of ad creatives in current-day performance marketing

- Demonstrate how to produce effective ad creatives

- Analyze existing cases

- Answer all your questions, including about the jam

To participate in the AMA session:

- Register by using this link: 

- The day before the session, you will receive a Zoom link by email. The event will be held in two languages - Russian and English

If you still have questions, send them to us by email: 

Hey there! Are you creative, familiar with video editing, love games, and want to win $6,500? Then you have to participate in our jam!

We invite everyone to make video ad creatives based on Hustle Castle, a mobile game from MY.GAMES. We will then run your work through marketing tests, and the highest-performing 5 assets will win and receive a cash reward.

Check out our jam page for more info:

Greetings! We initially decided to move our Jam due to circumstances related to participant approval, but we are officially launching it today! We will be accepting applications through September 30 — dates are final and are not subject to further change.

On June 26-28, we held the MY.GAMES Hyper-Casual Jam 2020 for developers of hyper-casual mobile games. The winners were selected on the basis of real metrics: we held marketing tests for the projects and determined their market CTR (click-through rate – how many people who see the ad click on it). Real users saw these ads. All teams with a CTR of at least 5% will receive $2,000 and can sign a contract with MY.GAMES to publish their game – MY.GAMES offers its partners up to $50,000 to complete the development of the game, and a marketing budget for scaling.


The results

The Jam concluded with 258 projects submitted. Only 5 projects exceeded the 5% threshold, with two of them achieving an impressive 14% and 12% CTR. The list of the best projects with a partnership offer from MY.GAMES is as follows:

Hot steaks

We would like to single out three more projects that didn’t meet the 5% CTR mark, but have enormous potential. We are committed to help the developers of these projects in tweaking their prototypes to do the CTR test again, and in the event of success, the team will receive an offer from us. The projects are:

King Fu;
ACE Attacker

According to our observations, the most successful projects were those offering new ideas or an original combination of traditional mechanics. Meanwhile, clones of well-known games, as we expected, did not interest audiences.


Additional nominations

We also wanted to praise projects for various outstanding features they offered, and hence we introduced three nominations: Best Original Gameplay, Best Ideas Mix, Best Art. The jurors for these nominations were our very own MY.GAMES Hyper-casual team members. Although market metrics were not a priority, we should note that several of the nominees had a pretty high CTR.

Best Original Gameplay:

Beat Ring


Best Art:
Bubble Zoo;

Best Ideas Mix:
Hot steaks;


The Jam helped us find several solid projects and begin working with promising teams. We are already preparing several educational projects for developers, and we also expect to hold more jams with various themes to build a stronger hyper-casual community in Europe as well as the CIS, and help great teams find their breakthrough hits. 


Thank you! We will check it! 

Yes, it's true 

Да, все верно!

Hey streepje8, perfect, thanks! 

Hi meanyack, 

It is up to you, but memes are not culturally universal. You are speaking to a worldwide audience, not just a specific country. Your CPI might be higher in a specific market with a meme, and lower with the same meme in many other markets. If you want to add something experimental, try live video in the first 2 seconds.

Hey there!

Thank you for joining the MY.GAMES Hyper-Casual Jam. You can submit your video here ( till 22:59 CEST (23:59 MSK), June 28. We will publish the results before July 31, 2020, on and notify you via the e-mail provided.

More information:

Have a nice Jam!

Hi, unfortunately, we don't have it. But you can join our Welcome Party on Thursday. More info here:

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Hi all,

We will be glad to see you at our Welcome party on Thursday!

18:45 CEST (19:45 MSK) – Party opens its doors in Zoom (

19:00 CEST (20:00 MSK) – Introduction from Andrey Dubinin, head of MY.GAMES hyper-casual department

  • MY.GAMES Hyper-casual Jam rules announcement
  • Do’s and don’ts
  • Round table program

19:20 CEST (20:20 MSK) – Start of Round Tables in Spatial Chat (


  • How to come up with ideas for hyper-casual games 
  • How to test ideas
  • How to make your creative assets effective for hyper-casual games

Round Table №1 (in Russian)

Moderator: Maxim Borodaenko, MY.GAMES brand manager

Round Table №2 (in Russian)

Moderator: Maxim Popkov, MY.GAMES producer 

Round Table №3 (in English)

Moderator: Andrey Dubinin, head of MY.GAMES hyper-casual department

20:00 CET (21:00 MSK) - Networking

See you soon! 

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Hey there!

On June 17, 19.00 Moscow time the MY.GAMES hyper-casual department will be holding an AMA session to answer your questions about the genre, terms of cooperation and the upcoming Hyper-casual Jam.

You can take part in the AMA session via this  

If you have any questions, send a message to 

See you at the AMA!