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Boston Mendonca

A member registered Feb 19, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey everybody!

In July of 2022, I released a game for My First Game Jam Summer 2022 called Diagnosed. It got a little bit of recognition which led me to make the second version. Say hello to Diagnosed 2!

Diagnosed 2 is the sequel and second of three Diagnosed games. This sequel is jam-packed with lore and opens doors for speculation about the true meaning of the game.

If you don't mind, please give it a play (the web version's sound may mess up so download is recommended) and share theories with others. Thank you!

Here's the link in text if the other one didn't work:

No I have Python's alright though

Froze up my PC then closed and deleted itself. Malicious? Not downloading again.

Want to see gameplay before you start playing? FooteMan has released some great gameplay that you should check out!

Oh wow, I died.

Also it's missing SFX and music, but I probably rate it 4 or 5 stars

One question though, how come making buildings adds surrounding land? Aren't the critters supposed to do that?

Well starting off, idk why it has a whole installer, you could have just zipped it up.

But for a father/son made game this is actually really good. Pretty fun, good controls, i don't 100% know what I'm doing, I think I'm placing down tools and these critters are like generating land or something. But yeah it's pretty fun, it's just that installer at the beginning, it made me suspicious and I had to run a few virus scans.

If I just keep going up, then i don't lose any health fsr.

A platformer. You are diagnosed with a case of Ligma, and you need to get to the ambulance before you run out of health. But the government wants you so they can experiment on you.

I'd like feedback on: "How fun is it?" "Is the sfx/music good?" "What do you rate it overall?" The next My First Game Jam that's held, I will make Diagnosed 2, so another question is "What could I add to the next Diagnosed game to make it better than the first?"


When I get to circle 5, it keeps just looping around infinitely...

Can you make an HTML5 version please? Your game will probably get more plays if you do

Fixed! Enjoy!

Oh it's rock paper scissors im so dumb

Just found out that the EXE file needs a PCK file, I'll fix it later.

And if you get low health you can buy medicine in the shop to restore it. (it's a good investment when you get at the end of a level, too.)

Oh that's a fake ambulance, you're not supposed to be able to reach it lol. Just keep walking forward and fall down that hole.

What part of level 4 couldn't you pass, by the way? I can probably help

Thanks! In my opinion, level 5 is the hardest.

GrubHub the game community · Created a new topic Bruh

Bruh I thought about making that game when this was released.

Also, my game I just released has the tag "ligma"!!!

Are we the same person?

I just finished mine as well!

Can you please export to HTML5? More people will probably want to play it that way since they wouldn't have to download anything.

I also recommend Godot, it has easier scripting language imo, but unity has waay more tutorials on YouTube.

So even Unity and Godot are allowed because they export to HTML5?

I know but I didn't have enough money after completing the first two levels to buy the third one.

Also you should be able to replay levels to get more coins

Add a pause/exit menu

How many people even played this so far?

Cool concept; I love it! The only thing that I don't like is that the mouse doesn't lock to the center.

Cool! I'm 9 and started unity in June 2020, when I got a laptop.

I think i'm gonna use Godot maybe.

I'm good with Godot, but is the jam not over now lol

Yeah that's why Roblox guests existed.

I'm really good at making games in Roblox so it'd be a lot easier if I could make a game in Roblox. Can I use Roblox or not, because you have to download the launcher?

ughhhhhhhhh i missed the jam lol

Read title.


Cuz then the fact that it ended would just be an April fool.