Hey there! I made this using Game Maker.
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Thank you for your feedback!
I totally agree about the repetitiveness of it. I had other ideas in mind to break this problem but due to the time crunch, didn't have time to implement them.
My thought process with the escape key was just so the player had a quick way to exit the game when they were finished playing. I can see why that's a flawed concept and how there are better ways to go about it.
Thanks again!
No implementation of the special feature and the theme could have been implemented a little better.
Adding a background would have helped the game look more finished as opposed to just the grey screen behind.
I found my self kicking way more than punching because it seemed way more powerul.
All in all nice job putting this together keep it up!
I really like all the neon colors, they are very bright and vibrant, but playing through this I noticed a few issues.
First is the fact that you could infinite jump by just pressing space over and over. Being able to fly around the map removes all the platforming aspects of the game.
Second, sound effects would have been great when jumping and picking up the gems. There were times I wasn't sure if I picked a gem up.
Finally, I don't believe you implemented either the theme or the special object into the game.
It's a shame that you submitted the game with four days of time remaining that could have been used to polish these issues.