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A member registered Sep 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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A really good execution to a very creative concept. Good job!

You could tell me this was a finished game and I'd be hardpressed to disagree. Very well done!

I love this a lot, but the controls send me on a keyboard-fueled rage. My heart breaks.

Oh you sly dog, you, adding a scoreboard. You got me monologuing! And by monologuing I mean playing for like half an hour. I love this!

This is a game 10yo me would find on and obsess with for a week or two. So much fun. The "win space" is a little inconsistent hitbox-wise (sometimes I'd get there and the game would refuse to give me the W). But apart from that, it's superb.

Give me 5 more hours of this. I am not asking.

It was a bit hard for me to know what I was doing at first, but once I got the hang of it, it was really fun. My only criticisms are that there's no big incentive to get creative with the building mechanic, and that apart from the overall concept of "scaling", it doesn't make all that big an effort to fit the theme. Otherwise, it was really nice, and the spider was surprisingly adorable.

They hate you too

Yeh the years are wrong, try not to focus on that xD. I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for the feedback.