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A member registered Nov 08, 2018 · View creator page →

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Scoring is based on how close the area of the cut ingredients you put in the blender is to the area of the ingredients shown in the order. Were you trying to match them? If things are working correctly, you should score most points for an accurate area, lose points if you're too far off, and also lose points if you have the wrong ingredient.

Banana  got stuck in the ceiling :(

Very cute art!

We tried it again with a mouse - turns out the issue was that we didn't quite understand the mechanics and that you needed to switch slot with E. That could have been clearer in the instructions.

Great execution, original puzzle ideas, looks really nice. The platforms/jumping feels a bit tricky (you might want more forgiving collision targets for the platforms)

Amazing art and style! I think we had the highest score so far of XXX :)

Very cool! We had a similar idea (that we decided not to do) so it was great to see it executed so well by someone else :)

The shells mechanic was very creative. Good execution!

RMB + Scroll/Mouse move to scale things doesn't appear to work with a touchpad.

(1 edit)

Thanks for checking it out! btw. I'm not sure you noticed (I didn't see it in the video) but the point of the game is to connect as similar interests as possible while avoiding having the cables intersect. This is what makes it more interesting than just connecting matching icons :)

score = 10 * common interests / cable intersections

This leads to situations where you might have to connect suboptimal matches, just because the optimal match would have too many intersections, or wait for some calls to complete before you connect others. One part of this that is bugged is that getting this wrong only deducts from your score, not your customer satisfaction, so you could make terrible matches, have the game continue happily, and so not notice this mechanic at all.

You're right about the art - we used emoji as our artist dropped out early in the jam.

Really unique concept and great execution for a one-person project! Couple of issues:

  • I can't move the SATA cable, is that intended? I was able to get USB male on the other end, but it wouldn't reach the laptop.
  • Dragging the adapters along is a little sluggish and unwieldy.

Excellent puzzler! I wish it had a rewind button though.

Cool concept, would be great with more phrase options you could hold together at the same time. Great job for a game jam though!

Looks great, but the controls make it too difficult. I couldn't even complete the first level. But it's very polished.

Really cute graphics and a pretty great idea, but I couldn't get even a single word out no matter how hard I tried. (maybe I'm just bad at it?)

Pretty cute game, with funny sounds and cutscenes. Good job!

Great concept, amazing level design. Would love to play more levels after the jam!

Quite fun (but I couldn't get to the end of the second level.) Good job!

(1 edit)

This is great, and quite fun to play.

Observed bugs:

UI doesn't fit on the screen, and I ran into a bug where the jump button got stuck in a weird state (kinda flickering) while dragging it.