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A member registered Jun 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun game! Having the elves go on strike is a really funny idea, and they're so impatient lol. I ended up playing a few times to see what the highest score I could get was (I ended up at 90, although I definitely wasn't playing super optimally). One minor suggestion I would make is to alter the way the collision works when you're moving diagonally. I think the game would feel a little better if, whenever you run into a table while moving diagonally/holding two keys, you would continue in whichever direction you were holding that wasn't blocked, instead of stopping almost entirely.

Thanks for playing! I'm definitely planning on adjusting some things to make it a bit more intuitive. Dumping everything into a how to play menu was kind of a last ditch effort to make things playable when I was running out of time, and it really could have been a bit clearer. 

Cool idea for a puzzle game, and it was explored really well too. I feel like you hit the perfect length here, where the mechanics aren't left underutilized, but there also aren't so many levels that it feels like you've exhausted everything you can do with it. Only complaint, as other people have pointed out, is that the platforming is a bit precise. There were a few times when playing where I couldn't quite tell if I was having trouble because I hadn't figured out the correct solution yet, or if I was doing everything right and just couldn't make a jump. Other than that though, I definitely had a lot of fun.

Cool idea + solid controls + a decent bit of difficulty = a really impressive jam entry! I thought the idea of your flame slowly dying until you got to a checkpoint was really interesting, but then seeing how that mechanic was actually incorporated into the level design was even cooler! I'd love to see what more you could've done with it given a longer timeframe.

I've always loved these type of incremental games where there's an actual end goal to work towards instead of just watching numbers go up forever. I also love the little character sprites and the names they get given. With General Smiling Crispy Joy by my side, my gingerbread man army will take over the (snow) globe!!

Super cool visual style (2d/3d hybrids have always been my favorite) and its really impressive you went out of your way to include language options despite the timeframe. I ended up getting pretty good at balancing all the different components for everybody's drinks, although I did notice there were a few ingredients that didn't feel too useful, or had better alternatives. If you ever plan on doing a post-jam build (which I would love to see!), that might be one area to look into. 

What a cute little game! I ended up doing a 2nd playthrough because I felt bad I couldn't invite everyone the first time. If you plan on adding anything else when you update the controls, I think a little music and maybe a town map would go a pretty long way.

Mine is 120hz and I was going pretty fast too (though not quite enough to fly off the map) so this may be the case.

I've never seen a snowman move so fast lol. There's definitely a lot of bugs, but that's to be expected for a game made in 3 days. i thought the underlying concept of running around and collecting stuff to rebuild your town was pretty cool though, and I could definitely see myself playing a more polished version later down the line!

This was such a nice idea; it almost feels like a little reward after, what I assume for most people was, a fairly chaotic weekend (in a good way though). 

This brought back so many memories I thought I'd lost of making paper snowflakes as a kid. Super cool idea for a game, and executed really well too. I especially like seeing my own custom snowflakes floating down in the background. Only thing I can think of adding is a cancel button in case you accidentally click the wrong place (unless there already was a way to do this and I just couldn't figure it out). Here's my favorite out of all the snowflakes I made. 

Well I ended up playing this for waaaaaay longer than I expected. It's surprisingly addictive, and I love all the little sound effects! My final high score was a 361 if anyone wants to try and beat it.

I also can't seem to get the game to run. I'm guessing this is made with GameMaker, in which case you might need to export it as a zip, and then upload the entire folder, instead of just the executable. Maybe contact the host and see if there's any way to reupload?

Man this feels so nostalgic; you absolutely nailed the atmosphere, and I love that ps1 aesthetic. It's a style I've always wished more games would try to emulate. While the actual gameplay is a bit simplistic, it feels like it would be right at home as a minigame in a much larger project.  Overall, its super impressive you made this almost entirely by yourself for a 3-day jam, and if there's any plans to expand it, I'd definitely check that out!

The original plan sounds like it would've been a cool idea, although evidently it may have been a bit too ambitious. Maybe in a future jam you might be able to make it a reality. 

Sad to see this didn't get finished in time. It seemed like a fun premise exploring this area with a buddy, and I love the little dudes in the screenshots. I'm definitely coming back to see what else you've done with it once the rating period's over!

I love the sprites and sounds for this. The use of outlines to draw the player's attention to important elements, like enemies and snow piles, is really smart and something I probably never would've thought of. If I had to give one criticism, I think the balance could use some adjusting. The enemy attacks are pretty hard to avoid, and with the limited number of snowballs you get, plus the stun not lasting very long, it often felt like the optimal strat was to just run through any groups of enemies and ignore the combat entirely. Other than that, this was a pretty fun play.

Adorable art-style, and the gameplay is pretty fun too. It's a pretty simple idea, but fun once you get into the flow of it, and all the art assets complement that simplicity really well. Unfortunately, I ran into quite a few bugs and mechanics that didn't seem to be fully implemented. I'm not sure if this was a compatibility problem or if they were already known bugs and 3 days just wasn't quite enough time to get everything running properly. Either way, I would totally play an updated version after the jam ends, if you're planning one, and I look forward to seeing that special illustration!

Loved this. I'm surprised you were able to make tell such a complete and decently intricate story in such a short game, and within the 3 day timeframe. Only thing that could use some work is the presentation, specifically the text is a bit small and appears so fast it's sometimes overwhelming to read. No complaints about the music and color palette though, in fact the overall vibes in general were top tier. Great work!

Sorry about the crashing... that should be fixed now. And yeah, I wasn't super confident in the controls, but I couldn't think of anything else. If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them!

This was super cute and fun! The levels were well designed and had a nice little difficulty curve, and the spritework and effects create a great atmosphere. Overall, everything just felt really complete. If I had to give any criticism that I haven't seen anybody mention, some of the jumps feel kind of precise when they don't need to be. There were 2 or 3 spots in the earlier levels or at the way beginning of a later level where you had to use your max jump height to get up on one platform when most platformers usually save that for later in a game. That's really just a nitpick though, I still absolutely loved playing this from start to finish.

Aww yes!!! I was hoping people might send pictures of their creations, that makes me so happy to see. Regarding the carve button, it is fully functional (or at least it was when I playtested it) but I'm realizing it might not be super intuitive. It's supposed to carve all the templates you've placed into the pumpkin, essentially finalizing them to prevent you from accidentally moving anything and to keep them from being deleted when you save your design. I'll definitely update the page to make that a bit clearer though, since I realized it's one of the buttons I didn't explain. And thanks for pointing out the save button crash, that was totally just a coding mistake on my part. It should be fixed now, so hopefully nobody else runs into that.

Glad you had fun! Yeah I wanted to add some sfx and music but I ran out of time :\ I'll definitely prioritize that a bit more for any future jams I do cuz playing a lot of these other submissions is making me realize how much they add

I absolutely loved every second of this. The concept is really cute, the progression is simple but rewarding, and the visuals and overall atmosphere are amazing. It somehow made me feel nostalgic for something I've never even experienced before. I love the variety of spells and how they're used, and it was fun seeing all the icons in the top right slowly light up.

The only complaint I have, and it's a pretty small one too, is that the trees' shadows sometimes make it hard to tell where you're going, especially when you're in the water. There were a few times where I got my boat stuck up against a wall under a shadow and couldn't quite tell which way I needed to turn to get out.

Overall though, this was a really great time. I'd love to see a full length game in this same style.

(1 edit)

This is super impressive! I especially love the art style, but everything else is so well done too it's hard to believe it only took 3 days. I did notice one small bug though (at least I assume it's a bug?) where sometimes you can click and drag on the customers and they'll get stuck to the mouse lol. Seems to happen only when the camera or customer is moving.

(also sorry if you got 3 notifications for this, chrome's been actin up)

aww, this was so cute, I love it!