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Aww yes!!! I was hoping people might send pictures of their creations, that makes me so happy to see. Regarding the carve button, it is fully functional (or at least it was when I playtested it) but I'm realizing it might not be super intuitive. It's supposed to carve all the templates you've placed into the pumpkin, essentially finalizing them to prevent you from accidentally moving anything and to keep them from being deleted when you save your design. I'll definitely update the page to make that a bit clearer though, since I realized it's one of the buttons I didn't explain. And thanks for pointing out the save button crash, that was totally just a coding mistake on my part. It should be fixed now, so hopefully nobody else runs into that.

Good to hear all that! Ohhh that's what the carve does?! I though the white templates were the final look, because the job pumpkins also looked like that. Maybe in a post-jam build you could add a little tutorial beforehand. And a button effect indicating that you pressed a button might be good too. I'd love to see this as a webGL tool for when Halloween comes rolling around. Cheers!