This looks like an issue with a lack of bleed edge- basically if the background color on the texture is white, it will show through at the seams around the texture patches.
Substance painter fixes this by extending the texture islands to fill the empty space upon export, but unfortunately doesn't do the same thing when it exports to photoshop files.
To fix this, I'd recommend filling the texture background with a solid fill, usually the base color of the fur. If you're still getting visible seams, it can help to paint the new texture colors a bit outside the boundaries, and you might need to clean up the edges a bit.
Sorry for the trouble here, I hope this helps with resolving it.
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It's not very quest compatible, I'm afraid. The weight gain and vore systems use a lot of features like custom shaders, constraints, and audio sources that I think are completely incompatible with quest in standalone mode. Making a quest compatible system would require pretty significant alterations to the basic gameplay and functionality.
Not a silly question at all, that sounds like unintended behavior. The .psd files should have a similar lightness to the .png files of the exported textures, so yeah, I'd try messing with adjustments until you can get similar results.
I wonder if the color differences might be your image editing software encountering some kind of version or setting mismatch with the .psd files- I haven't been able to test them myself in photoshop, but when i open them in krita it displays similar overall lightness to the exported .pngs.
I'm glad you've been finding the file layout easy to work with, I hope you can get the results you're going for!
I'm afraid i don't currently have plans to do so. To be honest, the flat chest blendshape on the body got left in there from early testing, it wasn't an intended feature in the published version. My sense from working with it was that I wasn't satisfied with the flat chest for a "masculine" option- the shading and topology still felt like breasts, and the breasts returned as soon as any level of weight gain or feeding blendshapes were applied. So I abandoned the option and committed to doing strictly feminine shapes.
That said, better support for flat chest/ masculine shapes is one of the more popular requests I've gotten, so it's on my radar as something that a lot of people would like, and I might revisit it down the line.
Version 1.02 is now out!
1) Reworked the interaction with the Ghost Hands avatar to redistribute weight more rapidly.
The system had been working, but was slow enough that it was hard to tell. The effect speed by roughly a factor of 10, because it was far too slow. Specifically, it takes 1/5th of the time to trigger, and the effect size is doubled.
The updated speed of weight redistribution should still take a few minutes to fully max out a specific region of the body, but should also be fast enough that the small changes are visible.
Keep in mind while playing with this yourselves that the ghost hands don't add weight, they just redistribute what's already there- so you'll need to eat some food or a friend and gain some weight in order to have some mass to play with.
Thanks to everyone who brought this issue to my attention, I hope this change helps things feel more responsive!
The timing depends on the size of the internals, but broadly speaking, you'll accumulate weight constantly while someone is inside. The weight gain speed is about equivalent to a round of food-digestion (4 pieces of food, or 2 slices of garlic bread) every 145-220 seconds, depending on the prey's size.
It's not fast, but it's enough to make a noticeable difference when someone stays in there a little while.
Eating food and rubbing the belly doesn't change the vore digestion, but you'll also gain weight from the food you eat- the feeding and vore weight gain systems can both work at the same time.
Also to be clear, there's no concrete "end point" to the digestion- it just lasts until you decide to spit the prey out, or they decide to hop out of the chair. If you want to play with the sentient fat/ ghost hands system, the prey can just change into the ghost hands avatar and hop out whenever the two of you feel like it's been long enough.
VERSION 1.01 is now out!
1) Fixed a bug with the food tray.
Previously, when other players tried to eat food off the tray, contact detection was inconsistent with the pot pie and the hamburger. The issue was identified and fixed, so now other players should be able to eat the food items consistently.
2) Added multiple configuration options to the installation process.
I got some questions about bypassing minigames to get straight to the vore, which skips some of the intended gameplay, but makes sense for certain RP interactions. The options to do this were hidden away in the developer settings, and users who wanted those features weren't always finding them.
The project now contains 4 Scenes that are preconfigured for common use cases.
GainerVulpunk_Default_Reccomended matches the scene that was present in version 1.0, this was the intended experience.
GainerVulpunk_Developer comes with the developer options preinstalled, so users don't have to hunt for how to set that up themselves.
GainerVulpunk_EasyVore comes with the vore system always enabled, rather than the default setup where you have to eat food to stretch out your stomach before you can consume prey. This skips some intended gamplay features, but makes sense for more vore centric RP.
GainerVulpunk_OnlyWeightGain comes with the vore systems removed, which might be more comfortable for users who want the weight gain features but aren't interested in the vore kink elements.
3) A missing Credits.txt file was added back to the project so that the audio sources are appropriately credited.
All audio used in this project is CC0, but it still seemed polite to include, and the omission was just from me misplacing the file.
4) Documentation was updated to explain the new configuration options in more detail.
Overall the release has gone really smoothly, and I've been thrilled by the response the model has been getting. I hope everyone continues to enjoy it!
Thanks a bunch! That's really nice to hear.
I kind of agree, and I'd like to adress that in future builds. Some content wound up on the cutting room floor, and I feel like that made Ruka the platforming-kobold and Callie the kink-ability-kobold. Diversifying that a bit is gonna be a major goal for further development.
Huh, now I'm curious about mobility kinks being a thing. =P
This is a really cute game!
I like that the gameplay was challenging, and the gameplay was sexual, but the sex felt like play, not reward for a high score. In some ways it actually felt like a sexier game if you slow down, look at the spectators, and take your time with the bunnies, and, that's kind of nice? It contributed to a feeling of everyone being there to have a good time, and winning the race just being an optional thing to shoot for.
The blend of 2d and 3d assets is neat, and I'm not sure I followed exactly what black magic you pulled getting the rendering set up, but I'm impressed.
Overall, the game felt really sexy, cute, and positive, and I dig it.
This is a neat demo!
In it's current iteration, it feels pretty basic, but relaxing and enjoyable. I found myself playing it for a fair bit longer than it took to find an optimal sorting strategy, which feels like a good sign.
It felt really easy to 'win,' but I notice the "cuddly slime critters pending" line. Throw in some mischief along with the snuggles, and I can see this turning into a really adorable, really engaging physics puzzle game.
I'll definitely be keeping an eye on this one!
Aaaa, this was CUTE!!!
Really lovely character interaction, I dig the emphasis on emotional vulnerability and bashful flirting. I definitely have a soft spot for blushy kink banter like this.
The music was a nice touch, it definitely helped to set the mood of the game.
This was a really fun submission!
This was a fun play!
The setting was interesting, I liked the mix of classic fantasy and mundane slice of life details. The sexy scenes were well written, definitely super saucy stuff. Also I like that you get to TF. That was fun. I liked that you could choose for an encounter to be sexy or not through the SiezeTheHorny mechanic, I think that kind of player agency adds a lot to creating a comfortable sexy game.
I got a bit lost (I'm not great at text adventures) so I didn't see the whole thing, but I enjoyed the parts I was able to explore. Well done! =3
Wow, this is a really well done puzzle game. It's definitely stumped me a bit, but I feel like the roadblocks are from me not yet understanding the mechanics and the implications thoroughly enough, not a matter of having to guess the password. In other words, I feel like the puzzles are fair and approachable, and solved by thinking through things, rather than just trying random solutions. Which, is basically the gold standard, in my opinion.
The horny is subtle, but definitely there enough to be cute, and building a game around robo-nuzzles is definitely fun the more I think about it.
Really well done!
Cute concept, great implementation. The controls felt solid, and the art was a treat. The slip mechanic gave me a bit of trouble, but was really satisfying to actually succeed at. I think I just needed more practice with it. I like that you could avoid it altogether, that really helped keep the difficulty manageable from the start.
The lapdance rhythm game was neat- I did feel a bit like I had to choose between enjoying the art or staying focused on the UI prompts to actually play, but the game cycle was short enough that it didn't feel like much of a sacrifice to do either.
There were some really fun aesthetic details throughougt, I like how the patrons follow you around after they're served, and I dig how much attention was paid to the background. The animations were really flirty and cute, tons of personality.
Over all, a really great submission!
This is a super cute game. The art and music are fantastic (I especially liked the gel characters) and the dialogue is a great blend of comedy and sexy. I thought the lampshading on the missing features was a nice touch- it made the WIP nature of the demo feel like a playful feature rather than a content gap. I'm looking forward to seeing the full version!