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Punk Fox Avatar for VRChat with Weight Gain and other kink systems · By
The timing depends on the size of the internals, but broadly speaking, you'll accumulate weight constantly while someone is inside. The weight gain speed is about equivalent to a round of food-digestion (4 pieces of food, or 2 slices of garlic bread) every 145-220 seconds, depending on the prey's size.
It's not fast, but it's enough to make a noticeable difference when someone stays in there a little while.
Eating food and rubbing the belly doesn't change the vore digestion, but you'll also gain weight from the food you eat- the feeding and vore weight gain systems can both work at the same time.
Also to be clear, there's no concrete "end point" to the digestion- it just lasts until you decide to spit the prey out, or they decide to hop out of the chair. If you want to play with the sentient fat/ ghost hands system, the prey can just change into the ghost hands avatar and hop out whenever the two of you feel like it's been long enough.
heyo, i got the ghost hands uploaded and tested it with a friend but we couldn't tell if it was working ? we sat around with our hands on eachother for about 10-20 minutes and nothing seemed to really happen besides very little change after minutes of constant touch? the belly specifically went down but it took forever and very little results was wondering if that's on purpose or is it something I'm doin or maybe how to speed it up? thank you so much for reading
I'm afraid i don't currently have plans to do so. To be honest, the flat chest blendshape on the body got left in there from early testing, it wasn't an intended feature in the published version. My sense from working with it was that I wasn't satisfied with the flat chest for a "masculine" option- the shading and topology still felt like breasts, and the breasts returned as soon as any level of weight gain or feeding blendshapes were applied. So I abandoned the option and committed to doing strictly feminine shapes.
That said, better support for flat chest/ masculine shapes is one of the more popular requests I've gotten, so it's on my radar as something that a lot of people would like, and I might revisit it down the line.
Hi, I have what might be a silly question but hopefully it'll help out others who are new to texturing like me.
The Photoshop texture files across the board seem MUCH darker than the blender pngs that are applied to the model. I'm just editing the base color layers so I can retain all the shadow/highlight layers you've included, but should I be keeping them dark or should I bring everything up to the same light value as the png textures? Not sure how it would look with shaders, so if I can avoid having fur like a high-vis vest that'd save me some time haha.
As a side note, your files are also very tidy with all the masks and layer folders which I greatly appreciate, so kudos for that!
Not a silly question at all, that sounds like unintended behavior. The .psd files should have a similar lightness to the .png files of the exported textures, so yeah, I'd try messing with adjustments until you can get similar results.
I wonder if the color differences might be your image editing software encountering some kind of version or setting mismatch with the .psd files- I haven't been able to test them myself in photoshop, but when i open them in krita it displays similar overall lightness to the exported .pngs.
I'm glad you've been finding the file layout easy to work with, I hope you can get the results you're going for!
It must be a software thing then. That's bizarre! I've attached a comparison between Krita (left) and Clip Studio Paint (right) and it's literally night and day. Both versions (IronRust & Firefade) are the exact files are from the most recent update. I don't think there's anything you can do on your end, since the files aren't broken, it's just CSP I guess? Wild.
It's not very quest compatible, I'm afraid. The weight gain and vore systems use a lot of features like custom shaders, constraints, and audio sources that I think are completely incompatible with quest in standalone mode. Making a quest compatible system would require pretty significant alterations to the basic gameplay and functionality.
Heya! I'm having some trouble with retexturing the model I'm using Gainerfox_FireFade_Body_basecolor_2k PSD file and I'm exporting it as an PNG when I replace the texture file with the one I've made it turns out like this
The material I'm using is the FoxBody_FireFade_NSFW I'm not sure if I'm missing anything I've tried the same thing in blender 4.3.2 with the same result
Edit: Sorry if I put this in the wrong place, I just saw some other retexturing comments here and I thought this would be a good spot. If you want I can delete this and move it I will.
This looks like an issue with a lack of bleed edge- basically if the background color on the texture is white, it will show through at the seams around the texture patches.
Substance painter fixes this by extending the texture islands to fill the empty space upon export, but unfortunately doesn't do the same thing when it exports to photoshop files.
To fix this, I'd recommend filling the texture background with a solid fill, usually the base color of the fur. If you're still getting visible seams, it can help to paint the new texture colors a bit outside the boundaries, and you might need to clean up the edges a bit.
Sorry for the trouble here, I hope this helps with resolving it.