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A member registered Sep 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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(2 edits)

Nice game, I gave it a rating! Here's mine (played in the browser), I'd appreciate a rating too :)

An interesting twist on traditional flappy bird, however I didn't feel the bosses changed how I played very much. The "storm" didn't really effect how well I could dodge the obstacles, so maybe the bosses need to pose a threat in some other way? Also it would be good if each boss effected the game differently. The controls were simple but they felt good, I also like the designs for each of the bosses. A way to track my score would've been nice. Overall a good submission, well done!


Let me know what you think!

Hope you have fun!

Gave your game a rating. Check out mine :)

Appreciate the feedback! Yes resource management buildings could add a whole new aspect to the game!

Thanks for your feedback.

Thank you :)

Thanks very much!

Hope you enjoy!

I think my game is fairly unique. There were areas that I had to cut for time, but I think it still feels well rounded.

I'd love to check out yours as well. The artworks looks really nice!

Nice game, I left a rating. Here's mine if you want to check it out :)

I left your game a rating and some feedback :)

A rating on my game would be most appreciated!

This game mechanic is simple and unique, perfect for a game jam! I think you executed it well and choosing to only have a jump key was a good call. The margin for error was forgiving which was nice, however I would have liked to be able to replay each level individually, as playing from the start after failing didn't feel quite right for this type of game in my opinion. I appreciate having a tutorial screen with everything I need to know, so I was able to understand the first time round, and the music and sound effects were also a nice addition to complete the game. Well done!

I gave your game a rating and some feedback :)

I'd appreciate a rating on my game as well:

Well done on submitting, this is a good effort! I found the controls to feel a bit floaty and unresponsive at times, which isn't ideal for a speed running platformer. The music was a nice touch which I enjoyed. I really liked your idea with the power ups, the speed one added that fast paced feeling which I wanted and would have liked to see more of those. The collection of the coins was a good way to give direction, however the levels all took place on the same plane and I think adding some more variation in the vertical plane, and maybe a change in direction (going left to right), would make the levels feel more interesting. Overall, nice job and good luck on your next project!

Thanks! Yes, simple turret buildings and upgrades to the leaf blower were things on my list of potential additions!

Thank you. Yeah the cooldown might be a bit harsh, didn't get much time to properly balance things. There should be a sound effect and the charge bar should go red when you blow for too long. If you mean a "warning" type sound effect that happens before that then yeah that could be good.

Glad you had fun! Thanks for playing :)

Thanks for playing and your feedback. I appreciate the words of encouragement!

Is there a 16x16 version of the Godot autotiles? There doesn't appear to be any in Autotiles_16x16, only in Autotiles_32x32 and Autotiles_48x48.

Absolutely awful. Good job!