Oh hell yeah, love the aesthetics on display. The couple of ice fishermen chilling in the center the whole time adds so much and clicking fish that fall from the sky with physics tickles my lizard brain the whole time. The ramp-up for maximum fish in hands every 5 minutes was a really good idea.
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The movement felt reaalllllyy nice and I think slowing down as you turn is fairly realistic, plus it makes you choose whether you wanna prioritize precision or speed. I guess I was a little let down by the 'monster' since he looks so menacing on the cover but in-game he won't even close the gap if you try to let him catch you (I didn't see him at all in my first playthrough and only saw him once I tried to get caught).
But, super fun core mechanics!
I'd love to see this continue being worked on, the concept of slowly expanding your 'safe' zone with new fires could make for a great twist on survival games if you manage to polish the rest of the systems! Given the scarcity of resources I would say adding a crafting ingredients guide is a priority.
I really like the main character's aesthetic, and the gameplay loop of needing to find the key before crossing the 'mirror' is pretty novel - plus I bet it'll really lend to the dark dimension motif if you continue to flesh it out.
Given the cool VWWRRR sound effect that plays when you cross, I'd like to see a sound effect added for the key pickup. Just needs some kind of confirmation there.
This feels like a lowkey genius made it, perfect little experience that feels like it was made to be played in the small default resolution and feels even better for it. The vibes are immaculate, love the idea to make us hammer the gun with the BACK key (just a creative use of RPGMaker overall), and I personally love the art. Bravo! The animation going on in the first 'encounter' blows my mind too.
Accidentally posted this on the game page's comments so just gonna copy/paste here:
Fell in love with this when I realized I'd have to restart that short second screen because I was probably supposed to go down that hole. Such an original concept and keen eye for little puzzles/level design on full display!
Being able to press 'Q' to freeze or something would be nice though, since I was typically moving to the right it was harder to employ my index finger to hit the 'E' key than it would've been to lift my ring finger on demand. This is such a gem.
Fell in love with this when I realized I'd have to restart that short second screen because I was probably supposed to go down that hole. Such an original concept and keen eye for little puzzles/level design on full display!
Being able to press 'Q' to freeze or something would be nice though, since I was typically moving to the right it was harder to employ my index finger to hit the 'E' key than it would've been to lift my ring finger on demand. This is such a gem.
So cute, I'm glad I took a moment to download it! Unfortunately I got stuck during the 3rd rat balloon cutscene, but I had fun until then. When he says, "LOOK DOWN THERE AT THOSE STUPID FOXES", I can't progress further and there's a big error box behind the dialog saying
This is a fallback bubble, that is not actually connected to any character. In game use the following code to add speech bubbles to a character... etc.
This game ROCKS and good idea sneaking an endless mode in there while you were at it. For a moment I thought it was an (understandable given time constraints) shame that I couldn't zoom out to see the arena while picking hats - then I found the View Arena button. It's so much fun and you all thought of everything @@